Wife is very controlling mean and unhinged about food her kids no longer visit because of it is it petty to Divorce over food?

Anything I enjoy she gets angry . She got mad because I bought tide instead of gain because they were out and tide was on sale.

I think she has an eating disorder. She goes berserk Everytime I have a Starbucks or horrors too much salad and spaghetti and meatballs or olives.

Because some health guru says fruit is worse than candy or tomatoes are in the nightshade family. Or Splenda will give you Diabetes. Or quest peanut butter cups are not in the budget and give me hell because I bought some and hid them.

I have to hide my subway at my sister’s because she doesn’t like subway and will do things to my sandwiches because they have too much salt. sometimes I sleep at my sister’s and my buddies.

At Christmas she hid my keys and I missed seeing family that I see a couple times a year. Because she didn’t want me eating carbs. That was the death knell for our marriage.

I don’t drink much or eat sugar like I was . I have lost 70 pounds in a year and a half. I feel great :smiley: she is not impressed.

She has someone from her church following and watching me at all times eat when I am not home. She texts me and threatens to keep me awake for eating it. Everytime I eat ham or any other food that she thinks is evil this week she fights with me for hours. I ignore her and try not engage but then she wakes me up early slamming everything around and purposely waking me up because I ate bad food and I must be punished.

She was doing this to her kids also and I stuck up for them. Her teenagers went no contact because of it.
She wasn’t always like this but it’s become unbearable. I am not a child. I don’t tell her what to eat ect.

Wow, this relationship is all kinds of toxic and dysfunctional. It’s not just wanting to divorce “over food” but having your food sabotaged, getting angry at anything and everything, having someone stalk you, and harass you and controlling everything you do, even isolating you from family. Is this something recent or has this been going on a while? The reason I ask is because I am wondering if some mental illness may be to blame, if it’s something recent. Regardless, I would definitely consider seeing a divorce attorney and would get away from this marriage and this woman before she harms you. This cannot be good for your mental or physical health. I feel sorry for the kids who need a parent and are living with a psycho that they are too afraid to even interact with. Stuff like this reminds me of why I am single!