Help 7 week old screaming baby

I'm a mother of 5. My newest one is 7 weeks old. I've never had a problem with any of the other ones like I am with her. If she isn't sleeping, she is screaming and she has not had a bowel movement on her own since she push all the tar like stuff out. We've switched formula from Similac Advance to Sensitive, we tried dark kara syrup, baby apple prune juice, we tried another formula Nutramigen and even soy and I had to put her back on the sensitive because she screams less with that then any of the other ones. She usually tenses up and screams right after she's done eating. Her pediatrician prescribed zantac for her. I make sure I burp her really well. When I help her to have a bowel movement every 2 to 3 days, it's not hard like constipation, it's not liquidy either and it's a dark olive green color. I don't know what to do for her. What can I do to ease what seems like a bunch of pain for her and get her to have a bowel movement on her own?

Hi Coleen, all I can tell you I went through the same thing. I am a mom of 4 and my last was just like how described your baby. Always in pain and screaming all the time. Tried every formula, even the ones that have NO milk, nothing in it at all for baby's with allergies. When we tried her on soy, she screamed so bad that I hurt inside. The next day after the soy I had to rush her the emergency room as she was bleeding inside and it was coming out like a period; talk about freak out!!!! Turns she has a protein allergy and through LOTS of different tests, blood, upper GI, minor surgery where take biopsies from her stomach we have found out she is allergic to EVERYTHING!!!! Been in the ER twice; once for cashew nuts and the next for ant bites, so I walk with an epi pen. Those are the skin allergies. Food is, wheat, milk, soy, corn, whew, all diary, eggs and the list goes on. She also has digestive problems and still wakes a lot at night as her stomach cramps up a LOT!!! So hard to deal with, especially since after having 3 children before, never having to deal with any of this. She is 3 years old now and we are still dealing a lot with stomach issues; but now she is older I explain a lot to her and she understands if she eats something bad, her stomach will cramp up and believe it or not, it cramps mostly at night. On the days she has no problems she will sleep all through the night so good. But once she has eaten something that does not agree with her, she is up for about 4-6 hours at night crying and cramping. She has gotten a lot better and the doctors have told me that she will out grow most of her food, stomach and skin allergies. If you would like to talk to someone who understands, please write me privately and I will give you my phone number. It is very painful to go through for you and your baby.

Only other thing I can suggest is the breast feed her if you can. NO formulas worked with my daughter; NONE. No medications worked either. I strictly breast feed until she was 20 months old, only introducing her to food at 8 months old. I did something called the illumination diet, where I was watching what I eat so not to give her stuff through my breast milk to hurt her. It was hard, but so worth it!!! Hope I have helped and good luck!!

Get her to a different doctor who will check her out better, this is NOT normal and dark olive green in a seven week old baby is not normal. Make sure the doctor knows the baby is not having a bowel movement on her own, and the color.

my daughter was like this, but i dont think to this extream. SHe couldnt handle by breast milk, got covered in a rash. i tired regular formula and she has sever colic and coulndt pass a bowl movemnet. put her on soy, and things eased up. in order to get her to pass a bowl movement i used warm prune juice. i felt soo horrible for having to give her something that seems soo "strong" at such a young age. i would also rub her belly... and pull her legs up to her chest.. to try to "move" her bowls. if you have a stethoscope i would listen to her belly and see if you can her bowl sounds. that is really important. when you are switching the formulas... are you giving them "time" to work? thats one thing my pedi told me to do.. give it "time" before you switch it again. Gripe Water (its all natural and you can buy it at like walgreens in the baby area) worked really well for the gas pains. good luck. and i hope its nothing serious. FYI my pedi is Dr.Bartlet at PPC in fort myers fl.

Hi Colleen! I can relate, my newest didn't have problems pooping, but screamed constantly and then one day had dark green poops. My nephew had just been diagnosed with a milk protein allergy, and sure enough this is what mine had too. The only reason I had them check, was she was displaying the same symptoms as him, otherwise I never would have known about this. Apparently this allergy is common and usually outgrown by a year. The symptoms are: dark green poops, rash (often mistaken for heat rash or baby acne as my daughter was at first), and COLIC!!! The dark green stool means there could be blood in the poop. Call your pediatrician and bring in a poopy diaper. It is a simple test to see if there is blood in it, takes 5 minutes. But they need the poopy diaper to check. Also, they will probably put your daughter on Nutramigen or Alimentum. It can take up to 2 weeks to work, because the milk protein can stay in them that long. So you have to at least try it for 2 weeks. Good luck!!!

She is severely allergic to food! Check out a NAET provider in your area to elimiate the allergens. You will see relief right away. Get her off Zantac. It will not help and is loaded with aluminum and other toxic metals that will lead to autism/developmental delays. I have steered several people just like you into the proper treatment and their babies start eating, sleeping and pooping normally in a few short visits. MAke sure you get her on her tummy for periods throughout the day to build those stomach muscles as well. AT least 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes each or build to that if she can't now.

I would take her to see a gastroenterologist! Dr. Arasu is at St. Joseph and is GREAT! She is more than likely having a reaction to the milk or a digestive problem!! Certainly give him or another pediatric gastro a call!!!!

