My four, almost five year old daughter has veins on the side of her forehead that are very noticeable. I have asked my pediatrician on several occassions if it is anything to worry about and she assures me that it is just that her skin is thin in those places. The exact place is just above and to the side of her eyes, near her hairline. Actually it is pretty much the entire space between her eyes and hairline and even continues into her hairline. There are several large veins you can see and they are fairly dark. I am just curious to know if anyone else has noticed this on their children. My other two children do not have this, well, they have a slight vein you can maybe see but nothing like hers. I have looked at several children's heads to see if anyone else is similar and so far I haven't seen anyone that has something like this. I am just really concerned that there is something else really wrong and I wonder if I should get a second opinion. Thanks!
I have been working with children for 3 years. I have 2 of my own. My youngest has one right between his eyes. It bugs me, but I know that it is no big deal. Your doctor is right. It is just a matter of the location of the veins and the thickness of the skin. The better you can see a vein, the closer it is to the surface of the skin. Many times veins are also harder to see becuase of things like fat and how fairness of the skin. It really is nothing to worry about!
My daughter has this and so do I. Ours actually extends to our cheeks just below our cheekbones. I don't think you have a thing to worry about. It is just like how some people have noticiable veins in their arms and some don't. It has never bothered me cosmetically and never cause any problems.
It's nothing to worry about at all. My sister had that in the exact location you are describing, and so did one of my daughters. They both outgrew it, but not everyone does. The nice thing is that since she is a girl, if she doesn't outgrow it and it bothers her, she can always use a little make-up. It is just like your doctor said, the skin is thinner there, and the veins are located a little closer to the surface. Also, they are not major arteries or anything, so don't let that worry you either.
Most other people are not even going to notice them on your daughter. You do because you are her mom, and as a mom you examine your child closely all the time. We (as moms) see everything ! LOL ! They are so precious to us.
My son has a similar issue with a cluster of veins on his neck. Our doctor gave it a hame (which I do not remember as it was 13 years ago), but he said to just watch them for any changes. If there are not changes, no worries and if there are to bring him in to have them looked at. He just turned 14 last fall and there have been no changes. So we do not worry....
My 13 year old daughter has the same thing. Her doctor said she has thin skin and it is perfectly normal. She is gorgeous (if I do say so myself) and is not self-conscious about it at all. She also has very little body fat (15%) as she is a competitive dancer. So, I know I sound like I'm bragging about her but my point is that she is okay with it and so are we as her parents.
My three year old is the same. I wouldn't worry. It probably has a lot to do with skin tone. I would just be careful never to use any steroid creams (hydrocortisone, etc.) on that area since frequent use can thin the skin.
Definitely take her to another doctor. This should be checked by a specialist.
Thin skin is not normal.its usually a sign of a connective tissue disorder.Visible veins & thin skin can be a sign of Ehlers Danlos syndrome please get your daughter checked. My son got his diagnosis through a geneticist.
This morning i was giving my almost 5 year old a breathing treatment. (Allergies go hard in is family) and i was looking at my son´s head and i noticed large freaky clear as day veins on his forehead! It scared me to death and that is where i found your comment. U described exactly what he has… Demi is very pale and i dont know that ive ever noticed these before…
I just came across a recent picture of my daughter that really shocked me so I instantly googled it. I am so glad to see that this is normal and nothing to be concerned about.