I took my car to the shop and saw a mouse/rat scurrying around my glove apartment. I only saw its backside and tail so I'm not really sure what I saw. Anyway, the service guys tried to find him and didn't. They cleaned out the droppings, chewed paper and chewed pieces of floor mat. Satisfied enough, I took the car. This morning, there is more chewed paper and droppings and it has started chewing on my car seat. How do I get rid of a mouse/rat from my car humanely? Can anyone help?
Dcon has the traps that rotate when a rodent gets in it.
I think it still kills it but you wont have to see it
Do you park it in a place where you can keep the windows down or even the door open for awhile? Put some food outside of the car? I lost a mouse in my first car... long story... but it died somewhere in the dash. We took the dash completely apart, and never found the little bugger. My car stunk really really bad for a long time.
Good luck sweetie!
First of all, hats off to you for caring about being humane to a rodent leaving droopings and damage to your car! My thought has always been the deader - the better! Anyhow, when it comes to mice, we found that the only thing that worked was to use the glue traps with some food on them. Not humane, but effective! Good luck to you!
First of all, hats off to you for caring about being humane to a rodent leaving droopings and damage to your car! My thought has always been the deader - the better! Anyhow, when it comes to mice, we found that the only thing that worked was to use the glue traps with some food on them. Not humane, but effective! Good luck to you!
Critters multiply. Where there is one there are many! Set the traps. I had a rat get in my car and it made its nest in my engine and ate the wiring harness on my brand new car (only 4 months old). Luckily I park my car in the garage and it was covered under the homeowners. The dealer actually suggested we claim it becaus of the cost (4800!) I applaud you for loving all creatures, but at what cost?!
have someone put it on a lift and look at your engine and your wires. There may be more damage than you think. Good luck
I would put some decon in the car. Just make sure it is out of reach of any children and not around food. Also, out of reach of family pets.
We live on a heavily wooded lot with lots of critters and we keep decon in our attic and under the deck. We found our first snake of the season today while people were here cleaning up tree debris from the storm last week. We have copperheads!!
If they're in your car, they are also living wherever you keep your car. Call Ken he owns Pro Tech Pest Control 817-461-3362. He's a great pest control guy and he will get rid of them for you. He's very popular, you may have a hard time scheduling, so call soon. His prices are excellent.
Getting rid of the rats will not be humane. But your daughter will be safe. Rats are not good for humans to be around.
Going forward, after you've rid yourself of them... humane would be for you to change the place you are keeping your car to not attract rats and changing your car to not attract rats. Paper is for bedding... a cozy place to sleep. They may have been drawn there by the smell of some juice or food your daughter dropped in the car.
Well, I don't know about humanely, but my hubby was told by a rat exterminator to buy a rat zapper and lure it to go into it. It took a few days of the rat trusting and seeing the device there, but when he went in, he was zapped immediately and discarded quickly. Humane? Maybe not...but mice and rat droppings can be dangerous if inhaled/ingested, so they aren't worth the risk to family...just get rid of it.
If we're talking about being humane...put a hungry cat or snake in the car for a few nights. That's nature, right???
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Thanks to all of you for supplying leads on what to do. I took the car back to shop where they found no major damage to the wires. I later found dcon under the seat. I had the car professionally cleaned and the guys there didn’t find any rodents scurrying around. My husband tried to “humanely” smoke the rat out of the car by lighting incense. I did think about the cat but ours would scratch up the seats more than the rat did. I’m not sure what worked but to date, I no longer have creatures living in my car. Keep your fingers crossed it holds up. Thanks again. This is the best online community