Student teacher problem what do I do?

tha teacher in my daughters class has a nasty mouth!! Now what I mean by that is not cuss words but some of the things she says to the children make me extreamily angry. I have bit my lip because my 6 yr old wants to stay with friends but Im loosing my patince. Durring the first part of school she called my daughter a creep because my kid stood up for herself in a situation that the teacher tried to manipulate her. Then called home making her out to be in the wrong. She made comments to the children regarding an adopted student not being "wanted" and tolk my kid she would not be able to read. Now her aid in the class is starting to do the same to these kids. Im about to snap and Im just scratching the surface. I ant to say something but Ive been told by someone who worked in her class that it wont end. Not for any of these kids. There were complaints but we just got a new principle what do I do?

Some people have a unique way of supposedly motivating the children. However, the first thing I would do is communicate my concerns (in a respectful manner) directly to the teacher. Find out what he/she is trying to accomplish by being so "straigh forward" with the students.

In the meantime, document all the things your child is telling you and submit your concerns in a written letter to this "new" principal. They don't usually ignore this type of stuff once you put it in writing. Especially if you CC: it to a few people at the school board.

You can usually find the right personnel and their addresses online or by calling and asking, : "If I have a complaint about my child's teacher and I think the principal can not address it, who can I contact and what's their address."

They'll get right on top of it then.

I'm a teacher and I feel it is so important to speak with children in a positive way. I would address your concerns with the teacher and spend time volunteering in the classroom if you have time so that you can see and hear what she's saying on a daily basis. If the teacher is not willing to improve, you need to make an appointment with the principal and/or see if there is an opening in a different classroom. You can always arrange weekend or after school play dates with your daughter's friends to ease that transition.

I think Jennifer P gave you the perfect advice. I second it!

You definitely need to go to the principal about this. And if you don't get any response or assistance there, go to the district office/superintendant and file a complaint about the teacher. People like this teacher should not be around children, much less be in charge of teaching them.

WOW First of all I have a child in the 5th grade who has a hard time reading. And we also have 4 year old who is adopted (and very much wanted). I know it is always best to talk to the teacher first. But in this case I know I would be far to upset to have a civilized conversation. So I would talk to the principle and voice my concerns. If I was not satisfied I would have to put my child in another class. I know they like to be with their friends. But it is more important to have someone you trust teaching your child.

Stand up for your child. Go back to the principal and request that you be allowed to visit the class during class time. The teacher won't repeat the unprofessional actions while you are there, I'm sure, but she'll know that you are serious about your concerns. It shouldn't matter that it is a new principal. If he/she is doing his/her job correctly, the parent must be taken seriously.

First of all it is terrible that the kids in the class have to go through a entire day with this type of behavior. The teacher is to teach respect as well as manners to a child and this teacher seems to be teaching the opposite. As a parent, you want to teach your child that she can come to you with her problems and that you will take care of them. You must be your child's protector in this situation. With your child not present, you should make an appointment with the principal requesting the teachers present. In this meeting you should discuss your facts in regards to your child, what is exceptable and not, and the position that you stand on the teachers practices. Hopefully, the principal will monitor that class a little closer. If not,it is your responsiblity to place your child in a positive environment that will allow her to have a pleasant day. She will develop new friends along the way. You may have to stop in every now and then to let her know everything will be alright. Change is difficult for adults so you can imagine how impact kids.However, I find children adapt better than adults.

Yea, you need to go talk to the principle, if the new principle is doing his/her job, they will take the appropriate actions against both the teacher and the aide, if not you need to see the schools superintendent or schools board of advisors, i dont understand why when the 1st complaint came in the principle didnt take action immediately. you really need to speak up, raise your voice if you have to, to get this teacher and aide out of your childs class. this is not by any means healthy for your child. I dont really agree with doing voluteering in the class, cause the teacher will act differently when a parnet is in her class, if your in the class she is going to be on her best behavior so she doesnt get into trouble and you will not hear the things that she & the aide are saying, so best off, just going straight to the pinciple.

Unfortunately there are loads of very bad teachers out there. Get together with as many parents as you can - this teacher is clearly over the top. Hopefully you will not be met by " have you discussed this with the teacher ?" or "sometimes children don't really get the story straight." I found my kids and their classmates to be ALWAYS right on the money.

I have personally witnessed a teacher get right in a child's face and scream- on a 1st grade field trip.

My children have endured many a bad teacher much to their and my heart ache but what you just discribed is truly dispicable and must be addressed in mass ASAP.
This teacher must feel well protected and they may all do their best to intimidate, invalidate you ect Which is why you must keep a very cool head and educate yourself.
So start with the other parents first - everyone should start keeping a diary - try to remember past events put it in writing.Go to the previous classes parent get them to recap to the new principal. Have all parents go in individually or write a letter first because they will say you must do that. Document EVERYTHING. After everyone has done 'due diligence' individually - you all meet again - then do a group complaint and CC the school board. Be ready to go higher.Find out if your school has a teacher file.

