Hello To all you mommas out there I hope you are all ready for the upcoming holidays. Now to my question...I have recently had a lot hair loss this year and it is starting to notice. I have always had relatively thin hair but there was no evidence of thinning or anything so that is why am worried now. I have heard that people loose up to 100 hairs a day which sounds like a whole lot given the fact that hair doesn't grow back that fast to replace the lost hairs. I did notice that mousse and other hair products were part of the culprit, but now that I have stopped using them my hair still falls out a lot. I am only 24 and I really don't know what to do. I am having my wedding next September and I am worried about what will happen if the situation does not get any better. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to preserve or help healthy hair growth? I have tried Nioxin, but I did not notice too much change. Please help thank you!!!
See your doctor. Hairloss could also be caused by other health issues, n=ot necessaroy what we would think of.
Same here...go to your doctor....could be a thyroid problem....I had that and I just take one pill a day, it's a $5/month prescription...no big deal. Good luck!
I'm thinking thyroid problem, which isn't such a big deal. A good friend of mine had hair loss and that's what it was for her. She just needed medication to straighten it all out.
There are a ton of reasons why hair can thin and fall out. Thyroid and anemia issues can be two HUGE culprits. As can stress, a diet without enough protein, etc. Typically with alopecia you will see circular spots of thinning or missing hair. Stress, anemia, and thyroid issues tend to make the hair thin out all over. When did you have your last child? I have seen hair fall out in my clients for up to two years after giving birth (myself icluded). Actually up to 150 to 200 hairs a day is normal (about a small palm full) is normal. It's when you have more than this, or you notice patches of missing hair, or noticeably thinning hair (scalp is beginning to show) that is of concern. Keep in mind that when we shed our hair normally it is at a point of being 5 to 7 years old, and that we do not put in a full head of hair all at once when we are born(it takes 3-5 years) to put ina full head of hair from birth), and that we have thousands upon thousands of hairs on our head to begin with :) Also, do you feel well in general, or are there other things going on? I had a client who for years her hair was so thin around the temples that all we could do was cut a heavy bang to "disguise" it. Awhile back I noticed her hair seemed thicker at the scalp, she thought I was nuts, then she began to notice it too...well it came out that she had been to her doctor about six months prior for some heallth issues, and had diagnosed her as being anemic...put her on iron pills, and hair began to grow back. Now don't get me wrong, she never had, and never will have a glorious head of hair, but it was no longer so thin that we left without options. I had been very ill, without really knowing what was wrong with me until this summer, and my hair was dry, and brittle, and just breaking off at the root. Now I am feeling better, and my hair is bouncing back. I'd say that if it has been under a year since you had your last child, and you are feeling relatively well maybe ask your OBGYN, if it has been over year, feeling under the weather, etc. I'd see your primary care physician, and have some blood work done. More than likely it is as simple as needing a nutritional supplement, if it isn't you find out what is going on, and move on from there.
My sister's hair was thinning terribly and she was at a loss as to what to do. Then she was at her doctor for her annual checkup and all that fun stuff and she mentioned it to her doctor. They checked her thyroid levels and they were low. So the doctor put her on levothyroxin and now she's no longer losing her hair. Have your thyroid levels checked. It took quite a while for her hair to fill in again, but it did. Good luck and congratulations on your engagement!
Hi Claudia,
I would definitely bring it up to your dr for any necessary testing, however, I wanted to tell you what happened to me since it's pretty uncommon. I was on Nuvaring and my hair started falling out, to the point where my hair stylist was getting really concerned. I happened to read about this happening to someone else so I stopped using the nuvaring and my hair stopped falling out. I only mention this because it is not indicated as a side effect and my midwife had never heard of it before. I don't know if you are using the Nuvaring or not, but if so, try stopping that and see if there's any improvement. Otherwise, you should definitely talk to your dr.
talk to your dr and see about having your thyroid checked. Merry Xmas!
You definitely should see a doctor first and ask them about your situation. There can be medical reasons for this happening at such a young age without any history of thinning hair. If nothing is wrong physically on the inside, then a dermatologist should be able to take a look and make some recommendations. Some medications, such as thyroid medications, can make you hair thin out too. It's best to take a look medically first to make sure everything is OK.
My sister went through the same thing. I can't remember what they said the problem was but she is now taking Rogaine and the difference is AMAZING. It is really working well for her. She went to this great doctor that specializes in hair disorders. If you're interested, I could get the doc's name and number.
Hi, I had 7 children and lost my hair some to me alot after each and nursing 1 yr and 1/2 each. it really worried me. I called for prayer and I alway took supplements. I am now 55 and have a head of long alburn hair to the middle of my back. I am a health and life coach now I have found a all in one liquid I am 100% in love with! I share this to give you hope and show you its about nutrition not found in our diets or alot of supplements out there. if youd like to find out more check out www.v4l.com/nancyschacht testimonials, and different health issues lists them and what this does to help. God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas!Nancy
you could be suffering from low thyroid. You should see your doctor and get some bloodwork done.
A trip to the doctor to rule out anything is in order. Hair can start thinning for various reasons: hypothyroid, PCOS, diabetes, anemia, poor protein ingestion, poor intestinal absorption(celiac, crohns, auto immune disorders and stress/anxiety. If your doctor puts you off, it's time to see a new doctor. If all is tested as negative then see a dermatologist. Some of the above can be fixed bt diet. Some need meds. Also take a look at your family hair as this can give some clues as to hereditary issues(or family diseases)
Also you are not a teenager anymore are you eating healthy?
This and taking vitamins can help a little.
Have you had your thyroid checked?
I would go see a doctor. I am also surprised to see Nioxin did not make a difference in your hair. Did you use the shampoo conditioner and the treatment? My Mom used this when she was undergoing cancer treatments and it made such a huge difference in her hair.
Hi. My mom was loosing lots and lots of hair and the doctor checked her for a Thyroid problem... and that was part of it. I also loose lots of hair and the doctor does a check on my thyroid levels because it can be a heridtary. I would maybe ask your doctor to do some blood work... also realize that it may take a little while to diagnose a thyroid problem as they sometimes need a baseline to work from.
I hope this helps.
As the others have said, have your Dr. check your thyriod, as a hair dresser everyone losses 50-80 hairs daily, old ones being pushed out by new ones. The life of a hair is 5 yrs. then it falls out and a new one pushes out.If the thyriod is the problem getting the level regulated will help with the loss of hair. As for the rogaine and other products, they should work but only while they are used on a regular basis, if you stop using them you start to loss the hair all over again. But I would go with the thyriod, more poeple have an unbalance than you think, myself included.
I would start with an Endocrinologist....and have the thyroid gland checked...good luck....
I have been there.stress can bring it on or lack of a vitamin in your body too. I would go see your doctor and explain. I do not want to scare you but hair lose can indicate severe situations with your pituitary glan. I will not share what but oprah even had dr oz on. A women had the same situation. Go see your doctor and I have never seen an ugly bride. You will be beautiful and you can even have fun with hair extentions. If you do want to know what medically it could indicate I will share upon request what I have. I want you to relax. The doctor will help you! Enjoy your holidays! Live this moment in time because being in love in the beginning is so fun and fresh. Have a blessed marriage!
I'm a cosmetologist and I say to wash daily or every other day. You probably didn't lose hair from using hair products but from nerves (the wedding) or being on a new medicine. Try o relax. Everything will work out.