My 90 year old mom is arriving Thursday 10/16 to see apartment for 1st time, sign lease, and take possession. I can provide other temporary needs until furniture arrives from Minnesota. I need a really decent bed (not folding rollaway or pull-out - a real mattress, box spring and at least a frame to raise it from floor) for short amount of time as she wants to move in that day and start making it her home. It will be needed around 4pm (3pm to 7pm window of time). Cannot get commitment from rental place yet and cost will be $70 - $105 for one month minimum if I can find one. Anyone have a guest bed in the area? (Kivel Manor) I'd be happy to pay reasonable amount and be delighted if it could be delivered that time frame and I could do the return as I don't think a twin is too heavy and I have a new covered bed pickup with bed liner for transport back.
My mom is meticulous - I've always said Better Homes & Gardens could come unannounced and take pictures and no set dressing would need to be done. She is also fastidious inside the cabinets, closets and drawers and with personal care. One rental company told me the only twins sized beds they had were used by kids and if they come back to rent out on time they are usually in pretty bad shape. (being jumped on, urinated on, etc) Now the idea of renting gets either scary or expensive with minimum rentals from one month to 4 months. If I go that route, anyone need to use up the rental fee?
Thank you for your time, attention, thought and willingness to share with others. Thank you for all the work you do, service you provide, and mostly all the Love you share in the world.
You can buy a good mismatched set or floor model twin bed for about the same price. Or go to and they even have some good ones on the free list.
I have a twin bed frame (no headboard or footboard) which is adjustable and has wheels. You can have it if you want to pick it up. I live in the area of 24th street and Bethany Home. Unfortunately I don't have a box spring and mattress to go with. Contact me by e-mail if you want to work it out.
I have two matching twin beds, with mattress and box springs. They are in good shape. The frames are wooden and have head boards and foot boards. In fact they used to belong to my grandmother and were in my guest room until that room was turned into a nursery. I am just storing them because they are to good to just throw away. I would love to sell you one or both at a very reasonable price. I live in Mesa but they break down and could easily be transported in your vehicle. Please send me an e-mail at [email protected] if you are interested. Your grandma would love them.
Hi Suzanne
We have an extra-long twin set, including frame which you could use free. The only problem is that we have no way to get it over there. If you could handle both getting it there and back, it would work.
We have company coming for Thanksgiving so would need it back by the Wed. before.
Thank you for the replies. None of the directions I went seemed to flow … and then the perfect one came to me when I let it go awhile (when will I remember that!) The person I’ve been working with to get a place for my mom will see that a twin bed is put into her apartment before she gets there and when given the date the movers will be coming, will have it taken out. It couldn’t be any better than that! I do appreciate your replies, advice and offers when I thought I needed to “do something!”