My daughter may need some speech therapy. She is four and I emailed the public school in my area. We are in Eagle Mountain Saginaw schools. Does anyone else have a child who is seeing a speech therapist from the public school system. My daughter is HUGE HUGE talker and speaks very clearly. However, we are seeing that she has a lisp that is NOT going away. We have worked on it at home but it does no good. My husband had the same issue and saw a speech therapist in the first grade and it went away. Is this something that we can get seen about now before we are in the school system?
My niece had to go to speech therapy and they used the public system to do so. She was three at the time and went to the speech therapist then, before she was in school.
I used private ones and still do as I am deaf and wish to remain verbal. If you choose that route, look for a speech pathologist. They are wonderful at correcting speech patterns. Also ask her pediatrician for a referral. Lots of times, they have resources to help you with these kinds of concerns.
Hope this helps. Have a good new year.
My daughter has been in speech therapy (with the school system) since she was 4 (before she was enrolled in school). We spoke to someone at my son's school who gave us the number to call. I highly recommend it. They will evaluate her and then have a meeting with you to explain their findings.
My daughter also was a HUGE talker. The reason she got in was not because she was necessarily delayed in her speach patterns (she had two sounds that were a little slow), but because she was so advanced in her language skills that the therapist was affraid she would focus on new words and not on the actual sounds of how to pronounce them. She is still currently in speech to focus on blended sounds, but is doing so much better. My dad can talk to her on the phone and understand her.
Good luck to you.
Well right now we are going throught the process of trying to get into the developmental center in Saginaw (EMS ISD) for my daughter. SHe is behind in Speech and has OT issues. We are in private therapy right now but she needs to be around kids and in a setting that is structured and has professionals that can work with/do therapy/know how to handle her problems. I will say getting into the school dist is very difficult. Your child has to have a signifignt educational delay to qualify. I almost dont think my daughter will get in even though she has a medical dx of Mild CP and PDD. They say they dont work w/ medical dx only educational ones based on there testing. Its pretty crappy in my opinion b/c my daughter was w/ ECI until age 3 and now qualifies for private therapy for speech and OT one time each per week and you figure that would get her in. THe whole process is becomming very long and drawn out. I just hope she gets in b/c I dont know where else to send her that will not be like a daycare and not know how to handle her needs. Well good luck.
Coming from an occupational therapist in the school setting, unless there is something else going on as well, it sounds as if she might not qualify for school based services at this time. Some of those articulation type issues are not addressed until children are older. I don't know what type of lisp she has, but she may not be treated for that until 5, 6 or 7. Having said that, I am not a Speech Pathologist, so definitely it would be better to speak with one about your questions. They may be able to answer your questions and aleviate your concern over the phone after gathering more info from you. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi, my son goes to remington point in the EMSISD, he saw the speech teacher at his school. She did a full assesment of his speech. She said he didn't need to be in speech class, but gave me some stuff to take home and work with him. So far everything is good. Hope this helps some, and good luck.
Yes, my son, Logan, goes to Greenfield Elementary in the EMSISD and he has a speech therapist there. I dont know her name but she is great. He has so many special teachers that I cant keep them separated. He has problems with the th sound, nonvocalic r and r blends. He goes to speech therapy once a week on tuesdays. But since your little one isnt in school yet, you should contact Early Childhood Intervention. My son had speech therapy thru them when he was four also. They came out to the house every week and worked with him.
Good Luck
I'm having some concerns, as well. My 3 year old, doesn't speak at all. Well, there's some babbling, like a baby, but nothing intelligible. I'm concerned, bc at this age he should be at least 80% understandable to anyone. I'm just down the street from the EMSISD offices, but I don't even know who to call or how to go about this, being that my five and seven year olds are home-schooled. If anyone can give me a number or a starting point, I'd greatly appreciate it.