Sour milk smell

On a car trip last weekend, a sippy cup leaked milk into the upholstery in the back seat, and the carpet under the back seat. Any recommendations for getting rid of the sour milk smell? I've scrubbed with water and ammonia, and used a bissel handheld vaccuum. But the car is still pretty stinky. Any recommendations?

Try febreeze or just letting it sit outside with the windows down a bit to let the air in.

Have you tried Febreeze. Ithink that is how I got the sour milk smell out of my van. I also would park it outside in the sun with the windows down to let it naturally air out Good Luck Tiffany

try wd/40 works for everything....

Try Nature's Miracle. You can get it at oet stores. Good Luck

a non-chemical alternative which is extremely effective is white vinegar.
My husband had a jar of milk break in his truck and yes, I know the smell all too well!!! we wet vac'd as much as we could and then poured vinegar liberally on the takes a bit to dry, so smell will remain until dry, but then it was completely gone.
Good Luck!

Try using baking soda.. sprinkle well, let it sit for a few hours and then vacumn well. That should take out the milk smell.

I don't know if I am going to spell this right, but try a product called Odoban. I had a small container of milk unopened that exploded in my car under the seat from the heat and the smell was horrid. I used the Odoban after nothing else got rid of it and I have never smelled it since. This stuff works great!!!!

Vinegar is a great neutralizer. Soak the area with vinegar, let sit and then use the bissel. After it has dried sprinkle baking soda on and brush in. Let sit and then vacuum up. If all else fails go to a pet store and look for a live bacteria odor remover such as anti-icky-poo which uses a live bacteria to eliminate any organic material left behind from things like spilled milk, pet urine. It works great but you can try the vinegar first.

Try Fabreeze -- I used it all the time for carseat smells. Or I've heard of Nok-Out. It's supposed to be fabulous!

Hi Erin....I have had pretty good luck with white vinagar in getting out random smells. I rub in on the area straight, then go over it a few times with just water. Good luck :)



We just went through that...but it was a gallon of the about was awful...we did just the same clean up as you...we even removed the trunk lining and washed it...still we bought a spray called zero odor...go on's used for pets but it will work on urine, etc and milk are protein works on protein base smells...not a scientist...but it worked great...NO MORE SMELL.

I dropped half a quart of milk and it took awhile to get it out, we tried vinegar after cleaning with cleaners.

We left the windows down when ever we could and the thing that helped get the last of the smell out was leaving some cat litter in there for awhile, it absorbed the rest of the smell.