Help with storage of little girl's hair accessories

This is a question for all you mommies of little girls. I was wondering if anyone has a good system to share on storage and easy accesiblitly for little girls hair accessories. My 2 year old doesn't get her own yet- but my 5 year old likes to pick out her own, I was just wondering if there is a better system that I am not even thinking of. I have tried little containers. Thanks so much! Kristine

This is soooo funny! I just went through our bathroom yesterday and organized all the clips, headbands, rubber bands and all that stuff, it was a mess!
I put all the clips in a ziploc bag, I put all the headbands together and secured them with a wire bread wrap, I put all the rubber bands in a ziploc bag. It is clear, they can see what they want from holding it up before they dig in too.
It is so much nicer to have it all put in it's own place. Now if it can stay that way, well that is another story.
Then for the top drawer I got three small square baskets from target for like 80 cents a piece, I organized all the nail clippers, combs, brushes and all that in the top drawer with each category having a basket. Since the baskets take the whole drawer on the top as far as space, it will be easy for my daughter just to drop whatever she is using back into the appropriate basket. Now no more digging through all the mess!
Good luck, it is just so funny as I was grumpy about the mess yesterday and got it all organized and felt so much better.
I even got extra baskets for my nail polish, (put away from the kids of course) and my personal hygenine items like deoderant, lotions and my nail files and so forth. That goes in a bigger basket under the sink with a latch on it so I can only get into it.

Sadly in the 16 years since my oldest DD was born (I have 7, 4 boys and 2 girls) I have never really found a system that works for any length of time. I have just come to the conclusion that they will always be odd numbered and something I buy regularly.

I don't have daughters, but when I was younger there where these thing call kabutals ( I think I spelled that wrong) They where like tackle boxes with spaces for make-up or hair ties. I don't think they sell them anymore but maybe a fishing tackle box would work.

We have ours in a little Tupperware container. I like it because the kids can't get into the hair accessories without my help, so they aren't scattered all over the house.

I have a 2 year old as well and came to read your responses...we are still a mess. lol. I'm getting ready to redo her room and hopefully can find something fun. I do intend to buy some hair clip wall hangings I saw at a recent craft fair they were big flowers with ribbons hanging down from them and the clips just clip on to the ribbons. It was pretty, and inventive and accessible.

They do still sell caboodles...I have one for my hair cutting stuff...
For my dd I want her to have access to the hair things and still not have it chaotic.
if you find a miracle let me know!

What about an over-the-door shoe hanger? I have one in my coat closet and use it for hats, gloves, etc. It's see through and has about 15-20 pockets for things. Just a thought!

I found this little 3 drawer rubbermaid product, that I'm sure is suppose to be used for crafts or something, it's in the color purple matches my daughters room nicely. One drawer holds all the rubber bands since we have every color of the rainbow, since my daughter always has to match, another drawer holds her comb, brush and clips, and then another drawer holds all her head bands. It's nice cause it will fit right on her shelf and when I tell her it's time to do her hair she goes and picks out the clips or rubber bands, grabs her comb and brush, and does it all on her own.

I use the usual storage bins/shelves for ponytail holders, etc. For big bows, I got out a bunch of yarn and cut several long pieces all about the same length. I braided the yarn (so it kind of looked like hair) and hung it on the wall. I clipped my bows, etc. all the way down the hair and now we can see exactly what to use. It's also kind of cute. :) My friends just bought pretty ribbon and clipped her hair bows on that.

Just a couple thoughts (my daughter is still little), what about a fishing tackle box - they have lots of slots and a big area on the bottom. My aunt uses one of thoese big pretzel cannisters (that you buy at Sams's or Costco). That works because it is clear and big enough to where your little one can stick her hand in and pull out what she would like to wear that day without dumping everything.

I used hefty ziploc bags (with the zipper) they work great!


I will be interested to read any answers you get because I have the same problem. My twins girls are 9 and we have gone through many versions of hair accessory storage. The current one that seems to be working okay for now is that most of the items are in one of those flat, plastic boxes where you can move the dividers to create different size spaces. The hard plastic headbands are in a quart-size ziploc bag and the little tiny elastic bands (we use them for braids when they want their hair to be wavy in the morning) are in a snack-size ziploc bag. ~ Mary

Hi Kristine,

I got my daughter one of those hanging shoe holders with clear pockets that could hang on the back of her door. We divided the hair accessories by color, and put each color in its own pocket. It helped her learn her colors, and helped us both coordinate her outfits.


For our 18 month old we just went to a sporting goods store, Cabela's, and bought a container that was flat, and has 5 long sections to store all her little bows. For clips you might try clipping them to a long piece of ribbon that you could hang up...have your daughter help personalize it by glueing on flowers, or whatever she would like.

One of my favorite ideas that has worked great for us is that I got a cute ribbon, tied it into a bow, and tacked it inside one of my cabinet doors in my bathroom. We then clip barretts and hair clips on the ribbon. My girls can open the door and easily find a barrett/hair clip to match whatever they are wearing.

Hi Kristine,

I am a mom of three girls so we are overwhelmed with hair stuff. I don't know yet if I have a perfect method, but I bought some ribbon that is attached to a block (actually each of my daughters have the letter in their name) and then the barrettes clip to that and it hangs on the wall in their room. It works great for the barrettes, it's kind of decoration, and even my 2 year old can get the barrettes down. As for the rubberbands and headbands and such I have those in a plastic container that is three drawers so the girls can go and get their rubberbands too because they just pull the drawer out. It works for us. Good luck!

one of the cutest and easiest ways I've seen to store them is on a ribbon... hang the ribbon on the wall and clip the hair barettes onto the ribbon. You can also add a little hook for ponytail holders. =)

I went to a specialty shop and saw a cute little dress made from fabric and a doll clothing hanger and there were ribbons hanging from the skirt.I ended up making my daughter one and it looks cute hanging in the bathroom. All of her barettes are attached to the ribbons, leaving me with the rubber bands going into a little metal storage container. ( I have still yet to figure out what to do with head bands) It allows her to see all of her barretts and choose the one she wants to wear for the day. It is pretty cute and I ended up making my friends some too! I can send you a picture if you'd like.

Hi there! I went to Savers thrift store and found a great wide fabric belt with a ring on the end. I hung it up in my daughter's room and clip all the hair accessories on it. It works great and cost me $1.00! you could also buy ribbon at a fabric store and do the same thing. Good luck!


I use a big plastic "box" with about 16 drawers, that is usually used to hold nails, screws, etc. I got it at Target. I organized each drawer by color, so it is so much easier to find what we need each morning.