
I have to have a hysterectomy due to pelvic pain and painful menstrual cycles. Although I have had 4 cesearean sections, I'm a little nervous about this one. I will only be getting my uterus removed.

If you have had this surgery, can you tell me about it. Any complications? How was your recovery time?, etc.


I haven't but my mother did, she's glad she had it done to this day. It's been maybe 8 years ago, no problems. I remember her being sore for a week or so, but other than that, she was fine.
I pray that your surgery goes well,
God Bless!

I had a hysterectomy last July, I was 34. They did the surgery vaginaly. It was very easy. I had my surgey on a Monday and by thursday I was feeling really good. I did have some problems with my BM's so make sure you take stool softeners. I had nose surgery in Dec. and I would have the hysterectomy 1000 times over before I did the nose surgery again!
Oh check out

lots of great information on that site.

Please don't hesitate to e mail me if you have questions.
[email protected]


Ok it sound like these to previous women had it good, me on the other hand not so lucky. I went in Dec 11 2007 and had my uterus removed through cesearean due to complications. My intestines, bowels and navel were attached to my uterus and a lost a lot of blood and had to have a transfusion and became anemic due to the massive blood loss. I was in the hospital for 8 days because they had to wait until the blood levels were back to normal and that i was not dehydrated. I lost 15 pounds in 1 week. I had a lot of disgestion and bowel problems. I ended up getting scar tissues so I was out of work for 8 wks due to the pain and recovery. It was a Major surgery and I have never been in so much pain. I had a c-section with my youngest in May 2005 and it was bad but not even close to what I experienced with this. I just want you to know so you can be prepared just in case.

Best of Luck,

best thing I ever did for myself! I had no problems.

I had a partial hysterectomy a couple of year ago for similar reasons as yours (plus extreme anemia). I, too, had multiple c-sections. The abdominal hysterectomy surgery is very similar to a c-section surgery. My only advise to you is when they tell you "six weeks recovery", it means " SIX WEEKS RECOVERY"! Now, I was older when I had my hysterectomy than when I had my last c-section; but, the recovery time did take longer for the hysterectomy. Just remember to take it easy and ask for help. My hysterectomy was the best thing I ever did!

I had a complete hysterectomy a little over a year ago. I had it due to a lot of pelvic pain both with ovulation and my periods. It was the best thing I've every done. I feel better now than I have in years.

The recovery was easier than I thought, and the only real pain I experienced was after my pain ball ran out in the hospital. I had a three year old at the time that I couldn't pick up. We explained it to him and he did really good about it. I could drive after a week and after about 4 I could do pretty much anything except for lift anything over 20 lbs. The time went by very quickly. I only had help around the house for a week, but had my mom shop with me b/c I couldn't carry the heavy bags. Other than that, it was pretty easy.

Please feel free to contact me with any specific questions, and good luck!!

I had complete hysterectomy via abdominal incision in 2001.

The BEST thing I ever did. No complications, no weight gain, no swelly belly, higher sex drive. I'm healthier and happier than ever.

Feel free to pm me with any questions.

Hi-I know this post is from a while ago, but I am having the same thing done in three days. I also have had 4 c-sections. I was just wondering how it went for you, and how you recovered from the pain. My little ones are 7,6,4,15mo. thanks