Hello Kristine! So much hair stuff!!! We have two little girls with amazingly thick hair. This is what we did: We took a square of cork board and attached thin ribbons going all differnt directions. We used hot glue on the back and various dots of it on the front. The clips of all varities an now clipped to the ribbons and "displayed" on the cork board. The board comes with adhesive hangers that are not harmful to paint, so it is hung on the closet door. It was a really fun protect to do together as they got to pick out the ribbon to use and the direction it went on the board. It works so well, that I use another cork board and glued ordinary tacks to it to hang head bands and ponytail holders. You would have to put that one higher to avoid little hands pulling them out and leaving them on the floor (hot glue only holds so well, you know). It has worked great for us and it got all the hair stuff out of the bathroom and hung in a way that my 5 year old can choose what she wants without digging and creating a bigger mess (like a big drawer dedicated to hair stuff). Good luck choosing a method that works for your girls!
Have you tried taking a long section of ribbon and putting a tack through it and putting it on the wall and clipping the barrettes and such to it? :0 Just an idea
My daughter is 3- I keep them in a gallon size ziplock baggie in a drawer-
some of the other responses sound interesting for me to try later, but I wanted to keep ponytail holders off the floor! :)
With 4 girls, hair stuff is a BIG issue for us, too. I haven't ever really found anything that works great, because more often than not, the girls will take out their hair stuff during the day and lose it somewhere. I have always thought of hair stuff as basically disposable!
I have a friend whose girls wear big bows all the time. She took a wide ribbon (maybe 1 1/2 inches) that matches the decor in the bathroom. It's about 2 feet long, and she made a bow at the top and hung it on the wall. She clips the bows on to that. They're easy to see and look cute too. I've also seen it done where you take yarn and make a braid with small bows at the top and bottom and hang it up. It kind of looks like a braid of hair, with bows clipped to it.
For little stuff, I have tried getting some little drawer organizers and putting bobby pins in one, rubber bands in one, clips, etc. Maybe your daughter is better about keeping things organized than mine! LOL
We have a 2 1/2 yr old girl. Grandma has bought every hair accessory known to man. We bought a plastic storage contained with 3 drawers to go under the bathroom sink (so the bathroom sink is not taken over by hair stuff). It is a decent size - about 9hx9Wx12L with 2inch deep drawers. Rubberband type (hair stabilizing) things in one drawer; barretts, bows, clips adn other accessories in another drawer; and headbands in another drawer. Since we have a boy too, the combs and spray bottle are in the "everyone" bathroom drawer - otherwise everything is "hers" and is not to be touched.
Get a fishing tackle box. The top piece can be for your two year old and the bottom half can be for your five year old. Make sure that it is the kind that has two distinct parts. Also, you can go to wal-mart and get those plastic drawers that they can share. I use mine for my makeup and my hair ties.
Hi Kristine,
Our babysitter has a 5-year old girl and she has all her hairstuff in one of those big container that the fishermen use to put all their different hooks in. It seems to be a great system because it has so many different small compartment and she sorted them by color. It looked really nice and easy to access.
I have three girls and we have lots of hair things! I do have a drawer full of drawer organizers for the barrettes arranged by size. I have to say I was very pleased when I came up with a solution for the ponytail holders. Because having three girls we have way too many hair things that just get lost in the drawer and you can't really see what you have. So I got some book rings. I separated all the elastic bands in to their similar sizes and then have one ring for each size. It works so well! You can see all of the colors and if they have a match or not. They also come off very easily. You can find book rings at any store that has office supplies. They come in different sizes, I like the large ones because they hold more. I keep mine in the drawer, but you could implement some of the other ladies advice and use ribbons or hooks and hang them an the wall or some thing like that too. Good luck with your organizing!. It was also fun for my girls to help me separate them into groups, your five year old might like this and the two year old would probably just have fun mixing them all up again!:)
For clips and barretts my mom stiched a ribbon (or you could even tie) onto a hanger and let the long end hang down. You can then hair things that clip can hang one the ribbon and you can see them and have easy access to them all.
I just use drawer organizers. Bed, Bath & Beyond and little baskets of all different sizes that you can mix & match to fit your drawer depending on your needs. I now have one for small elastics, one for big elastics, one for small clips and a big one for bows & other baubles.
When I was young I used to have a ribbon strip or something that my mom would clip the barettes onto. I could see them and pick them off myself. Of course it wouldn't really work for rubberbands, but maybe a new idea for clips and such??
I put the ponytail holders on a shower curtain ring. I have been storing barrettes in small baskets in a 3 drawer organizer, but I might be changing to the ribbon method after reading some of your responses!!
We have a "doll" that has no arms or legs, but ribbon down the front and back of her soft body that holds barrettes, and we put the ponies on the doll's braids. Headbands we just put in a shoe box!
I have always made a braid out of yarn. Use about 20 strands that are about 6 ft long. Fold it in half, make a loop @ the top and knot it. divide into 3 piece and braid like hair. Then tie it at the end with scrap of yarn in a knot. I put it on the inside of the bathroom closet with a push tac. This works the best for us. Every Mom has yarn... Really not very much money or time.
I have one of those little plastic storage containers that has three drawers for my daughters. It doesn't take up a whole lot of room on the counter and my 5 year old can reach what she wants. In one drawer, we put headbands, in the middle one, we put barrettes and bows and the bottom, we put ponytail holders. I also have a 2 year old daughter who uses smaller ponytail holders and have a separate little container for them that I keep in the medicine cabinet because it makes it easier to separate as well as keeps them out of her reach (I got tired of spending 20 + minutes on my hands and knees picking up each individual ponytail holder off the floor because she dumped them out in search for one particular one :) ). I love the drawer container because it's economical (I think we paid $3-$5 for it if that) and although it doesn't take up a lot of space, it holds a lot and can separate/organize them. You can get clear ones or colored ones to match your bathroom decor. Good luck :)
My daughter has two little girls and makes cute flower hair clips. She clips them on a long ribbon and hangs it in her daughters' room...it looks as much like a decoration as it does hair accessories and the girls can see them without having to dig through a container full.
We use one of those plastic boxes with all the compartments that you find in the fishing section. It is great for all the pony's and barettes-not so great for bulky hair pieces. A friend of mine hung some ribbon on her daughters wall and clips her barettes onto it-that worked pretty slick.
hang em from a ribbon.
My mom mad barrettes for ale (feather things in the 80s...hahah) anway, she had elastic strips thumbtacked to the back of the bathroom closet door. We just clipped those to the rows od bands. The hair bands were put on antique ring dishes with the "finger" or "spike" that stuck up. We also had headbands out of fabric and I think we rolled those in drawer organizers int he ost shallow drawer.
This might sound odd, but have you tried a single level (or larger if needed ) tackle style box? It has a tight lid and tons of little sections for different hair items. That's what we use for my sons tiny toy cars. Good luck!