My 4 1/2 year old girl is still in Pull-ups at night. I tried just stopping, and after 3 nights of twice changing sheets and washing, my husband said we must be doing something wrong and I put her back in the Pull-up. I also have a 2 year old that I'm going to start potty training with in March. How can I get my older girl out of Pull-ups and never start the younger one. Thanks for the help.
In short, you can't. I'm sorry to say that this is not a potty training issue, it is a physiological issue. She will stay dry at night when her body is ready to stay dry at night. It is completely out of her control, and there is nothing you can do to change it.
Her body needs to develop. She may have too small a bladder for her age, she may not be able to wake up when she needs to go, her body may still be producing urine at night (and adults bodies slow down the production of urine at night). These are all things that her body will figure out in time. But for now, you just have to wait.
Many kids are not able to stay dry all night until they are 6 or 7, and some aren't able to until closer to twelve. (Hence Pull-ups, Good Nights and other brands)
I know it's annoying and expensive, but it's either that, buy plastic sheets and pads or change sheets at night. You can't make her stay dry. It's just not in her control.
I agree with Gidget. It's a developmental issue. She will stay dry when her body is mature.
You are not doing anything wrong, nor is your daughter. It may be years before her body can stay dry throughout the night, most girls are able to so by age 6, yet each and every child is different.
Go ahead and ditch the Pull-ups and have several waterproof pads and sheets for her bed, make the bed 3 times over ~ crib size pad (or the plastic backed pads in the adult incontinence isle), sheet, top with another pad and sheet, and another pad and sheet and simply strip the top sheet and pad off when she wets. Encourage her to go potty before bed, and make sure she has enough light to go to the bathroom on her own during the night IF she will wake up to do so, some kids don't.
i "want" to stop nighttime pull-ups too, simple fact is - you can't train an unconscious mind to do/not do something... my middle child is 6 years old and has a soaked pull-up EVERY morning, my oldest was dry EVERY morning from 2yo - he has NEVER had an accident(day or night) from the day he was potty trained. it's not you, or anything you are or aren't doing, it's also nothing SHE can help, it will happen when it happens...
My son was in pullups at night till he was 7 1/2 yrs old.
Many kids are 11 or 12 before they can stay dry through the night.
Dealing with a wet bed/sheets/pajamas does not age the bladder any faster and it's a whole lot of laundry to be doing all the time.
You can talk to your pediatrician and he'll tell you - many kids wet the bed till older than you think they should but they just can not help it.
They won't be going off to college and still be wetting the bed.
Just be patient and don't set yourself up for anything that will aggravate you over this.
She'll grow out of it in her own time.
My daughter wet the bed, less and less frequently, until she was 8 years old. There is nothing you can do to cause kids to sleep dry. Keep the Pull-ups on her until she wakes up dry for several nights in a row. Then, be prepared for occasional wet nights after that. Have a waterproof cover on the mattress.
You will exchange one evil for another. I still use pull ups because I choose to have some free time from doing laundry all day every day for the next 2-3 years.
I choose to keep my laundry bill lower by eliminating extra detergent, bleach, fabric softener, and dryer sheets and all the electricity and water used by the washing machine plus the electricity and natural gas used by the dryer. I deserve to not have to be doing 1-3 loads of bed linens every day.
So I choose pull ups for the convenience and lower cost. Plus they allow me to have time to have a life away from the laundry room.
If you put night time potty training or night time peeing, the search on the top of this page you will get page after page after page all saying the same thing. There is nothing that can make her stop producing urine while she is asleep except her brain. When it turns on that part she will stop making urine and have dry pull ups. I would make sure to leave her in pull ups for several weeks so that you'll make sure she wasn't just dry on accident.
My daughter was not ready to go through the night yet till she was about 5 1/2 years old. We did try around 4, then again at 4 1/2 but she just was not ready. My daughter is a heavy sleeper and would sleep through wetting the bed and when I would wake her in the morning found she had wet the bed. I told her it was ok to wake me or call for me if it happened, she replied "I did not even wake up mommy."
Honestly your daughter is not ready, no one is doing anything wrong. I waited till my daughter was DRY through the night all the time for two months before making the switch. She has now been wearing underware to bed for two months and no accidents, I just waited till she was ready at about 5 1/2 years. I hate doing laundry and as others have said I choose to cut down on laundry by keeping my daughter in a pull-up at night till she was ready. Ever child matures differently physically and mentally, it will happen when it happens.
My almost 9 year old still has to wear them. We have maybe 1 or 2 dry nights a week, rest of the time he is wet, so much so that sometimes the pull up can't hold it all. His cousin still had night time accidents until he was 14. We just don't make a big deal out of it. It will happen when his body is ready.One Step Ahead catalog sells a waterproof pad you put OVER the flat sheet so usually I just have to pull this off and throw it in the washer without stripping the entire bed.
You aren't doing ANYTHING wrong. Daytime potty training is VERY different than night time potty training.
Her body might not be ready for night time dryness. It happens. Just keep using the pull ups. She is NOT doing it on purpose nor is she being lazy. there is a HUGE difference between day and night potty training.
