Why Do or Don't People Join PTA/PTSA?

For personal and professional reasons, I am interested in learning why parents and others in the community choose to (or not to) join their local PTA or PTSA chapter. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank You.

My kids are grown now, but I particiapted in the PTSA from the time they were in kindergarten through high school (in one case). Even back then (the late 80s and 90s), the schools were in dire need of everything from toilet paper to volunteers in the classroom. I felt it was important to them, their classmates and the community, that parents be involved. To be honest, I rarely enjoyed the experience. As with almost anything, the same people seemed to be involved and the rest did little to nothing. It was frustrating and yet gave me the opportunity to see what was going on in the schools, to attempt to be a part of the solution and to forge a relationship with principals and teachers which, from time to time, proved important.

Hope this helps.



Hi Lori,
I think many parents are intimidated by the school atmosphere. Recalling situations they had to deal with in school is so much easier when you have to go to meetings in the school library or multi-purpose room. Another theory I have as to why parents don't participate is the increase in two income families. Meetings in the evening are the last things folks want to do after working long hours. I know it would be very difficult for me to attend PTSA meetings and volunteer for committees if I was a working mom. I am a former teacher who knows how difficult it is for teachers to get parents involved, so I participate for two reasons: I want to show my kids that education is important to me, and I have residual teacher guilt ;)

Hi Lori,

It is interesting to sit back and look at why parents do or don't participate in in their local PTA or PTSA. I agree with Teri, as I am a former teacher as well. In my experience, it did seem that there were a lot of parents who did not like the school experience at all. It was difficult to get them to a parent/teacher meeting let alone a PTSA meeting. Additionally, with the hectic schedules families have, sports and other activities after school and work, it isn't possible to squeeze another thing into the day.

While my daughters were in school, I was always involved in the PTSA in one form or another because of my belief in teaching by example. I didn't teach at the same school they attended but I was always a member of the PTSA at their school as well as my own. It was difficult for me to hold an office at their school because of the commitments at my school.

Sometimes the parents who do volunteer year after year do so because they have learned the ins and outs and can move between positions easily as members. They may also have a strong feeling for they direction they would like to see the school moving into.


Well, I am a mom of 5 kids! I have NEVER wanted to be involved in the PTA/PTSA I don't have the time outside of my home for anything more. Not to mention that I have always felt like an outsider when it comes to that kinda thing.

I am originally from Salt Lake City, Utah and this may sound hard but this is how I always viewed the PTA members: they always seemed to be the Stuck up Mom's, who were over protective of their children and wanted to do everything possible to be at school with their kids all the time.

Now that being said I think the PTA does some GREAT things for the school. With their fund raisers and the fun carnivals (which I have voluntired for in the past) I guess the answer to why don't I join is 2 reasons. #1 I don't have the time with 5 kids and #2 I just don't feel like I fit into that scene.

Hopefully that helped and didn't seem to "mean" I was just trying to be honest.

Thank you to those of you who have provided feedback to my request and I welcome others to comment as well.

It is always beneficial to hear the good, the bad and the ugly! Trust me, I know PTA has a bad rap and can be demanding on ones time if you are an actual Board Member. Typically it’s always the same 5-10 people doing all of the same work. To be honest, I am guilty of letting some-one else worry about it and only supported PTSA from a financial standpoint in the past.

Unfortunately, General Membership is dropping at a relatively fast pace and I don’t want the students and teachers suffer because of it. So here I am, a PTA outsider, trying to make a difference in the way PTA is viewed and conducted. I became an active member this year and certainly do not fit the normal “PTA Profile” but luckily, some of the other members this year don’t either and we are having some fun. I hope to enlist more people like me who want to be active in our children’s schooling and want to make a difference in some little way. It would be great to get a lot of new people participating and sharing the load so it doesn’t fall on just a few shoulders. Especially if the shoulders aren’t the ones we want representing us and our children.

Maybe if we had a big PTA sponsored Spaghetti feed following a General meeting to help with the dinner issue. Or a licensed babysitter available at a few of the meetings and more volunteer positions that can easily be done from home or don’t require more than 1-3 hours in a school year. How about more Co-Chair positions on the board so no one is alone in the responsibility? Great stuff to brainstorm about!

I really do appreciate your comments and hope that I can put them to good use within our PTSA Board and community!