Tell a perspective employer I am PG?

I have been home with my son for over a year, I have been looking for a part-time job because we need the money. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant, should I tell a perspective employer during an upcoming interview? I know its illegal for them to not hire me because I am pregnant, but we all know it happens. During my last pregnancy I had to start wearing maternity clothes at 10 weeks, so I won't be able to hide it long.

You are certainly under no obligation to disclose this information.

In most cases, doctors advise that you don't tell others about a pregnancy until the 3 month mark. I would imagine that would apply to this as well.

I personaly wouldnt just because some people don't even tell their families untill the second trimester. So therefore I would say it's none of there buisness.

No -- I was 6 wks pg w/ my first one when I was offered a job. I felt a little guilty about it, but it turned out that they were fine w/ it and as long as I did my job, they didn't care. In fact, they threw me a shower (I was only there 6 months!). Just wait until you get the job, and then say something to an human resource person or your boss. Explain the situation. If they like you, they will work with you.

Good luck!

ps -- each pregnancy is different, so you may not show as early as you did last time.

From personal experience I wouldn't until you have reached your 2nd trimester. I told several interviewers that I was pregnant, only 6 weeks and was not selected for any of the positions that I applied for, even though I have had several years experience in the field.

It is up to you, but I have had bad experiences with that.

Good luck to you!

Dear Tanya

I started a job at about 7 weeks pregnant too. I did not tell the employer: partly because I knew that, even were I not pregnant, it was not a job I would want to keep forever. I didn't feel guilty about this: my family needed the money and, at the end of the day, my family was far more important to me than a job.

It is probably also illegal for an employer to ask you if you are pregnant once you are working (I'm not sure about this, but at the very least it would be unethical) so even if you do start to show they really shouldn't ask/enquire into it.

I hope this helps a little.... good luck with the new baby!

Tell them only after they have offered the job and you decided to accept it. Tell them you just founf out. They don't know if you found out at 7 weeks or 10. Good luck

No, don't tell them. Wait as long as you can before sharing the news. Hope the interview goes well.

I am a mom of a 13 month and a Human Resources Manager. Potential employers by law can not ask you about your family, marital status or any other personal information. And You are not obligateed to tell a potential employer that you are excpecting. My advice is to wait untill you have a job offer. And only tell them after you have accepted the position. You are correct that is is discrimination not to hire based on pregnancey. And I am ashamed as an HR professional that it does happen. You are early in your pregnancy that you do not have to worry about telling anyone just yet. Congratulations and good luck!

I would wait because legally someone cannot not hire you because you're pregnant, but trust me people discriminate. Why would they want to hire someone that will be leaving to have a baby in the near future. Until you are really showing I wouldn't be concerned about telling your employer or prospective employer. I am currently struggling with the same situation and I struggled with it as well with my first baby also.


I asked my boss, who is an attorney, if a person should reveal that they are pregnant during an interview. He said no. If it is a job that you are the "It" person it would be nice to tell a potential employers but bottom line is they have no right to ask you or hold it against you. Of course, they probably will. And not to be mean or anything but usually people don't say anything until the 2nd trimester just in case anything should happen to the pregnancy. Just my two cents.


I know its hard to get work when all a perspective employer can see is a future with out you there. Have you considered a home run business? My wife and I have done a few different things... when Rainey was born, I worked nights at a not-so-great job so I could be home during the day. I subsidised (SP) our income by publishing in motorcycle magazines.

Then we got into an affiliated marketing group -- letting me go back to equitable full-time employment and Heidi only working part time now. For some folks its hard to do - but for others, a home run business can be the ticket. Ours only cost @$130.00 to start ---- I know some others can cost more.

All the law requires is that you be able to perform the job duties with RESONABLE ACCOMIDATION. This means they have to accomodate you. I would not say a word unless you think the job would be hazardous to you or your unborn child. Then if it's hazardous, then don't take the job.


My advice is to not tell them. It is your body and your business as far as they need to know. If they respect you as an employee then they will be able to give you the needed time to have your baby. I went through a similar situation and was not offered the job because I was 7 months pregnant at the time (at least that is why I think I didn't get it). Good luck!

My advice - although not legal advice - is not to tell your prospective employer that you are pregnant until it becomes obvious. I would wait until you are at least 12 weeks along, but announce it as soon as you begin to show. If you do get a job, keep very very accurate and detailed records. I had to ask for an afternoon off from a job for a doctor's appointment and naively answered my boss' question about what kind of appointment it was - which was none of her business. At this point, I had been employed for about 2 months. My boss told me that she had personal problems with my being pregnant and didn't say anything for another couple of months. She then began to start talking about how she felt my pregnancy was getting in the way of my job (it really wasn't getting in the way other than that I needed breaks more often since I was on my feet all the time). At seven months, with no prior warning, she arrived at my apartment door with a letter telling me that "due to poor performance" I was being terminated effective two weeks from the date. Since I was the caretaker of a condominium building and lived on-site I also had until the end of the month to move out. I knew I was fired for being pregnant and, so, I sent out surveys to every resident of the building asking about my job performance. Of the ones that were returned, I did not receive even one answer that said I performed below "exceeded expectations."
I say to keep detailed records after you are hired in case you might happen to be fired. You would need to be able to prove that you were fired after your boss found out you were pregnant and that the events were connected in some way.

NO! DO NOT tell the interviewer that you are pregnant. Just like you don't ask about vacation time and overtime, don't tell them you're pregnant. If you get the job and accept it, let them know after your probationary period (and hopefully you're not showing!) If you're really showing that much that soon, tell your immediate supervisor AFTER you've got the job. Good luck!

I wouldn't tell them, just wait until AFTER you have the job. Best of luck!

Hi Tanya,

At this point, I am sure you had your baby, congratulations. If you are still interseted in earning extra income, I wanted to give you this opportunity.

I am a co-founder for a new networking company that specializes in natural products and travel. We currently are searching for distributors to build this incredible new business. We have incredible all natural products and it is easy to do from your home computer and phone. It is a web-based business that you can take out of your home if you like or keep it web based.

We have a very special event this Saturday June 7th at 10am at the Scottsdale Plaza.

No fee for the class, it is free, but you do need to register, call me at 602-931-3206 for tickets. You will also receive a 2 night 3 day hotel voucher good in 45 different cities. Something all families need!

Trust me on this, attend our event, check us out and let me know your thoughts. Very easy, little time, little investment and incredible income potential all from your home computer and phone!

I am a businesswoman in the Phoenix area for over 12 years.

Thank you all for your wonderful advice and suggestions! I have been offered the job, and I am taking the job. They do not know I am pregnant, and I feel very guilty about it. The guy I interviewed with kept talking about how he didn’t want to waste his time training someone who would only be there short term (a month or two). I figure I will be there at least eight months, so techically, its not short term. I think that, as most of you suggested, I haven’t told most people yet that I am pregnant, so a perspective employer should be no different. I hope it works! Thanks again to everyone who responded!