It seems to me that celebration can be done without gifts. Perhaps this is easier to communicate if you call it a 'baby celebration' instead of a shower. Since your sister may need extra things for twins, maybe you can have her register, but make sure that people ask for the info. That way, someone like your aunt, can be invited, and attend without giving a present, while someone who wants to attend and give a present can find something appropriate.
Your Aunt is a stick in the mud! Why not celebrate each and every blessing that enters this world?! I say go for it and let her (your Aunt) choose what kind of Aunt she "really" is by showing up... or not.
Happy Celebrating!
I agree with your sister, celebrate every baby!
My youngest was born this summer and we had a shower after she was born. There weren't a lot of gifts (not needed), but it was still nice to celebrate her new life. I think as long as the shower is a little more fun/socialization focused and less about gifts, then it's totally fine!
Of course it isn't wrong!! Even though she already had a baby shower she probably got rid of stuff, and there is probably tons of stuff she still doesn't know about. With twins, having extra of everything is a big help, and having her sister (wink) throw her the shower would be an even bigger help!
Here's another vote for celebrating again. I have no idea what miss manners would say, and I for one didn't have a second shower, although so many of my friends offered to throw one or asked when I was doing one. So, go ahead and enjoy!
absolutely she should have another one. Even if it was just one child. Baby showers allow the mom to celebrate she is having a baby. I didn't get one with my second child and always felt jipped. Plus.. all the cute baby things we hand down to our children when they have kids all belong to my son. Not that he'd care if I gave some to his sister, but I would know that those special baby things weren't hers.
I did not have a second one, but my boys where close together and I had everything I needed so I asked my friends not to. I know many others, who's children where farther apart, where adding twins, or a child of the opposite sex, who had one because they did need more stuff to prepare. I do not see why it would not be ok to have one, I mean a new baby is a great reason to celebrate!
I was given 2 showers for my first and 1 for my second. I figure every baby is a reason to celebrate. I joke that I'd like to have 10 kids. Even though I figure I'll probably not get that far (I may call it quits before I get there!), I would like to have a shower for each baby--even if all I get at future showers is cards and a bite of cake. Or maybe I'd ask those who are coming to pool their resources to get one of those jogging strollers--a double one, ideally...
I'm not sure what school of thought your aunt is from, but don't worry about her. Tell her she doesn't have to buy anything if she wants to come, just come and ooh and aah over the presents. And maybe have the shower after the babies are born, so everyone can enjoy them!
I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with having a second baby shower. When I was growing up, we celebrated each and every baby with a shower. After I got married and had my first (with a shower), I got pregnant with twins (like your sister!) and no one did a shower. I had trouble understanding, especially since everybody actually got twin stuff for my kids-so what would've been the difference to do it all at once and celebrate my kids? It really wasn't about the stuff to me-I agree that it's awesome to celebrate each birth!! Funny thing-when I had my daughter (who was after my twins), they gave me a shower!! :) By then I had a lot of the basics but it was nice to get little dresses, etc. I think there should be a shower for every baby!!! :) Why would we only celebrate the first??? :) Babies are awesome!!! Hugs and congratulations to your sister and bless her and those twins (and the first child!)!!! (If she has any twin questions, feel free to contact me!!!) :)
It's not wrong. My church put on two baby showers for me - one for my first daughter, one for my second.
I see nothing wrong with it. I have 3 kids, and my church women's group threw me a shower (unrequested) for each baby. The women enjoy it and so do the mothers. It is a tradition in our church and every mother-to-be gets a shower for every baby. It is not just an excuse to "get gifts" but a reason to celbrate each individual gift (the baby) from God and since each baby is a different person, they each get thier own party. It is not a "mommy shower" it is a baby shower, to shower the baby, not the mother. I say throw her a shower and if people don't think it's appropiate, they don't have to attend.
No, I absolutely dont think it is wrong. We come across this all the time with my big family and all my friends being of the furtile age. We do something a little different. We call it a Baby Celebration. After all, we believe that it is about celebrating the little one (not getting showered with gifts). Each child is special and different and they each deserve to be celebrated. Just dont go out and register for all those large ticket items the third, forth, fifth time around. If anyone wants to get the baby something special thats fine too. :)
I think a shower is a wonderful way to welcome a new arrival! Just because you already had a baby and shower, doesn't mean you can't have another one. My arguement with my mother was that she felt I should have my 2nd babies shower AFTER the baby was born. I needed the items before the arrival since this child was a boy and my first was a girl.
Well, I was going to add my two cents, but I must say that the other wonderful Mommies on this site have already done a great job. ;)
Just to be clear though, I too believe that each baby deserves to have their day. And especially since she is having twins- she could use all of the love and support she can get.
Take care~
I understand wanting to celebrate the birth of a child, but I too am a believer of only 1 baby shower. There are other ways to celebrate the birth with a dinner or family party once the child is born. People shouldn't feel obligated to give gifts for each child, but should do it because they want to. I have 2 children and only had 1 shower. It is all a matter of preference.
It's all a matter of preference. My best friend threw me a shower for my first child (which was not at my request, it was a surprise) and after she was born my husband and I threw BBQ so our friends and family could come and see the baby. It was wonderful. For our second and third children (also girls), we asked everyone to not throw us a shower, but to come to a party after the girls were born. Again, it was great to see everyone have such a great time with the babies. That kind of a party was far better than a shower, because I could show off my new babies. But again, its a matter of preference. If your sister wants a shower, throw her one. :)
NO! I just had my second baby last month. I didn't waqnt a shower, but one of my friends really wanted to put together a celebration for us. So instead, we had a blessing way / brunch celebration. It was wonderful. My friends shared photos and stories of their families with wishes for the new baby in a gorgeous scrapbook, brought beads to string together for a laboring necklace, and wrote affirmations for me to remember during labor. I asked that there be no presents, but of course everyone loves to buy presents for new babies and so there were still presents. We had a lovely meal together, and I felt very supported going forward into labor. I think it is a terrific idea to celebrate each child's arrival in some way, whether it be during pregnancy or after arrival.
Thank you for all your responses! You guys were great, gave me a good giggle! She will definitely be getting a wonderful baby shower! Thank you again!