What is the name of the government agency that will come and help with twins?

What is the name of that government agency that will come to your house and do physical therapy or speech therapy with multiples? My neighbor used to have them come and work with one of her twins but I can't remember the name of it - does anyone know? My twins are not talking at all at 18 mos and the dr. said today that she would have them come to our house but I can't remember what she said it was called.

It sounds like ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) http://www.dars.state.tx.us/ecis/ My son (a singleton) worked with ECI for about a year for a speech impairment. We were very pleased with our SLP's. Normally, your pedi will contact them on your behalf. Good luck.


I am working with ECI right now and have been very pleased with the help and the success. I have twin boys age 2.5 years and they have issues with talking and some other development issues. From all that I hear and read, it is fairly frequent that (a) boys, (b) twins, and (c) premature babies have issues with late talking. Many of those boys catch up by the time they are 3 or 4 so hopefully yours and mine will as well. Good luck. And consider joining Plano Area Mothers of Multiples if you live near Plano; see www.pamom.org.


As the others have said, it's Early Childhood Intervention. My pediatrician didn't think we needed it, but I contacted them myself and they did the evaluation and worked with my daughter until she turned 3. When you have a preemie (or twins, I guess), it's hard to see your child just a bit behind the other kids her age, and I wanted to nip any problems in the bud. She's still not the best speaker in her class, but she's at least up there with the rest of the kids, which is all I was worried about.

Early Childhood Intervention -- ECI. I believe your pediatrician needs to refer you, but their services are free. I don't have their contact info, but either your pedi, the school district, or a quick check online should do it.

Hi Melissa!
The one I know of and work with is: ECI of LifePath Systems, which is an affiliate of Texas Early Childhood Intervention. Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) helps babies and toddlers, ages birth to 3, with disabilities or delays in their development. ECI serves Collin, Kaufman, and Rockwall Counties. The Collin County Referral number is: 972-359-1110 or call toll free at: 1-877-789-8889. They will direct you to their office nearest to where you live.
Their website is: http://www.eci-lps.org/
Children living within the Plano ISD boundaries are served by a similar agency, Infant and Toddler Intervention Program. Their website is: http://www.itipnt.org/

Have a great day.
Ellen May
May Play N Learn
In-Home Day Care
Allen, TX

ECI - early childhood intervention

The services are called Early Childhood Intervention. You should contact your school district's Child Find department and they should be able to help you. The best thing to do is to contact the Special Education Director's office and they should be able to help you.

Kim R

ECI - Early Childhood Intervention. Each area has there own and the office itself may be called something else. If you do a search for ECI and the name of your city it should come up. Hope that helps! Good luck!

That would likely be ECI- Early Childhood Intervention.

It is the Early Childhood program. Contact your local school district, I think, to find who to call for an evaluation.

I know of a group called Early Childhood Intervention(ECI) that assists families/children under the age of three with various mental/educational/physical challenges. You should be able to contact your local school district for phone numbers, or search the web for services too. Always call your pedi dr back too for referrals. Best to get them the assistance they need now, early intervention helps tremendously. Good luck!


This is the link for ECI in Collin County. We have an appointment with them coming up.

One agency is ECI (Early Childhood Intervention). They halp with all kinds of developmental issues.

ITs not a government agency perse but ECI Early Child Hood Intervention is who you should call...

They help all kids who qualify not just multiples.

I dont have the 800 number but you can call info and get the number for your county's Early childhood intervention chapter (or office)

Good luck
April J

ECI will come and check the kiddos out to see if they can help! It is free and does not have to be twins.

Thanks, everyone. That is what she said - ECI. She (the pediatrician) said that she would refer us and if we hadn’t heard anything in a week or two, to call her again and she would call again. So hopefully we will hear from them soon. Thanks!!!