I'm wondering if any other moms have/had this problem. I can only feed the baby ready-to-use formula which is super expensive. When I try to give him the powdered kind (same brand, etc), he gets constipated, very gassy, and spits up frequently. I consulted the pediatrician about this and they said I was probably mixing it wrong and told me to boil the water first, then carefully measure, then carefully measure the formula, then slowly whisk the powder into the water. I tried it - that didn't help at all. I tried a different brand of formula for a week and that was the same situation. I tried soy formula and again, same situation. What is so different about the ready-to-use that he can drink it and nothing else?
I tried making some of the powdered formula and mixing it with the ready-to-use, about 1/2 oz of the powdered and 5.5 oz of the ready-to-use per bottle and he has gotten gassy, fussy, and on the verge of constipated even with that small amount. This happens whether I use our boiled well water, purchased "nursery" water, or distilled water.
My problem: WIC gives me checks for powdered formula, so I have almost 20 cans and he can't drink it. I'm putting out of pocket for the cost of the more expensive formula, which I really can't afford. Regulations from WIC say I can't sell it and I can't exchange it either.
Any suggestions or at least let me know I'm not alone?
The problem is the powdered formula is more rough on a baby's tummy than the concentrate. We went through this as well and after about 3 months we tried putting them back on the powdered and they could handle it better. You pediatrician should be able to write a note saying about keeping your child on the concentrate. We never had a problem with our doctor doing this. HTH
I know other mom have said that WIC will cover it, but they wouldn't for me. Because of who my daughter's Ped. was, they said that they really wouldn't give me anything until she was 1. My ped. started cerial, fruits and veggies EARLY. Emmie was eating cereal off a spoon at 4 weeks. Fruits and veggies at 6 & 8 weeks. SO BE CAREFUL when dealing with WIC.
Hi karen i have 6 month old who at 2 months was put on powder he was the same way your little one sounds for at least 3 weeks then he started to get better i did have to start using gas meds on him thou. Then at 5 months i was buying 60$ worth of formula every other week and i went back to ready use b/c i can get it cheaper then powder at babies Rus it is 4.99 for a 32oz can. Morgan drinks one can a day!! I also Know that the doctor can write you a script and wic has to take it! You said that you are on a well so am i and morgan had back gas from boiled well water... i asked the doctor about bottled and she told to get the spring water ... i have learned from trial and error that if we are using powder we get the 16.9oz bottles of water and we always use the same brand of water. The doctor said that it doesnt matter what kind of water or brand or size but after i stoped using the gallon and stayed with the same type morgan got alot less gassy and fussy and after a few days he started pooing like a champ he is 20lbs and in size for diapers b/c we poo out of size 3. I hope this helps stick in there it gets better and please let me know how things turn out.Ps sign up on line for free formula from the companys and cupons!
get the pediatrician to write a letter to WIC telling/explaining 'symptom's your baby is having after drinking the powdered kind
my kids did not go for the powdered kind until they started solids (which was around 6 months of age).
also did you ask the pediatrician for 'samples' and coupons for formula? they're usually loaded with these products and most times they don't even offer to patients. don't be shy, ask for it, tell him until this situation with WIC clears for the better you need some 'assistance.'
good luck
The ingredients are different between powder and the liquid, even if it is the same brand. My son has a milk allergy. When I looked at the ingredients in even the hypoallergenic formula, the powder has 17% milk protein, the liquid of the same brand is only 2.5%. That's a HUGE difference. Check the ingredient list. Good luck with WIC. THey should agree to cover the liquid with a prescription from your pediatrician. If the ped won't give you a script or listen to you, switch pediatricians. They are there to help you and find out what is going on your son. They shouldn't put you off as "just a mom" You are with your son 24/7 and know him best.
I had the same problem with my son, i actually ened up putting him on the gentlease formula by enfamil, and it only comes in powder, but it helped me, plus i also put a couple of gas drops in the bottle, which helped as well, after about a month of being on this formula,he didn;t need the drops at all and he is doing great he is 3 and half months and just one of the happies little babies. hope this helps
good luck
Both of my children where the same way i could not use the powder formula. Try the liquid concentrate which is cheaper than the ready made but is similar. I also get WIC and they give me the liquid concentrate so check with them have them switch you to liquid concentrate and i think they will even give you ready made it thats all the baby can drink.
Hi. My son had problems with his formula, but that's cuz he had colic. My wic asks if you want the concentrate, powder,etc. Can't you ask them to change the type u are getting into the pre-made stuff? Or have your doctor write a note explaining that he needs to be on the ready made. They should change it then. Also, depending on the type of formula, you can go online to different websites and sign up for thier stuff and they may be able to give you free samples. Is your little one having any other signs of tummy pain? Have you tried adding mylicon drops to the formula or given him any? Hope it turns out better for you.
