i am asking this because i have 1 year old twins and they wear size 3 a lot of people tell me is too small but fit good they are not small they weight about 23 pounds and they born with good weight 6 1/2 pounds each and wear size 12-18 months
My one year old wears a size 5 but he also weighs and is taller than he should be. His weight is 27 lbs. Ususally I changed sizes when, the diaper would leak or their legs felt damp. 23 pounds sounds about right for a one year old.
Size 3 is 16-28 lbs, so how can they be too small if your babies are about 23 pounds? My almost 10 month-old is in a size 3, and she's 22 lbs. What difference does it make what size they're in if it fits? Don't worry about it--use whatever size fits, for as long as it fits, because you get more size 3 diapers in a box! :-) I mean, don't force the babies into a too-small diaper, but diapers are stretchy for a reason. That's a 12-lb weight range, for heaven's sake! I figure when Anne can't wear the size 3, we'll know. Either they won't go on well, or they won't hold well, but we'll know when it's time to go up to size 4. You will, too. Don't listen to those "lot of people"--your kids know, and you do too.
You shouldn't compare diaper size. Every baby is different.You have small babies and then theres big babies. I have 16 month old twins and they are 26lbs and 30lbs, big girls I know. They both are a size 6 but my big girlie is starting not to fit into them.
My youngest just turned one. She weighs 21 pounds and is wearing pampers cruisers size 3; we are going to up her to cruisers 4 to the next weight range of 22+ pounds this week due to she is now taking off the diaper. So we figure they must be getting uncomfortable to her; so its time to upgrade her even though she hasn't passed the weight range yet..the girl just likes space.
I say to use whatever size fits them and isn't giving you problems with leaking.
Our son, at a year, was wearing a size 3 and just about ready to move into a 4. Our daughter, a little chunkier, was in a 4 (she's been in a 5 since about 16 months).
We use plain, old regular Huggies from Costco and have few problems!
My older son wore size 3 until just a few months ago (he's 2 years 7 months). He's really skinny, and the 4's always seemed to swallow him. But my 11 week old is already in 2's and will probably be in 3's pretty soon...he's a little chunker! I think the weight on the box is a guide. If that's what fits them, then who cares what others think?
My son is 14 months and weighs 24lbs. and wears a 4. I think every baby is different when it comes to sizing with diapers, you cant always go by the labels. You are their mom and you know. :)
My daughter wore a size 4 at 1 year and my son wears size 5.
Contrary to the advice in a different post, I don't think weight has much to do with which size of diaper. It is more about the shape of your child. If size 3 fits without leaks, it is fine. Brands differ in cut too.
My daughter was only 20lbs at 1 year, but needed size 4.
I think every baby is different my son at birth was using size 3 so every baby is different -- beautiful boy he was and is still is. He is very slim and tall now.
My son is about to be 2 and is in a size 4. If you go by his weight, he should be in a 5, but those are too big for him. He's tall and slender. As it's already been said, trust your instincts and go with what fits your little ones. The weights and sizes on diapers and baby/toddler clothes are just guidelines. My son wore 6-9 mo onsies for the longest time!
They are totally fine! my 2 year old just moved up to size 4 not too long ago. He's slim, but was normal weight too. forget sizes, just use what works best!
I always went by the weight on the box that the diaper is designed for. I found that if I followed their guidelines, I would be in good shape. Generally, I would move up a size if my child was within 2 lbs of the next size.
My daugher is 15 months old and is also in a size 3. If it's working for you, don't worry about what anyone else says! Babies (and people in general) come in all shapes and sizes noen of which are "right or wrong" as long as they are healthy!