My son is in Kindergarten and I received his yearbook. Do the kids still sign them? I remember we (the kids) would get them and sign or write something in our friends' books. I think I got my first one in 3rd grade though.
YES! It is all the rage… and it doesn’t even matter how well they know the other students. They’ll come home with them signed by schoolmates that passed them in the hall. (I’m sure they become more selective as they get older though.)
My kids didn’t really do that much when they were in the younger grades. But my daughter got her first middle school yearbook this year and she took it to school every day after until the last day and let her friends write in it.
I don’t know if my child is “cool” or not, but she also had several of her teachers write in hers.
I think in kindergarten, they don’t really know what to do and their writing skills are not that great (so small spaces are hard for them to write in, especially with no lines!)…
I think the most my kids’ friends wrote in theirs was maybe they wrote their name. That’s about it. LOL
Yup, still the thing to do!
Kindergarten…not so much.
High school…definitely!
It starts big time around 4th grade I think. I’m pretty sure my friends n I signed ours before but we all went to pre k n k n up together there were like 15 of us that were really close from k on. 6 or so of us from 6th grade on like we were at each others houses every weekend
Definitely still done, though I’m not sure K students are all ready to sign yet…It would be sweet if they just wrote their names, though!
My daughter has lots of signatures in her Elementary and Middle school yearbooks.
In high school grades 9-10 there are a few but not too many signatures.
In Sr. High School grades 11-12 … none. The yearbook is HUGE, about an inch+ thick with over 275 pages.
That is what is routine around here.
Kindergarten year book? Who does those. High school kids sign yearbooks. Never have I seen a K “yearbook.”
Interesting. I’m relatively near TF Plano/Allen, and teach high school. My students all sign their year books, and my son goes to a nearby highschool, too, and they also sign year books. It seems to vary from place to place. The books are huge!
I’m a Kindergarten teacher and it really depends on the teacher, when yearbooks got handed out, behavior in the class, etc. the most important thing is making sure the families that ordered a yearbook receives one. If a child brings ‘yearbook money’ in to the teacher then I have a record of that. However, sometimes parents pay on-line or can go to the front office and pay there. So, it can get confusing. I love having students look through the yearbooks, but sometimes the pages can get ripped and then you have a whole other problem. Signing the yearbook can get tricky, too. There needs to be monitoring on where to sign, size of their print, markers v pens, etc. and then I’ve also had some students cry because they didn’t receive a yearbook. I’ve had some years where the Kindergarteners signed yearbooks (I had several parent helpers), however I think it’s easier as they get older. Hope this information helps.
My daughter is in 1st, we didn’t buy her a yearbook but they made a “book” with construction paper and signed their names. Oh, and they signed on shirts too (remember that?). Good thing she wasn’t wearing a “good” shirt. And then she tells me, we can just wash and and it will come out. Um, no, not sharpie honey, it’s there for good, LOL.