Curious what age kids stop with the night- time pull up? The kids on the box of these look like there 12! Lol
I know every kid is different- just curious :)
my son 3… my daughter still wears them at 7
Yeah, kids are all very different. Some are able to respond to those cues for using the toilet while sleeping, other kids aren’t.
We were lucky. When Kiddo was about 3.5 yrs, he asked to stop wearing diapers to bed. We trusted him, got the ‘rubber’ sheets for his bed, and let him wear undies. But really, I know kids who used help at night until they were nearly ten, so there’s a broad spectrum.
My son never wore pull ups to begin with, and hasn’t wore a diaper since just after his 2nd birthday. I can count how many accidents he’s had on 1 hand and only because he was sedated for medical tests. My daughter is only 17 months old and is well on her way to being day time potty trained, and does wake up dry so I suspect she will be like her brother.
When they consistently woke up with a dry pull up. All of ours were about 3 or 3 1/2, I think.
My 6 y.o. DS still needs them at night and my 3.5 y.o DS stopped using them several months ago! Everyone’s different, even within families!
My kids never wore them because it just seemed to defeat the purpose…that and my kids were dry all night months before they were ready to potty train.
Totally depends on the child and when they are physically mature enough to stay dry at night. Night time dryness has nothing to do with wanting to it not, it’s all 100% biological. My boys could not stay dry at night until around their 5th birthday. My daughter just turned 4 and is not dry at night yet. It is still not unheard of at 8 even.
I used cloth full time with my oldest. With my son, we used disposables at night. But as soon as he started using the toilet consistently during the day, I switched him to cloth at night.
They both night trained at 21 months. We never used pull-ups. Both kids did get up a few nights a week for a good long while after that. In fact, my 3.5 year old still gets up about once a week to go in the middle of the night.
All kids are different, yes… my son was day and night potty trained at 2 1/2 (to none of my credit; he did it by himself). My daughter wore pull-ups until she was 7. One difference for mine is that my son is a light sleeper and my daughter could sleep through a bomb going off. Even now (at 9) she very rarely wakes up at night to pee, and usually just goes before bed and in the morning. But it took quite a wile for her bladder to be mature enough to hold it all night.
We never used pull ups, why add another stage, and extra expense, to the process?
Started with potty training undies/rubber pants during the day, diapers at night for the first several weeks. Once they had some level of control accidents were few and far between.
Three kids, boy, girl, girl, last one ADHD, all potty trained between 22 and 26 months. Boy was the easiest
Our son was finished with them at night when he woke up for 2 solid weeks in a row dry.
He was 7 1/2 yrs old at the time.
Some of his friends were 11 or 12 yrs old before they stopped wetting the bed.
Ask any pediatrician and they’ll tell you it’s quite common.
My daughter had just turned 2 when she was fully day and night potty trained. Literally with in a week of her birthday she was sleeping in her underwear.
My son was about 4. He was day time trained just after turning 3 and night time just after turning 4. He was a bit harder to potty train than my daughter
My son was 3.5 when he stopped wearing them. My daughter is 7.5 and just stopped using them last month. Every kid is different.
We never used pull ups but my daughter was night time trained at 3.5. My second daughter turned 3 in April and she wakes up dry. We still put her in a diaper because I haven’t gotten a mattress cover yet but I’m planning on getting that this weekend. My niece is 4 and she uses pull ups at night. My nephew just turned 5 and recently stopped needing them at night.
never used pull-ups. I consider them a waste of money.
with both sons, they were night-trained about 6 months after daytime success.
Being dry while a child is sleeping is NOT something that child has any control over. There are kids 12-14 that still wet every night, even with medical intervention.
Kids wear pullups so parents don’t have to live with tons of laundry every day and have worn out blankets and bedding. It’s silly to have to wash pee laundry every day.
Kids have NO CONTROL over what their body does while they are asleep. None at all.
My daughter was 5, but potty trained at 2.5, both boys were 3 and it happened at the same time as potty training. So it is different for each kid.
My younger brother wet the bed until he was 10 or 11…so it really depends.
My son is about to turn 5, was day trained at 3.5 and now is finally night trained.
It is not thier fault that they wet the bed. Many different reasons contribute to them wetting the bed. ADHD/Sensory/small bladder etc… So this is not something that they can necessarily control.
I know 8-10 year olds that wet the bed… and 2 year olds that don;t …
It really depends. I don’t think “potty training” is possible - it’s not a teachable skill. Kids develop when they develop, and the “Bladder is full, better wake up” signal to the brain can be late in arriving. I shouldn’t even say “late” because that sounds like something is wrong. Some kids walk at 8 months, some at 15 months. Some talk early, some not until 18 months.
The reason those big kids are on the package is that the manufacturer wants everyone to know that these products are used well past the age of 4! A lot of kids go well into elementary school and occasionally some (particularly boys) aren’t reliably dry until 10 or 11. (There is a medication that can help when absorbent underwear is no longer socially acceptable - we wound up doing that because our kid never slept a full night, never could go to sleepovers, and so on.)