Stay at home mom with three boys

I recently lost my job and now have become a full time mom. Although I worked from home and raised the boys at the same time, I am now having a hard time figuring out what to do with our time. My youngest is 9 months old, so going outside is a hard option since it is so cold outside.

Please tell me how and what moms do during the day... how do you balance a house, shopping and kids??


I don't know how old your older two boys are, but here are some options in the winter (I have always been a stay at home mom. Now my kids are 5, 8, 10 and 11). The library is good - look at books, read books to them, and sometimes they have scheduled story times or other activities, often free. Same goes for Borders and Barnes & Noble - scheduled story times are fun too, and often have another small activity or craft time and maybe even a cookie. One of the malls in St. Louis has a carousel for a small fee. I'd go and tell them we get two rides. Of course there's the usual science center, kids' museum, etc., but you can't do those everyday. How about art supplies - construction paper, glue, paint, whatever, head to Michael's or even the school supplies aisle of Target and you may get some ideas to keep everyone happy. You could also check out a book at the library about science experiments if they're into that. Simple stuff you could do at home.

As for juggling - I have a hard time with that. There's always, always, always laundry to do. I'm NEVER EVER caught up with it and someone is always out of pants, underwear or whatever. I try to keep up with cleaning, but that's hard and I try to cook dinner when it's not dinner time so that I'm not in a rush when 5:00 comes and I have absolutely no idea what we will be eating in an hour. I do let them watch tv, play electronics - that's my time to do the other stuff. To be honest, I'm not entertaining them 24 hours a day, but we do our best. Have a friend over with kids, have their friends over and you'll be reciprocated too. My house is cluttered, and not the cleanest, but I like to think it's a happy home. It'll be an adjustment, have fun. Happy Holidays.

We try to do at least one or two "field trips" each week, which can include anything from grocery shopping to the pet store, Toys 'R Us, or Target to play with the toys. We also try to do play dates each week. The library option is a fantastic suggestion! has lots of ideas for activities and games. You may also look into a local chapter of MOMS International or some other club for stay-at-home moms. They offer various activities each week and it's a great network of friends for both you and your kids. Best of luck! Enjoy your time with your kids!

we have a schedule! lol. I babysit the neighbors little boy on mondays. I take my kids to gymboree play and music twice a week. on tuesdays i drop off my daughter for 2 hours and then i go run errands for groceries when i just have the baby. on wednesdays they have an open play gym that i take both kids to so that they can run a muck and get some energy out. My daughter goes with her grandma every other thursday and thats when i tackle heavy cleaning when i only have the baby! I also work from home ( that is what helps me keep my sanity so that im not always "just a mom"! i also joined a kansas city moms group of cafe mom that does play dates and get togethers pretty often, so we try to go to those as often as we can.

Since I'm much older than most of the people on here my life was a bit different from today. I had 8 kids so when the first two were little I did all the things I had to do in the morning, such as dressing them, feeding them, getting kitchen cleaned, then I played with them if they were young ( as your 9 month old is ). I sat in the floor with them and we played and talked and just had fun. Then lunch time and soon after nap time. That's when I got most of the other stuff done. Back then I did vacuum everyday and dusted everyday and yet when the other kids came along I realized that was not very realistic. I did laundry every day, several loads when we had all the kids, and really there is so much to do if you include reading to them and just spending time listening to them. We had no car until our 8th child was born, well, one car is what I mean and so I didn't go like you moms do today. We had to do things at home but the kids did play outside in the yard a lot even the 2yr. olds so that was good for them. Actually if you think about it the day just seemed to fly by but you should make a schedule so you aren't overwhelmed. Do certain things each day so it all gets done and yet you leave plenty of time to play with them or talk with them and just have fun time too even if it is driving somewhere or visiting someone. Maybe this wasn't much help but those were the most precious days that are now gone for me with all the kids grown and the memories are days I'll always treasure. I hope you'll enjoy them whatever you decide to do each day.