Can only give baby ready-to-use formula????

I have been lucky and havent had trouble with the powdered. My pediatrician says to do it the same way.. with the boiled water and a wisk. My son has acid reflux and spits up no matter if I am nursing or supplemting.

As far as WIC... ask them to give you the formula that isnt diluted. There is can formula that you can get that you mix cans of water with but itsnt powder. I got that with my daughter from WIC... the ready to use it way too expensive but the concretated itsnt as bad, the should let you get that. I would call them and ask them. Good luck


I have you tried the concentrated liquid? You just had equal parts water and formula, shake, and then it's done. That's what we used with our daughter. She didn't do good on the powdered formula either.

Hi Karen~
Hmmm...sounds like a tough problem. I never experienced that with my son, although he did need to be on special formula due to acid reflux. I can suggest contacting the company of the formula that you're using (usually there is a phone # on the can). If you sign uo with them they will send coupons that help with the purchase price. Sometimes the coupons were up to $10 off.
Sorry I can't be of more help. Good Luck!

Hi Karen,
Before I could nurse my daughter, no matter what powdered formula we gave her, we had a tough time. She seemed to do better on the ready to feed as well. When that started to get too expensive, we started and stayed with the same formula without switching. We used the powdered nestle Goodstart. if you go to their website or call the number on the can, they can send you coupons. Maybe you can explain that you are foster to adopt and see if they can send you free cans or coupons for such. Sometimes with WIC, if the doctor prescribes a specific formula due to health issues, they will issue a check for it. I hope that this helps...and no you are not alone. And trust me, the more expensive stuff is worth it. My daughter was still gassy and miserable, but it was much better than how she was on the stuff from WIC.
Good Luck! is my thought. I had the same issue as you with the formula, but I quickley realized that giving spring water instead of boiled water did the trick. My daughter also loved the formula cold as in fridge cold.

I ran into the same problem with my newborn son. He is 4 1/2 months and we tried to give him powered formula from the start. He seems very gassy and fussy from the get go so we tried the ready to feed and it got better. I mentioned this to the pediatrician and they said they hear about this alot, but the that the manufactureres insist there should be no difference. Do what works!

What I had to do is "pre mix" the powdered formula and put it in the fridge overnight. Then I added an equal part of ready mixed formula and mixed it together before feeding my son. He was pretty darn picky!
I do remember that WIC offered to give me coupons for the concentrated stuff but not the ready to use stuff.
Perhaps that is a way you can use up the unused powdered stuff.

Formula is expensive....don't let what you have from WIC go to waste. Sell it on ebay. Those regulations are put in place so that people can not abuse the system. Clearly you are not and need to somehow supplement yourself for the money you have to put out for the ready-to-use formula. Also, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why your pediatrician would be unwilling to help you in this area. This would concern me greatly to the point that I,personally, would look for a new pediatrician. Only because you don't know where else that narrow minded type attitude could carry over to in caring for your baby.

My daughter had the same problems with the powdered concentrate when she was a baby, and I also received WIC checks for formula. The solution that worked for us was using a liquid concentrate. It seemed much easier on her digestive tract than powdered formula, and the liquid concentrate was also covered by WIC. I hope this helps! :) Good luck!

i have the same problem. dont ever mix the ready to feed with water. did u find out .maybe we should call the main office.

I want to thank everyone for their advice. My pediatrician, (whom I wrote a review about), will not write a note for WIC. She says there is no reason why he shouldn’t be able to stomach the powdered, that I am just paranoid because this is the first little baby I’ve taken care of. (My girls each came to me at 9 months old.)

I’ve looked on eBay and found great prices on the ready-to-use and the concentrate cans so that is my strategy for now. I will probably try the powder again when he is older (6 months or so) and see how he handles it then.

Thanks again!