All the switching around of trying different formulas can actually cause her far more discomfort. Especially DONT give people food like Karo syrup and apple juice type things.... This is making her in even more pain. At 7 weeks old, her digestive system is VERY underdeveloped....meaning that they can not easily handle foreign foods like formula and all those other things. In addition, she probably has an even greater sensitivity to something in the formulas, probably cows milk protein and soy- both are common allergens to people. You may need a special prescription formula that contains neither. Also, feed in small amounts MANY times a day, maybe every hour, whatever she will accept. Burp her throughout the feeding and after, then again after 10-15 min. Keep her held upright on you (get a good carrier or sling) or keep her elevated another way if you are unable to hold her. I would say she needs LOTS of carrying and holding, it will make her feel more
comfortable, secure and allow her to relax- even if she's still crying in pain. At least you can reduce
her stress and crying for other reasons and she will suck in less air, which will cause less discomfort.

Can you see a lactation consultant? The best thing for her would be breadtmilk. It is the right food for a brand new baby's gut. If you can pump, take some milk producing supplements such as fennugreek tablets (cheap and easy!), coconut milk and red raspberry lead tea then you could nurse her, even for a few feeding a day to start until you get your full supply back! There are even pills you can order that will start production in moms that are adopting so there is something that will work for you and your baby! Formulas are still made artificially and although your other kids were able to tolerate it, many babies can't, and natural breadtmilk would be best.

Best wishes for a quick resolution. See a new Dr ASAP! Dark green stool and lots of pain are NOT normal and she needs immediate help!

Oh please get her off the formula.
Green probably bile- the poor little body is tryin to cope with the junk in the formula.
Don't know how close your babies were to each other- but unless your nutrition is terrific then it is very possible that she has waful deficienies because the things she needed to make a body- well you were just out of those-
the wonderful thing for our babies is that if there is only enough for 1 then they get it, then for the next one, unless you have replaced it it isn't there.
And often no one gives you this important data, so that you can handle it.
I have found in over 30 yrs of doing this that screaming is lack of nutrition. So either nurse her, or go to to find how to fix this for this poor very unhappy daughter of yours.
Please please get her off formula. Can't you see if she screams most after eating it IS what she is eating. Zantac is treating the symptom not the cause. Please please get her off the formula.
best, k

Hi Coleen,

I would (respectfully) ask you to stop trying home-remedies on your 7 week old and get her to her doctor - who can prescribe some glycerin that will work. You can also get it over the counter, but you will need her pediatrician's advice to know how much to give her. I can explain why the juices and syrups are not working (and possibly causing discomfort). You see it is the sugar in those things that cause the effect of bowel movement. The concentration of sugar upsets the baby/childs' system and causes a bowel movement. However, it will not work on a baby who's system is not mature enough to react in the proper way (like your baby). In addition, the children will also outgrow having this response once their system has adapted to having sugar. So those methods will work - but only in a window of time and I would say your baby isn't there yet. Even if it is making her poop, I would imagine she is really uncomfortable having those things introduced at such a young age.

Premature babies are given glycerin, so it is safe for even the tiniest infants. BUT please, please call the doctor for dosing instructions.

Good luck.

My son was the same way at 7 weeks. He was so gassy and miserable... I got the 'Baby Fart Aerobics' DVD, which helped a little. We would 'bicycle' his little legs to get the gas out (and it helped with constipation)... Also, he lived in Mylecon gas drops. His bowels movements are also the same color... he's also on Simulac Sensitive. Within a few weeks his digestive system finally matured and he was alright. (At first it was an endless cycle of feeding, crying, spitting up, and it ended with hiccups....)

What helped my baby was a sling (Hotsling or Peanut Shell) and some tricks I learned from the 'Happiest Baby on the Block' DVD. With the sling, you can completely avoid the 'fussy' periods of day. Just a warning though- Once a sling baby... always a sling baby. LOL! My son is almost 5 months old and still takes his naps in the sling during the day. (The Peanut Shell stretch fleece sling accommodates him) When he fusses, I put him in the sling with a burp cloth between us and a pacifier in his mouth. He goes RIGHT to sleep.

Good luck! I know these are the rough weeks.... It will get so much better soon. (especially when you first start getting smiles)

Also- check the side effects of the Zantac... she may not need it... it could be causing constipation.

At 7 weeks old, you may still be able to lactate successfully and get her on breastmilk. (My milk didn't actually fully come in until 7 weeks with my son.) Formula simply isn't always successful since it's simply a substitute for your own milk.

I would ask the pediatrician for a referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist. It sounds like she may have reflux. Vomiting is not always a sign of reflux, but the pain and screaming is.

And PLEASE stop offing things like karo and apply juice. Her little system can't even process the stuff that is technically made for babies and you are asking it to digest harsher foods on top of it all. PLEASE stop. That is only going to make things worse right now. Her little body is not able to process all the unnatural products and add even more is only complicating things.

