What does your " advanced" 4 year old know academically?


I am trying to understand what my child should know.I have a meeting with the daughetrs teacher today to discuss our goals for the year and I would like to understand where other children who are 4 years old are academically.

How much do they know?
Do you mind sharing your experiences.

i think they need to know the numbers until 10
start writing the name and know the abc, the vowels ,colors,you can teach your son a lot of things my son when he was 4 he already know all of this and all the numbers until 100 so he does not have any problems

My son will be 4 tomorrow and is reading easy reader books by himself (like Biscuit books) and Henry and Mudge books with me helping him sound out the most difficult words. He uses "sounding out," and context clues to figure out new words. He also has a pretty big sight word vocabulary. He knows only a few of his numbers, but we haven't worked on that a whole lot. He can count to 30. He can spell many little words and write them. He can write his first name by himself and last name with a few reminders of what comes next. He can tell what comes next in a pattern and we've done a few picture graphs together. He knows the seasons pretty well. He is very advanced... this is not typical of four year olds.

Hi Sangeeta,

Is your child a new 4 or turning 5 soon? So it depends. At the learning center I ran we did Abeka which is great if tought write. I worked in childcare for 5 years and have been workig with children for 15 years. I worked mainly with 4 year olds and some older 3's.

To graduate out of our 4 year old class the children had to have these mastered which all of them did at about 4 1/2.

  1. Count 1-100
  2. Count by 5s to 100
  3. Count by 10s to 100
  4. Read site/popcorn words (as, the, he, she, at, and...)
  5. Simple addition 1+1 etc...
  6. Color in the lines.
  7. Money- quater dime knickel penny, knew value and adding together.
  8. They should have cutting mastered w/o help as well as gluing objects directly on a spot indicated.
  9. Should know how to write and spell first and last name.
  10. Should know phone number and address at heart as well as write phone number.

If these things are worked on consistantly by the teacher then these are easy steps that should be mastered by the time of graduation.

As well as be socialy ready for the next step.



My son turned 4 in May and is on the autism spectrum so don't know if that makes a difference or not.
He learned how to read when he was 3
He knows al his shapes, colors, numbers and he counts to 130. He can identifiy the numbers as well. He memorizes songs, phrases, movies, cd's, directions, he knows days of the week, month of the year, seasons, the different kinds of dinasours, he can spell his name. He does have motor skills delays so he has a hard writing or drawing shapes, etc.

I hope this helps.


There are different levels of advancement. My daughter just turned 4 and she knows how to add and subtract. She is able to do less than, greater than, as well as, fractions, basically she is doing first grade work. She phonetically and is able to spell and write her first and last name as well as 4 and 5 letter words but again her level of academic ability is in the gifted range, so she is above the advance range. From what I have read, if a child is able to count 10 and recites the alphabet and able to write some of their letters they are said to be advance so it varies.


Here you go exactly what a 4 year old should know!

To answer your question about what our " advanced " 4 year old knows. Our particular 4 year old who is " Advanced " reads well on a second grade level. He has a natural hunger to read all the time. It’s just what he is good at and loves. Every child has their own gifts.
Reads well with help on a 3rd grade level. Knew Colors at 18 months. Writes stories and sentences using punctuation with excellent handwriting. Can explain events and characters in a story. Counts in several different languages some to 10 and some to 20. His first day in martial arts learned to count in Korean to 10. Memory is sharp. In his native language he has counted in the 1000’s and beyond. Can do addition. Solving puzzles early. He was writing numbers at two. He uses imaginary play and draws with detail. States with correct spelling with location on map with their Capitols.
He plays piano and taught himself several songs without lessons. Loves to play classical music over any. He is an older 4. He is a twin. The other twin has some gifts as well. Just different. We taught them nothing different. The first one mentioned just learns extremely quickly with great interest. We just build on what he already knows. I have mostly been a stay at home mom. When he did attend pre-k they were amazed upon initial evaluation. They asked what I do. Then, two weeks after learning more about him. They realized that he just learns quickly. Hoping when he attends kindergarten that they will have a good " A&P " program. When he was attending Pre-k the director urged us to sign him up for spelling contest when he is age appropriate. Pre-k knew of his abilities and told us that they always planned extra work for him due to his eagerness to learn more. Nothing that I requested. It’s been an interesting ride.