Mamapedia Inbox irregularities and deletions

I don’t check my inbox all that often, especially since the number of legitimate questions is so small. Most of us who’ve been members for a long time learned that there’s no way to clean out that inbox and reduce the number of “flowers” sent for liking someone else’s answer.

I happened to check my inbox after seeing another obscene answer from a troll who hadn’t made too much noise lately, and sure enough, there was a message/friend request from that person(filled with the usual obscenities). I ignored it, of course. I checked again the other day, and noticed I have a flower from a legit member on 2/27, and then a big gap with flowers and said message removed. The last flower was on 2/12, then nothing visible until 2/27.

At first I thought that a moderator had reappeared and actually stepped in to deal with violations of the site’s terms and conditions, although why innocuous flowers would be removed along with a bogus message, I can’t imagine. And prior messages of hate and violence were still there, so I’m now wondering if there was some sort of glitch not controlled by a human. Just curious if any other real Mama members are seeing anything.

Weird. Nothing in mine, not even from my use of an expletive recently.

Hmmm, now that you mention it, I don’t see any flowers sent or received from me since the start of February. I’m pretty sure I did at least send something, so maybe I have lost some messages/etc too. Weird. Ah well, the fate of electronic data…

I haven’t had any messages since early 2023, but noticed a weird one from someone asking if I would step on his stomach with my bare feet…gross. First time I see that message. I also noticed a mom responded to a message I had sent to her, but I never noticed she responded until now. Other than that, I see flowers consecutively for every month I checked. That’s not to say none got deleted, but I didn’t see anything that looked too unusual. It doesn’t seem we have any moderators yet, it’s been a while since I saw someone monitoring and removing inappropriate messages, so I wonder who is paying to “keep the lights on.”

I’m so sorry you’ve received awful messages! I haven’t had any flowers since January, but I don’t think I’ve posted much either. Sad what has happened to this site.

Maybe they are running out of disk space.
The site doesn’t always work right.
If they ever do get moderators back, they have a heap of crud to remove.

@Diane_B3 @Natalie_L1 @Suz_t @RN_L @alewinson - Hopefully some good news, the inbox / messaging feature should work correctly going forward with the new update to the site.

You’ll likely receive a direct message from me as well with the annoucement! (of the new site).

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I would like to either edit my user name, or delete my account. Can you please help me do that?

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@RN_L yes of course I can help you with that. I’ll PM you regarding how to manage and update your profile.

Thank you. I’m sorry, but i am finding this site really confusing to navigate. I thought I was replying to your message privately, but that isn’t the case? In any case, I do not see any private messages.

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No need to apologize @RN_L - I’ll post a video first thing tomorrow walking through the basic of the new site. Sorry it’s confusing but rest assured it’s a big improvement over the old system. I’ll be in tough tomorrow!