Working From Home

Hey everyone- I know that this subject has been beaten to death, but I have not seen any responses. I am a new home who must return to work soon. My back ground is in sales,aand mortgage loans. I am looking for something I can do from home so I can stay with my precious little girl. Does anyone have any good ideas, or do you know anyone looking for someone with a sales background looking to work from home? Please help

Hi Erica,
I have a home-based business selling the hope of illness and disease free families by taking natural supplements through an amazing company called Mannatech. I homeschool 3 beautiful children and would love to work with another eager mom. You can call me @ 972-234-3876 or my cell # is 817-925-4450.
I also have a friend who has his own home based business doing mortgage loans and real estate property. He might can help you too. His name is Greg Knapp and his # is 972-333-4466. Let him know I referred you.
I hope and pray you find something.
God Bless,

Hi Erica,

I actually have responded to most of these individually. I am also a stay-at home mom of a 17 month old girl and a 4 year old boy with special needs. Because of his therapy, I need income but cannot go to an office or work fulltime. I started selling Mary Kay in January and it is so much easier than I thought it would be. It pretty much sells itself. I average about $600 to $1,000 a month and that is hardly trying, so if I was trying harder, I could make a lot more.
My director and I are doing facial/interviews next Tuesday and Thursday if you are interested at least in hearing the about the opportunity. Karen

My name is Stephanie and my company is looking for someone with a drive to work, with or with out sales experience. I have been with this company for a long time and I love it. Our company has such great integrity that the company has been inducted into the Better Business Bureau Hall of Fame with the torch award. That award is only granted to select companies that prove a long history of exemplary business practices! We are a 25 year old debt free company and I am currently looking for someone to interview! Please contact me at my personal email address [email protected]. Just mention you got my message on here!! PS this is not Mary Kay, Avon, Amway, BeautiControl, Creative memories or any other MLM! I personally do not have the money to invest in those type of businesses. But I can tell you I received an EASY $800 bonus last month! And that is very normal around here!