Although there are academic standards set there does not seem to be a standard in place for teacher behavior - we seem to hear only about child behaviorial issues.I have many other outrageous teachers tales as well. Yes, teachers work hard for low pay but that is no excuse for chronic child abuse. I have 3 kids 18 12 and 10 - and I can tell you I am sick to death of this kind of abuse of power over the children in schools and often toward the parents who try to address it. HOwever this particular teacher is making very little attempt to hid her behavior so with a little organization and perseverance you may well get her replaced.

The Best of luck to you and the girls,

PS It is VERY important to keep calm inside and out & learn the language - if they see you can articulate what are proper teacher interactions and why the more they'll take you seriously.Sadly you will get more and more practice in the next 15 +- years or so but as you know nothing is more important to fight for.

Resources: 'Bad Teachers" goggle it - can't remember the authors name

Positive Discipline in the classroom by Jane Nelson

THese women wrote a book called

'How to Talk So Kids Can Learn-At Home and in School'
by Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish, Lisa Nyberg, Ph.D. and Rosalyn
Anstine Templeton, PhD*

That's harassment and illegal for teachers to act that way. You should get the administration involved and if that doesn't work, go to the school board. Teachers can and are fired for that behaviour. It depends on your school district, some take a harder line than others, but don't let it go. Your kids are worth the effort.


This situation requires drastic measures. My daughter had a sub once while her teacher was on maternity leave who did the same thing. Enough parents complained so that she never subbed again. However, if your daughter is in public school this may be harder to take care of. Having a new principal is a good thing, maybe that person will have a fresh perspective and the guts enough to do something about that teacher! Do you know the teacher well? Try to foster a friendly relationship with her. Then, I would spend a day in her class. The teacher cannot say no to this, and this will put her on notice that you are watching her. Just tell her that you want to do this as an involved parent...if you still have concerns after that, then definitely go through the chain of command. The school year is halfway over, so switching schools may not be a good option at this time, and next year's teacher is likely much better. I am an advocate for having good parent-teacher relationships, so do your part, but if she is that bad then do what you can to make sure she does not do this to any more children.

Ashley, I remember having a couple of those teachers...they were burned out but, for whatever reason, did not find another outlet for their negativity.

You have two options that I can think of, and I suggest implementing both.

First, document each incident and take it to the pricipal. I am making the asupmtion that you have already spoken to the Teacher. If not, you might want to to see what her "philosophy" is before taking it to the top, so to speak. Also speak to other parents (objectively) and find their impressions of the teacher.

Second. This is a 'wonderful' opportunity to teach your child coping mechanisms for dealing with people in society who are less than professional/civil. Your child will run into many people in the future who behave inappropriately or unfairly. Should they? No. Do They? Yes.

You may not get far with the teacher, but you can teach your daughter how to deal with it constructively. If your daughter is ok with staying in the class and wants to be with her friends; it is ok. This is an excellent opportunity for societal examples and response training.

Give you child support at home. She will be ok. Keep listening to her, if something comes up, act on it...but knowing that she has your trust and support at home can help alot.

If it is possible to pull her out and place her into another classroom, do so imediately!!

Hi Ashley,
Being a teacher myself, you owe it to your daughter and the teaching profession to document everything and then make an appointment with either the teacher (if you feel comfortable) or sit down with the principal to talk about your concerns. This is not appropriate behavior.

Make sure you have a papertrial. Document everything, date, time, witnesses, what was said to who, etc. Take it to the new principal, if that doesn't help, check your parenthand book. It should tell you how to go about filing complaints with the School District. If that doesn't help, take it to the School Board. If you have other parents on your side and they have witness all of this, it would help. Document, document, document.

write letters to the principle and to the superintendent of the school district. enlist the help of other parents who feel the same way to do the same. write a letter to that teacher if you feel like it won't come back on your child in a negative way. grrrr! i don't know... that's hard.

Never accept anyone emotionally abusing your children. Address it directly with the teacher. If nothing changes, address it with the principal. If nothing changes address it with the school superintendent. This is inexcusable regardless of any child's behavior.

First talk to the principal - then PULL your child out of that class using the teachers abuse of the class as the reason. Go to the superintendent...file a complaint. Use your voice - DON'T bite your lip. Get other parents involved.

This adult is ABUSING the children in that class. It needs to stop NOW. It needs to be dealt with ASAP. The teacher needs to either be heavily retrained or simply FIRED.

NEVER let another adult abuse your child or anyone else's child.

A few years ago (when my ex forced me to put my kids into school after many years of homeschooling) the first school had a teacher who was not appropriate. I didn't get the full brunt of but noticed very quickly that my once eager to learn son was no longer eager to learn. When she ripped him a new one over something that was HER Fault and not his IN FRONT OF ME - I ripped her a new right back (yes in front of my son) and pulled him immediately, filed a complaint and haven't been back.

If this woman is abusing children in front of you - imagine what she does when parent's aren't there...scary


been there - took care of that - GO FOR IT!

This person sounds like a verbal abuser which is not tolerated in schools. Contact the school's principal, new to the job or not. All parents whose children are being verbally abused must also complain. You need to speak up for your child and protect her.

I'm not a mother but I would not tolerate this type of behavior.