tubes tied, still have period, negative blood and urine results

I had my tubes tied almost 5years ago in "06". I have 3 children so I know pregnancy symptoms. for the past 3weeks I've had the same symptoms. I still have a period. The last two months my menstrual cycle has changed. Usually it lasts 5-6 days. In july it lasted3-4 days and was right on time. In august it started 3 days early which isn't normal for me. Well to get to the point, 3 weeks now I've been feeling a light flutter every so often " mostly while laying down, it doesn't hurt. I've gained 7 pounds, tired, moody, emotional, with hot and cold spells, headaches and occasional heart burt and hiccups. I went to my doctor "not an ob doc because I have no insurance" they did blood and urine tests, which came back negative. I'm still feeling the flutters and all the other symptoms. I'm really scared and don't know what it could be.I know the difference in gas and baby movements. With my calculationsi would be 10 weeks along. Has anyone ever been pregnant with tubes tied and still have menstrual cycle, with negative blood and urine tests? Please... I don't know what's wrong

Tubal ligations have failed. 10 weeks a pregnancy blood test should have showed an elevated hormone level. And at 10 weeks you wouldn't be feeling the baby move. What did your doctor suggest could be the cause?

Could you be starting into peri-menopause? Sounds like menopause type symptoms to me. I don't know your age but you don't have to be 40 to have peri-menopause. It does happen to young women too.

Stress can also cause those symptoms when it interferes with hormone production and affects your digestive system too. Tension headaches,.

You may qualify for medical care thru a county clinic that charges on a sliding scale.

In response to your comment about menopause being horrible. Actually, it doesn't have to be. We know so much more about menopause and how to manage it's symptoms. Also, many women don't have serious symptoms. I was feeling a bit off and people were telling me that I had become moody which caused me to see the gynecologist. He did a blood test and confirmed I was in menopause. Just knowing that helped me to manage my moods better. I didn't have hot flashes but was sensitive to a change in temperature. Now there are several natural and chemical ways to manage menopause. You can lose the weight once you know what is happening. With me, I slowed down when I didn't feel good. Once I realized this was a natural process and exercise would help me feel better I went back to walking nearly every day.

Tubal ligations aren't 100% effective, but they're pretty close. After 5 years I would think you're pretty safe. You may just be experiencing changes in your cycle which isn't uncommom. If you suspect you are 10 weeks pregnant, something would have shown up on a blood test. I would talk to the doctor again about what could be causing your symptoms. Your hormones may be out of whack a bit leading you to feel pregnant even if you're not.
Get a follow up.

I'm not sure how old you are but when I turned 30, my cycles changed and became heavier and more unpredictable. I also get ovarian cysts and fell fluttery feeling on occasion which I think may be from the cysts.

Chances are it's perimenopause. You need to see a gynecologist. If there is a Planned Parenthood where you live, they charge on a sliding scale and offer a full range of women's services. If there isn't, look in the Yellow pages and see if there is a health clinic that does offer GYN serivces at a reduced cost.
At 10 weeks, you most likely would be in a great deal of pain with a tubal pregnancy, so I doubt it's that, but go see someone soon.

Could be peri menopause. If you are done having kids, why would peri menopause be so bad? It happens to all women sooner or later. Granted the hot flashes and night sweats are a bother, but you learn to manage them. Your symptoms could be other things beside pregnancy. Hypothyroid comes to my mind. It wouldn't hurt to have your TSH, T4 and T3 levels tested. If your nails and hair are not growing well (brittle, break off easily, shedding outer side edge of your eyebrows), along with weight gain and other signs, your thyroid might be acting up (or shutting down). It's very manageable once they have the Synthroid or Armour Thyroid dosage figured out. A negative blood test (after 10 weeks) would convince me I wasn't pregnant.

Looks to me like you're heading for that TV show; "I didn't know I was pregnant"!
By about 12 weeks, your uterus should be big enough to measure. Start at your pubic bone w a cm tape measure and follow it up to the fundus. It should grow approx. one cm a week. If you start doing that in Sept. for a month, if it increases 4 cm in that month, chances are you are pregnant. Instead of an ob, try a midwife. A CPM, DEM or LM all not only are much cheaper than a doc or CNM, but spend more quality time w you!

hi, i have a friend that had her tubes tied and he husband had himself fixed and they got preg. their daughter is starting collage this year. i didn't know it could happen be it did with them. how ever every once in a while i have what feels like baby movement and i now i am not because i am done with mena. and the doc. told me i was done but i kinda like it . it reminds me of that special time in me life. relax and give it time. on the other hand just in case don't drink, take strong meds. and all that stuff for now just in case. i don't know how old you are but if you are pariamenoposel you will have messed up periods. when i start i only had three period a year for 2 years and then i was done. anyway good luck and try not to worry. mom of 7, ruth

While a tubal is not 100% effective, sounds like from all the other reasons - tests, period- you are most likely not pregnant. I'd try to get an appt with a could be a cyst or other reasons you feel the way you do.

I know there are some genetic conditions in the baby that cause the blood and urine tests to not be accurate, but those chemicals they measure are still in the bloodstream. At 10 weeks, those tests would be 'off the chart'...

Best wishes to you!


I’m new to this site so I hope I’m doing this right with the responding back. Thank u both. I don’t want more kids, I have three. So I hope and pray that’s not what it is. I really hope its not menopause omg! That would b terrible! Well I guess I have to make another appt. Because this will make a person go insane!