non-annoying kid-friendly songs

I'm looking for songs to play at my daughter's 5th birthday party this month. We're pretty lenient with song lyrics and my kids listen to whatever we do (nothing obscene), but I know some of the kids coming have very strict parents. Suggestions?? I don't want to offend anyone or have anyone run away while covering their child's ears!

Walking on Sunshine
Whoomp There it Is
Space Jam
Life is a Highway
Hot Hot Hot
In the Jungle (Lion sleeps tonight--a wheem a Way)
Sheena is A Punk Rocker

How about the Laurie Berkner Band, Rebecca Frezza, Hot Peas n' Butter, Dan Zanes etc?

I love Raffi... but he annoys most ;)

I pretty much find all kid's music annoying. Perhaps some instrumental stuff that is just background. Or, theme music from a movie. The Cars soundtrack was fun!

My daughter is 5 and loves the Fresh Beat Band music.

What do you need this music for? Background stuff? For kids to actually boogie down to?

Elizabeth Mitchell is a folksy artist and I can totally tolerate her. Lady bug Picnic, You are my sunshine, sorta stuff and alot more.

In my home childcare we listen to alot of her and Casper Babypants and Boogie Mites. Kids current faves. All kid stuff, not grown up junk.

Also have a radio disney one with Disco types, etc. We are Family, Boogie Shoes, etc.

Have fun!

2 suggestions

putamayo kids cds - kids music from around the world


My kids really like to listen to Motown and the beach boys and they are 4 and 7. One of my daughter's favorite groups right now is ABBA. No bad words but fun to dance and sing along with.

I would play older stuff, like The Beatles. They are a beautiful band with amazing songs. Plus, the adults would probably really like that as well.

Joe Scruggs! He's hilarious.

Play some Beach Boys :-) its a 'summer B-day party' right ?! LOL
and like Betsy said 'play some older stuff' cant go wrong with that !
Have fun and Happy 5th Birthday :-)

My 4 year old loves Taylor Swift. She's not too bad.

Don't send me hate mail, but Lady Gaga has some really fun songs that dont have any profanity or objectionable lyrics. But people may object due to who she is. We also like Micheal Jackson and Justin Beiber at my house. If you have digital cable, there are music channels that are kids only. Also, on the computer, you can get kid stations that play a mix of kid songs.

Get a Kids Bop CD. They are the latest songs sung by kids and are really good. And they will change a lyric or two if necessary :)

Honestly, I think my favorite kids songs are by Dan Crow. He was more a thing when I was a kid, but you can still get his CDs on Amazon and places like that. He's the one who wrote/sang the theme song "Walk Outside" for Milo & Otis, if you remember that movie.

This is by far the least annoying kids' music I have ever heard. All the songs, though classic, sound hip & new. I actually know all the words. My daughter is 6 & still loves it.

They might be giants, lauri berkner, putomayo playground things. I've also had luck with the "music for little people" label. When my daughter was born I went on a hunt for music that I didn't hate, and found some great blues and jazz compilations too. Jazz for Kids, Big blues... Real artists, often singing songs you know. I've also seen totally 80's for kids, totally motown for kids...

We've been enjoying Ziggy Marley's "Family Time" CD lately. Has guest contributions by Jack Johnson, Paul Simon, Jack Johnson, Willie Nelson, Laurie Berkner, Jamie Lee Curtis, etc. Love it!

To me, anything geared at kids is annoying. Pick music from the 50's or instrumental stuff geared towards people (little and big!)