What about water? And what is she eating? NO bananas that will make it worse! I am sure you know that already apple juice diluted and maybe try to feed her the baby prunes. I am not big on medications so for the most part try to get more water in her and fiber is a Great source to soften stool. Green leafy veggies I know she is only 7 weeks but better then medications for sure. At any rate try the water first. Hope that helps. I will be praying for ya.

Hi Coleen,

I am so sorry you and your baby are having so much trouble.

Even babies can need Probiotics. You surely can find something in a health food store. Probiotics even come in liquid. Babies, too, need to have bowel movements at least once a day and that is the minimum.

I don't like to see anybody on any kind of medication, but especially babies since that doesn't address the problem but only covers up the symptoms and they all have side effects.

Good luck to you. Perhaps finding another doctor might give you some answers. In the meantime, try the probiotics.

Cheryl M

My youngest was the same way, but I nursed him and he seemed like he wanted to nurse all the time! The dr. also put him on Zantac. Have you tried an enema? Just thought this may help. I know what your going through! It will get better, hang in there!!!

Probiotics and/or use your rectal thermometer to loosen things up a bit. Sometimes just putting it in there and moving it ever so slightly will help "move things" along.

Did you have her via C-section? If so, babies born this way miss out on the flora that is gathered in the birth canal. Probiotics really help develop this for them.

I agree with some of the other Mom's - stop with the juice and syrup etc. Breastmilk or formula - that's all her belly is designed to handle right now. You may be creating another issue introducing these new liquids before she's ready.

Isn't your pediatrician giving you some sound advice?
From what I read, perhaps you are giving her too many things for her to digest, especially as an infant. Zantac for a baby? I don't know exactly, dear; but I'll pray you stay calm, as you are post-partum and have 4 other children to nurture.

OK, have your others do "baby massage" on her back and belly. Very gentle massage, also gentle on her toes and feet. I'll explain more if you'd like.
Blessings, Stella

Hi Coleen,

This is exactly how both our babies were, only we were on breastmilk. In our case, both times, it was a food intolerance. For example, I would eat something with soy in it, the soy proteins would pass through my breastmilk into the baby, and she was in severe pain. She could not digest these proteins.

A word about pediatricians - mine does not believe that colic has anything to do with diet. He's wrong about that, so I found I had to solve my child's problem on my own. A pediatric gastroenterologist will be able to help you, but possibly not a pediatrician.

If it's a food intolerance and you can breastfeed, you can use the elimination diet Dr Sears recommends:

This is the diet I followed that completely cured the "colic" in my baby (I began it at 3.5 weeks, and by 6 weeks the pain was gone). She is 9 months now and still reacting to soy, so we avoid it.

If you cannot breastfeed, it's a matter of trying different formulas. If I had this problem again and could not breastfeed, I would go with the most extreme, purest prescription formula first. It's most expensive, but IMHO it would be worth it. I believe that would be Neocate, but ask a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Good Luck to you!

My son needed to be upright in a Hotsling & slept (for very brief periods) in a papasan... he also benefited from Gripe Water by Little Tummies. It is natural with ginger & fennel- & works well! Good luck, it will NOT last forever. Try to get breaks when you can for sanity... maybe a Mom's group? Check out for one near you!

Coleen, I would say it is time for a second opinion. My daughter has GERD, or gastro-esophical reflux disease. Instead of heartburn or acid reflux, her food actually makes its way back up. For you though, it sounds like nothing I experienced with her. You need to take her to a different pediatrician for a second opinion. She could have more serious problems with her bowls and not heartburn (that's what Zantac is for.) She could be impacted or have some type of bowel disorder. Whatever it is, you need not wait for what sounds like good advice on here for a quick fix. Children can read and feed off of our emotions and the more stressed you are, the more stress and complications she'll have. I lived on prunes and regular visits to my ped for manual disimpacting and enemas. It is no fun having those kinds of problems. It doesn't sound like colic because the way you are talking about her tensing up after feeding. I hope you don't wait around. Shoot, I've even been so disatisfied with an answer before I've taken my daughter to the ER. When it comes to children, hospitals wont play around and will run tests. Good luck and please post an update when you get one. Also, Coleen I don't know why you are not breastfeeding, but it is your concern, not ours. I get so frustrated when people feel they need to offer their two cents to women who don't do it. Some women can't and some doctors have recommended to some women they shouldn't due to other health issues for the mom. Some women, like in my case, dry up too quickly. And yes, a WIC professional tried to assist in the matter as I didn't want to stop. Also, natural, homeopathic "cure" for constipation is diluted apple juice, prune juice, or even very small amounts of Karo Syrup. Most pediatricians will offer those solutions before ever wanting to put an infant on a medication. My daughter's first ped in Florida was a very natural kind of guy and used more natural methods for her issues before treating her with medications. The first thing out of his mouth when Brianna became constipated from the switch of breast to formula was "Gerber has this new juice that is apple and prune already mixed, add a little distilled water and give her about 1-1/2 ounces." Giving an infant leafy green veggies or puree is not recommended for infants period under 6 months of age. It's harder for the stomach to break down. Coleen, whatever your reason is for not breastfeeding is, you shouldn't allow someone to tell you it's wrong as they are not in your shoes.