twin girl names Montse Luna and Kori Estrella????? I

My son is 15 (see other post for the story). Him and his girlfriend are having twin girls. My son picked Kori, but his g/f picked Montse..she also picked Estrella and Luna for the middle names. I know I am just the grandparent, but I think the kids are picking horrible names. Is it really that bad? LOL

Kori is cute but the other names are kinda out there for my taste. How far along is she? When I was pregnant with my son we changed his name at least 4 times before we really decided on one so if there is time still maybe they will change their minds between now and the time the twins arrive. Now on the other hand with my daughter once we decided on a name, which was early on, it never changed. Unfortunatly you dont get any opinion in this matter it is their call they are the parents but I have to agree the names his g/f picked are not good.

They are names that an immature child would pick out for a Bratz doll. Unfortunately, they will also be a reflection on the child for the rest of their lives. I personally have no problem with a wacky name, as long as one of the other names is a bit more normal. That way, whatever the child chooses to do in their future, they have a "cool" name and a "professional" name.

Ethnic names, provided that it's part of the family's heritage, can do double-duty, but Montse sounds like someone stuck their hand in a Scrabble bag and made it up. Luna & Estrella both have their basis in the Moon, but I can't help but think of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter!

My brother-in-law and his wife (now deceased) had their son when she was 17, and named him Cirdan Gareth after Lord of the Rings characters. He and his new wife are raising him in an environment that is heavily into medieval play-acting through a group called SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). For their lifestyle, it fits wonderfully, but how he works into the real world? Not so sure..

Love them both, though, no matter what they choose. Good luck!

Hi Amy,

Wow, I remember seeing your post several days ago....twins at 15.....that makes my head spin (probably because I have four year old twins and the thought of having had to do this at 15, well.....I won't go there :-)!! )

Anyway, yes I agree with you that those are odd names and as one person already said, reflect the maturity level of someone who has no idea how strange names will impact her children in their futures. What can you do about it though? Hopefully you have an ok relationship with this young lady and can maybe talk a little sense into her :-)

When I read your post the other day, it made me wonder if your son or his girlfriend have ever seen the program 16 and Pregnant that comes on pretty regularly on MTv. It obviously can't undo what is already done but it really is an eye opening program. My 11 year old daughter and I have watched it several times and it really opens up the door for good communication about that kind of topic.

Wishing your son, his girlfriend and the babies all the best along with you and the other new grandparents. I know its not what you wanted for your son so early in his life but you all will get through it and one day when these little girls are 18 and graduating from hight school, you'll think life would have never been the same without them :-)

There are pluses and minuses to all names. I agree that it does show to some degree that the parents aren't taking this in a very mature way, however, NONE OF US really knew what we were getting ourselves into until we actually had our own kids!! I mean, I was 24 when I had my first son and I'm only 27 now, and I still feel immature and incapable at times! On another note, our second son is named Shade and we get compliments on it all the time, and even if we didn't, I'd still love it because I knew that was what God picked for him. So if they are gonna have odd names, at least they won't be the 10th Sarah in second grade (like I was).
This may be an opportunity for you to learn how to let teh parents make their own decisions, as well as your son and girlfriend learning that maybe their elders really do know a thing or two!

Estrella and Luna are Hispanic names, might it reflect her ethnic background? Montse sounds Italian ...
Good Luck

Bluntly put, yes I think they are bad. I am latino also and I dont like names like that. I dont understand why we have to name our children Luna or Estrella to reflect our heritage. Then again, to each their own? I think they mean Montse short for Montserat? At least that's how I know that name, again not a fan. We also have to remember where our children will be raised? In Mexico city maybe that name is appropriate but I just cant imagine naming my daughter that, maybe because I am second generation latino, but I think we can be just as proud of our heritage and culture without embarassing our kids and giving them names that will be difficult for other kids to pronounce etc. Why make it harder for them?

We just had 4 yo twin girls in our office last week there names were Lupita and Montserat. I thought there names were very cute but I thought Montserat was a boy name at first.

Well, I have got them re-thinking Montse aat least! The mother is stck on Estrella and Luna for middle names though. As far as the herritage…My son is 100% white boy! english/Irish His G/f is 50% Panamanian( her mom is from Panama, and it means alot to her to have the middle names in spanish. Her dad however is 100% white…from ohio or something like that…So, these babies are going to be 75% caucasion and maybe even blonde hair and blue eyes since my son is…who knows! I don’t mind the middle names…I just hope she gets over Montse! She is 6 months, due in early feb…most likely jan since they are twins…so we have a couple months!