One of my girlfriend's son - who will be 11 this year - still uses pull ups. And he TRULY doesn't WANT to. The doctor is giving him medication to take at night - but so far - it hasn't helped much.
you cant.. you cannot train someone to hold their urine while they aresleeping. your child's brain will mature and then she will wake up at night to go to the toilet..until then use a pull up.. they are cheaper than a load of laundry every day..
my 6 year old girl is wet every night.. my 4 year old boy has been dry for over a year. he started waking up to go pee as soon as he was potty trained.
you can get a bedwetting alarm when she is older.. we will probably buy the alarm this summer for my girl. the pediatrician says they are very good and usually work.
Very, very few kids can be "trained" out of peeing in their sleep (enuresis) because it's almost always simply a case of certain body functions not being mature enough to stay dry. This maturation happens at different rates among individual children, most often, somewhere between 1.5 years and 6 years. All but an unfortunate few get there before adolescence.
Here's a list of common causes of bedwetting (from
Doctors don't always know the exact cause of nocturnal enuresis. They do have some theories, though, on what may contribute to someone developing the condition:
- Hormonal problems. A hormone called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, causes the body to produce less urine at night. But some people's bodies don't make enough ADH, which means their bodies may produce too much urine while they're sleeping.
- Bladder problems. In some people with enuresis, too many muscle spasms can prevent the bladder from holding a normal amount of urine. Some teens and adults also have relatively small bladders that can't hold a large volume of urine.
- Genetics. Teens with enuresis often have a parent who had the same problem at about the same age. Scientists have identified specific genes that cause enuresis.
- Sleep problems. Some teens may sleep so deeply that they don't wake up when they need to pee
- Medical conditions. Medical conditions that can trigger secondary enuresis include diabetes, constipation, and urinary tract infections. Spinal cord trauma, such as severe stretching of the spinal cord resulting from a fall, sports injury, auto accident, or other event may also play a role in enuresis, although this is rare.
- Psychological problems. Some experts believe that stress can be associated with enuresis. It's not uncommon to feel stressed out during the teenage years, and things such as divorce, the death of a friend or family member, a move to a new town and adapting to a new school and social environment, or family tension can all feel overwhelming. Doctors don't know exactly why, but more than twice as many guys as girls have enuresis. It is frequently seen in combination with ADHD.
Sounds like your child is still young. Hang in there – she'll probably mature enough to stay dry during sleep sometime in the next couple of years. If kids are still bedwetting by the time they're 5 or 6, it's probably a good thing to have a medical check to make sure there are no underlying problems.
Some kids can be walked to the bathroom during the night, but quality sleep is important to health and development, and not all children will handle this disturbance well. And it's not the same thing as sleeping dry through the night, it's basically one more tradeoff the parents must make in order to cut down on laundry or purchasing overnight diapers.
We took my son out of pull ups at night when he was almost 2-1/2 (he had been daytime trained since 25 months). He had only been dry in the morning maybe 5 times in his life. He woke up wet intermittently for maybe a week and a half and then that was it. I might stick with it a bit longer. Many people believe that night time continence is physiologic but I don't believe that using morning dryness as an indicator is necessarily an accurate predictor. Do you know if she remembers having to urinate? It is possible she wakes but rather than getting up and going to the bathroom (yup, cold and inconvenient) she goes back to sleep.
my son is 4 and we asked the doctor about this. He said some kids will still wet the bed at 6 and 7. he wasn't too concerned that my son still needed pull ups unless it really bothered him. He was night trained, or so we thought, one winter and then when summer came and he was playing so hard during the day, he would sleep hard at night and start having accidents again. We went back to pull ups because I couldn't keep up! Be patient...I am told every kid is different and eventually they will get it.
My 6 year old still wears pull ups at night. Her doctor says it is normal and she will eventually outgrow it. My 4 year old just started wearing underwear last week. Every kid is different and you can not really train them at night. They will get it when they get it.
There is no such thing as "night time potty training" just happens when their bodies/bladders are fully developed to hold it all night.
Don't torture yourself.
When her pull ups are dry for a week or two in a row--she's developed physically. Try then.
How much is she drinking before bed? I stopped giving my son liquids one hour before bed. Then I made sure he used the bathroom right before bed. This definitely helped when we were training. He didn't pee in the night because he didn't have to. I never limited his fluid intake during the day, just the hour before bed.
My 9 yo son wet the bed till last December, and we used an alarm (at his request) to help him learn to get up to go to the restroom. My 8 yo daughter has never wet the bed. Both were potty trained by 2 1/2.
Potty training has nothing to do with bedwetting. When your daughter's bladder is mature enough she'll stop wetting the bed. If, when she's older, her brain needs some retraining to recognize the 'gotta go' urge while sleeping then you can get an alarm (highly recommend these). Until her bladder is ready you are setting yourself and her up for failure. In regards to your younger daughter, if she doesn't wet the bed after potty training you won't need pullups, if she does you will. Absolutely nothing you can do to influence it.
If you don't want to use pull-ups with your second, just don't. Keep her in diapers at night until she can sleep through the night and stay dry. That's what I did with my son -- pull-ups are a waste of money and don't actually help the process (especially at night).