I am curious if the time it takes my 18 month old daughter to fall asleep is normal. It typically takes her 45 minutes to 1 hour to fall asleep for naps and night time. On occassion, she falls asleep quickly (under 10 minutes), however I can not isolate what is different in those instances from times that it takes much longer. Her typical sleep routine consist of a bath (at night), brushing teeth, reading books, and then nursing to sleep. I then lie in bed with her, in a dark quiet room, for up to an hour nursing before she falls asleep. She usually takes a 2 1/2-3 hour nap mid-day (12:30-3:30) and goes to sleep at night between 8:30-10:00. Is this typical for a toddler?
I'd say you're on the right track with the bedtime routine idea, however I would advise against feeding her to sleep. There's a chance that she just doesn't want her time with mommy to end and tries to stay awake to prolong it. I'd say just switch some things around in your routine--feed her first, then bath and brush teeth and read books. I'm not sure if this will help with the amount of time it takes her to fall asleep, but it's worth a shot. Also it will help when you have to start weening her off of the breast, so that you don't also have to ween her off of her nighttime soother at the same time. Does she sleep through the night okay? I feed my son (16 months old) a bowl of iron-fortified cereal at night before bed so his tummy stays full. I've noticed if he doesn't get a good solid snack before bed he wakes up early and unhappy. I started that when he stopped having a bottle before bed (12 months). Anyway, hope I helped some! I'm a little jealous that your daughter sleeps so long during the afternoon! :)
Sleep schedules can vary so greatly! I also nursed both my children to about 18 months.
So, my advice would be to either cut out the bedttime feedings entirely or doing it before the bath if you still wish to nurse at night.
Lay her down before she is fully asleep and stroke her back or sing softly, but don't talk to her/pick her up... then quietly and promptly leave the room. This will help her learn to fall asleep on her own, as for now, she is most likely depending on the night nursing to soothe her.
This information should help:
This article is also really good from a mother who tried the method and gives some good resources as well:
I am going through the exact same thing - excpet my 1 year old is now on cow's milk so has his bottle of warm milk when trying to go to sleep. I'm guessing I need to stop this. His crib is in our room, next to my bed. His night time routine is dinner, bath, bottle and bedtime (together). But I stay by his crib until he falls asleep and I find he is taking anything up to an hour to fall asleep (even during the day). I have tried to let him cry it out a little (for up to 10 minutes) but he just wails and wails and i end up giving in. He does nap during the day (has two naps for a total of about 2 and a half hours). I dont know what it is I'm doing wrong because a few months ago, he would put himself to sleep in his crib - i think it's ever since he has learnt to sit up and stand up on his own that this problem has started (that's all he wants to do in his crib - stand up!).
Just know you're not alone!!! :-(
I think the issue could be you staying in the room , if she still nurses could you do that then put her down in her crib and leave the room? I know I couldn't fall to sleep if someone was sat in the room with me , I'd be watching them to see what they were doing!!!
My 19 month old has a bath , has some milk (cow's milk) and then we put her in her crib fully awake , turn the light off and leave the room , sometimes she falls asleep in a matter of minutes and other times she can take 10 mins or so , she just lies there talking to herself , she does nap in the day , she has 1 nap that is around 1-2 hrs long and she takes this around 11.30-1.30 (odd time I know but it works for us and I find it doesn't interfere with her being tired at bed time which is 7pm).
Hope this helps
It is likely that she is just not tired enough. Is he doing something everyday that requires physical energy? On those days that you head to the park, or play place, does she sleep better. As a mother of 5 I have realized that running around during the day is the biggest encouragement to a good nights sleep. Ok, that, and getting out of her room:) You do need to let her be, she is old enough now for sure. I am not a mom who advocates Crying it out, but I would work on finding a way for her to put herself to sleep. Given the almost 3 hour nap during the day, I would also imagine she may not be tired until closer to 9-9:15 or so. Hope that helps some, good luck changing things a bit! ~Amber~
I would cut her nap down to 2-2 1/2 hours per day and see if that helps. Also, when my kids go outside and play in the afternoons, they are exhausted by bedtime.
All the advice is great. Just thought I would mention the night light we have for my son. It is actually a ladybug that projects the moon and stars onto his ceiling. He likes to turn it on and then he walks over to his crib to go night-night. He seems to really like it, and plus his favorite book is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star=) He also has a Precious Moments little boy that says the Lord's Prayer and we always say that. Good luck!!
I suggest you get the book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It is a lifesaver!
The book would tell you two things. First, your bedtime is too late. Bedtime should biologically be between 6:00 and 8:00. The more well rested a child is, the easier it is for them to fall asleep. The second thing the book would tell you is that your baby needs to learn some self soothing habits. It is very important that children learn to put themselves to sleep.
Her mid day nap is a good length, so I would NOT wake her up as someone else suggested.
I have a 2 year old and a 15 month old. My 2 year old goes to bed at 7:30pm, wakes up at 8:00am and naps between 1:00-3:00. My 15 month old goes to bed at 6:30, wakes up at 7:45 and naps between 12:00 and 2:30.
Most brain development happens during sleep so I am a stickler for my kids sleep times!
Good luck,