Two things to do before considering a specialist (I know you said you don't want to go...but more on that later):
-Go to It will be so helpful. You'll learn a lot about your cycle, when you are ovulating, when to have sex to have your best shot at conceiving, and signs that you might be pregnant. It is totally free and unbelievably helpful.
-Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It is very similar to the fertilityfriend website, but with more detail.
Both methods include BBT (basal body temperature) charting and cervical mucus observation. Your effort in all of this will be: reading the material, buying a BBT thermometer, taking your temperature as soon as you wake up every day, and then charting the temp/cervical mucus/and when you have sex.
If you try ovulation kits, weight loss, and charting and still don't get pregnant, you may wish to seek the assistance of a specialist. There are so many things that contribute to the infertility puzzle: not enough of certain hormones, too many hormones, lack of primary follicles, lack of a trigger hormone to release the egg at ovulation, blocked fallopian tubes, inability of the uterine lining to support a pregnancy, inability of the pituitary gland to produce enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy...and those are just the female issues. The issue might not even be with you - the male could have low sperm count, high sperm count but the sperm are not viable, high and viable sperm but they don't travel they way they should. Seeking the support of a specialist could be helpful because you may be able to find out exactly WHY you're not having success and specifically target your particular issue. At the same time, I totally understand not wanting to go that route. I did that for 3 years and it was exhausting, both physically and mentally not to mention it was exceptionally time-consuming.
For what it is worth, I have dealt with PCOS and fertility issues all my life. For my last pregnancy, I used the fertilityfriend website to chart my temps and read the Taking Charge book to learn more about how I could maximize my success. It took a few months but I did manage to conceive without medical intervention and I successfully delivered about a month ago.
Good luck and definitely check out the fertilityfriend website as a starting point.