I had the same problem, but WIC did replace my formula for me. But he was still having problems. What I did was gave him gas drops they helped. My son hated the bottle. After 5 months I started on warm diluted milk,baby food and vitamins. He didn't have a problem after that. He is fine and loves to eat. I was a little old school with the formula thing. I tried too many. He had too many problems until I did the milk. Your son is a little young yet. So you might need a few more months. Talk to WIC again, they may help find replacements.
I don't know if this will help or not. But I am a R.N. Who up until last year worked in a Pediatrician's office. There is a form the doctor can fill out for you so w.i.c. will allow you to get the formula your baby needs. It is called a medical necessity form. Ask you doctor about this. good Luck!
I know exactly what you are talking about. My son is 4 1/2 months old and he is the same way. I tried making a big batch of the powdered formula, in a picter, then poured it out when I needed it. Most of the bubbles are created when it is made, so if it is made ahead of time and then put in the frig to sit and keep cold, the bubbles will go away. You might have to stir it up a little before using it but not much. I did this to use up the powdered formula I had then I bought the ready to drink because it made my son so much happier. He was really miserable (and therefore I was miserable) when he was on the powdered formula. Good Luck!
As a side note, to get rid of the cans of powdered formula that you have, you can take them back to the WIC office. They actually keep some there that they can give out in emergencys to other Moms.
You are not alone in this...My daughter Abigail could not use powder formula AT ALL she had problems with digesting it from the very beginning. We tried all the different kinds and still no luck. Our doctors just said that she couldnt handle it. I do know what you mean about the cost our daughter had to have the lactose free premade kind and it cost $5.49 a bottle and she would go through a bottle a day!!
I know that you're only supposed to give newborns up to a month or two old the ready-to-feed because powdered is frequently contaminated with enterobacter and they're too young to fight it off. Probably also applies to older infants with any health problems. Will WIC help if you get a doctors note? Or perhaps the foster/adoption agency can offer something?
I've also heard that you're not supposed to use the "nursery" water to mix formula. If it contains fluoride, and the formula has fluoride, you could OD on it. There's a very small margin between an acceptable amount of fluoride and an overdose.
FIRST CONSULT YOUR PEDIATRCIAN BOUT CHANGING THE FORMULA, So WIC CAN SUPPLY YOU THE PROPER FORMULA/READY-MADE. Also see if Wic has sum ALIMENTUM ready made or whatever other that the DOC may suggest, then see if they will switch you, I had to have them switch me a couple times. My Son @ 6 wks old had to have Surgery due to the symtoms Your son is having, Ask the Pediatrician about PYLORIC STUNOSIS (Ploric Stunosis is where the Pyloric Muscle thickens around the valve to stomach & causes a blockage, which causes nothing much to pass thru) and see if you should arrange for your Son to get checked- how they can tell is by an X-ray. My son started throwing up and wasn't holding nothing down and would have multiple spit ups and thow ups out the blue some times.
My Kids Former Pediatrician when I would tell him bout My Son -tried to tell me that I could be possibly OVER-FEEDING him and thats why He could be Thowing up, this went on for like a month, Finally My Son was checked and the Pediarician was kicking himself! A Mother Knows when something is Wrong with their child !! My Son is now 17 months old and cannot have whole milk due to STOMACH SENSITIVITY, so He still drinks SOY FORMULA (which wic still supplys but he still throws it up)So a GASTRONOLOGIST said just cut out the formula n give SOY MILK -which I find better for him, AND YES!!! its out my pocket @ $2.78 a bottle every 3 days. Hope all works out, GOD BLESS YOU!!
Karen, What I would do if I were you, is call W.I.C. and tell them that your child can't stomach the powdered formula. Tell them about all of his discomforts, and I would probably add a few for good measure. Sometimes they will be flexible with you. They just don't want to pay the extra cost for ready to serve formula, which is understandable, because then everyone would want it. If you don't get the answer you were looking for, wait two days then call back and complain again. Eventually, they will give in to stop your calls.It sounds sort of extreme, and maybe a bit annoying, but they are there to help you, and if they won't help, then what's the point, right? Also, a good idea for all the unused cans of formula is to donate them to a food cupboard, or a women's shelter. Either that, or the pennysaver has a free ad for anything under $ 25.00. Good Luck!
EBAY BABY YEAH!! lol My son had the same problem. THe doctor told us to put him on Alimentum which is really expensive too. He also does have prolbems with the powder. We finally put him on the Lactose-free formula Consintrated or ready to feed he doesnt have a problem. However if we put him on the powder he gets the same way as your son. I also buy his formula off of ebay because of it getting so expensive. My suggestion is to but the formula you have been buying and the show WIC the receipts then sell it one ebay under someone elses name. Also get him off of the soy studies have shown that when a boy dinks soy there is enough estrogen in soy that will hurt his development and reproducing ablitiy later in life. I an no doctor but Im just letting you know what I found out on dateline and on the internet. The Ready to feed is a thicker consistence which is what he is probabley liking. It is made different then if you where to use the powder. Good Luck!