weight loss and working out

I was pretty slender when I got pregnant with my baby boy because about 5 years prior to getting preggers I did weight watchers and lost around 50 pounds. I was able to keep it off by just eating reasonably after that. Well during my pregnancy I gained around 60lbs. I did WW after having him and lost around 19lbs but found the program tough to do while chasing around a little one and adjusting to being a new mom. So, I started weight training about 6 weeks ago and I really love it. Here is my question, I have actually gone down a size in clothing and can fit into several of my old clothes. Granted I don't look exactly like I did before, but hey, if it fits I am wearing it! Enough with the preggie stuff already! Anyway, I haven't really lost weight as far as the scale goes, in fact it seems I have gained a little. So is it true that when you start working out you don't lose weight right away? I am weaning right now so when I weighed myself there is a good chance my breasts were pretty full of milk so that may have contributed. But it is just so weird because I look better, I wear a smaller size, etc. but the scales aren't showing it. So my plan is to continue with my weight training and nutrition plan and just weigh myself in a month or so when I am totally done nursing. So if anyone has any info on how long it can take to see it on the scales I would appreciate it! Thanks!

I'm the same way when I start a new exercise regimen. I usually gain a little weight at first- even if my clothes are a little looser- and after a month the weight starts to come back down. I figure it is because I'm gaining muscle which weighs more.

Congrats on working out and losing the inches!

(I'm assuming you are weighing yourself at the same time each day. My weight can fluctuate a little over the course of the day).

You're on the right track. The main thing to remember is...muscle weighs more than fat. If your are satified with your clothes and the way they fit, don't worry about the weight. A long time ago when I was into exercise and weight training, I went from a size 9 to a size 6. My weight went from 125 to 133.

Congrats to you on your clothes size loss!

Hello, my weight trainer told me that you would not see a weight loss with weight training without cardio. you would need to add some cardio, such as waslking or aerobics. But on the top side doesn't it feel good to get in a smaller size. Good luck.

Hi Jen! I think it is great that you are working toward feeling better about yourself and getting healthy. As someone who loves running and working out, I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't look at the numbers at all. I am being completely honest when I tell you that I NEVER weigh myself (I don't even own a scale), but rather go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. Muscle really does weigh more than fat so if you are getting into lifting weights and strength training, chances are you will lose inches rather than pounds. Keep up the good work and throw the scale away.

muscle weighs more than fat!!!!

You're doing exactly what you need to do. Muscle weighs more than fat. So you are able to fit back into old clothes because you have lost some of the fat. You still weigh the same because the new muscle you are creating.

I'd be pretty excited about the progress you've made so far!

If the numbers are a concern, just add 3 days/week 30 min each of cardio (walk the baby around the neighborhood or jump on the elliptical at the gym). That should melt it right off! Enjoy! :)

Hi Jen,

Congratulations on going down a size. You may not see the scale go down as much as you would like because muscle weighs more. You are building and toning your muscles. Try not to focus too much on the scale (it's hard to do) and be proud of yourself. I have always heard it's not how much you lose or weigh; it's how your clothes fit. It sounds like you are on the road to success. Press on Girl!!:)

If you are weight training you can loose fat while gaining muscle. Remember, muscles burn calories just sitting so the more you have the better!
Good Luck!

This is very normal. Muscle weighs more than fat. I have been told it is better to gain more muscle than to lose pounds. You will feel better and look better also. The pounds will come down but slower. I was told by my doctor to do it that way since in the long run it would be better for my body.


The reason why your clothes are fitting better but the scale may show an increase in weight is because your are gaining muscle. When you weight train you will build muscle and burn fat. Fat weighs more than muscle, but will give you a lean toned look. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. Your metabalisium (sp?) will sky rocket. Keep up the good work. I worked out very hard after my baby. I didn't see results untill about 3 months later. It can be discouraging. Give your hormones time to readjust and eventually it will start melting off. I promise. Also, keep up the weight training it will do wonders for your body. Good job!

Hey Jen...You are absolutely right...you may not see results on the scale in the way you want them to go. When you begin a weight training program, it's typical to see a gain, because muscle weighs more than fat...so for now, you may be converting your body weight from muscle to fat and you also may still be holding onto water and a little bit of fat as a reserve to make breastmilk. Dont worry so much about the scale, a more accurate way to tell if things are happening is a body composition monitor....a gym would have one (like Aggieland Fitness Dome) But if you feel better and you can fit into your old clothes, that's a start...don't worry so much about the number on the scale, but take your measurements too...when you see a difference there, you know you're firming up!
Any more questions, let me know...I am working on losing my baby weight for the second time around!

Good luck!

I only notice a change in dress size after 4-6 weeks of a consistent cardio workout. Do you feel like your weight training is challenging enough? (a good sweat during every workout)
I feel like dramatic changes on the scale doesn't happen until a month or two.

The trainer at the gym should be able to answer this question,

I think what is happening Jen is that you are toning up nicely and quickly too....and the weight loss will happen later.


Muscle weighs MORE than fat. So forget about the scales and keep doing what you are doing! CONGRATULATIONS -- on your baby and your shape-up!

God Bless you,

Before I had my youngest son, I weighed in at 189 pounds wore a size 12 and I am 5'3". When I saw the scales peaking that high all I could think was I am so fat, I need to lose weight but in reality I wasn't. The only reason my scale went so high was not due to fat it was due to all the muscle I had gained because of the new job I had. I was the person that did all the heavy lifting for everyone. I would lift 70 to 80 pounds on down everyday all day and that is how I gained the muscle. My husband called me his little football player because I was so muscled. I am sure that is what is happening to you. Don't let it get you down. If your clothes are smaller then you are toning your self and the number on the weigher is not what matters it is rather you are losing inches. If you get to much muscle from weight training then the scale are going to stay where they are or they will go up due to the muscle you are making by weight training. Just keep up what you are doing if you like the muscle if not then lift less weight but keep up the training. Your muscle won't get so big and you will still tone up your body.

Hi Jen,
You are definitely on the right track. Don't even worry about what the scale says if your clothes fit better and you feel good. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh the same amount - a pound. However, muscle is more dense than fat and takes up a smaller amount of space so you could absolutely weigh more, but be smaller than you were. Keep it up!

HI JEN. You've received some really good responses. The only thing that I would have to add to it - I once dated a personal trainer and he gave me all sorts of advice --- is that you do a little bit of cardio. The cardio is what is going to burn the fat, while the weightraining will tone and give muscle. Getting into your old clothes is a HUGE accomplishment. I have a 2 1/2 month old and a 2 1/2 year old... so I know how hard it is to lose weight and take care of little ones... I can't wait to get into MY old clothes. SO WAY TO GO AND KEEP IT UP!!