My almost 3-year-old watches her 6.5 year old brother and us play the Wii, and is begging to be allowed to play. Does anyone have a suggestion of a game that she wouldn't find too frustrating? She's at the point of throwing things when she can't do what she means to.
Hi Kirsten,
I have a 3 yr old and 8 year old and felt in the same boat like you. We just got the wii this christmas and found he just seemed a little young for most of the games that we had. We did get him the Toy Story Wii game but really don't like it.
Just a few weeks ago I got the wii fit plus. We all use it! It's great because he doesn't really get frustrated with the games. He can do all of them or at least try all of them. It came with probably 15-20 games (I'm guessing). They are balancing games, running in place, bicycling game (you walk on the board and it makes the bike move), there is one that you are a bird and flap your wings to fly... just to name a couple but he really likes them. It's been perfect for us.
Hope that helps! Good Luck!
The wii sports games are great. My friend got a wii when they first came out and her son wasn't even 2 and he was able to bowl,golf and box. He is 3 now and still loves to play wii. He really likes the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle smash up game- its a fighting game and he doesn't care if he wins or losses. Mario cart is fun for him too.. again who cares if they win or lose. She may need alittle help at first but shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out how to drive with the wheel.
I know there are preschool games out there like Dora and such but I personally don't have any of them yet to tell you if they are easy or not. I would figure they should be easy since Dora is only popular with young children. Oh and my kids all including the 4 year old love the wii play games. The cow "races" as my kids call it is a favorite in my house. My youngest is really good at it...she beats her older sister all the time.
I think the wii is the best family game system that was ever created. Everyone can play!! We rent games from the video store every couple of weeks to see if we like them. There are tons out there and this is a great way to learn what you like and don't like. Good luck, hope this helps :)
My 3 year old loves the wii fit plus
my boyfriend's little four year old nieces love the wii playground. it's a fun game, with a bunch of different activities to play. also the wii sports it keeps them occupied. all of us enjoy playing it.
My 5 yr old also loves the Wii Fit Plus. The things are pretty simple for them to figure out. We also have a Disney princes game that she needed help with on certain parts but could do much of it on her own. The other game that she seems to enjoy is Wii Resort. I love the Wii system!
If she gets easily frustrated, the Dora game is good because it's super easy and teaches her ways to use the wii remote. Dora Saves the Snow Princess or something like that. I will say that my daughter used it at age 3.5 and she figured it out quite easily and actually got bored with it after a few times playing it.... so I think your almost 3 year old might be just fine doing that one. She's now 4.5 and loves the Wii Play and Wii Sports.
THe Diego game is geared towards toddlers with very easy instructions and not a lot of buttons to push.
My almost 3 year old son loves to play the MarioKart--we have to stand behind him and help with the driving--but he gets a huge kick out of it. Also, we can play and just give him the extra steering wheel and he thinks he's driving :)
My daughter received the Disney Princess game for her 4th birthday, and was able to play immediately. There are only a few moves that your daughter will need to do. Also, my daughter LOVES Wii Play. There is a Match Mii game, a fishing game, and several others that she really likes to play.
I agree with MarioKart-- while it's not easy, there are some trials in which you can remove the other cars on the track. Or he can sit on your lap and you can drive together. There is also Active Life Outdoor Challenge, which I just got for my 5 year old nephew. There are several different games that require the player to jump around on the included game mat. Hilarious and fun-- and good exercise.
I think she could easily do the Wii Sports bowling and boxing.
MY daughter started playing some wii games at that age. The easiest were Mario party because you can set the difficulty level, The disney princess game is a bit harder, but she could do it with your help and Littlest pet shop is very easy activities, but does require reading skills so she would need help with that!
My son loves Wii bowling and has been playing it since he was about 2.5.