She has stopped "talking" and started screaming

My little girl is 4 and a half months old. She has been cooing and gurgling for a few months now, much to my delight. Recently she has discovered that she can squeal and now she does that instead of "talking". It's either a growl or a whine "nnn, nnn, nnn" or the squeal/scream. Has anyone else been through this with their babies? Is it just a phase? I hate the squealing because unless I'm looking right at her, I can't tell if she's happy, mad, or hurt. Any clues would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Kelly H!
I think all babies like to experiment with the sounds they can make. She's discovered a new one and is having some fun with it. It is a phase. My 15mos old and 4y old will make silly noises back and forth to each other. They think it's great fun! Course, there are times that I have to listen extra carefully for indicators that all is not well.

But my bottom line answer to your question is
Yes, it is a phase

Kelly H, mama to
Catherine, 4y
Samuel, 15m

lol I promise its a phase that will stop one day. You'll learn to tune out the squealing one day and be able to tell if there is something wrong. Just always relay on your gut feeling. Your little squealer soon will be talking and your going to wish she was little again just doing the squeals and the coo's

Yes, it is totally a 11 month old has been "growling" for a few days now and then she will shriek and laugh...some times shriek and cry...other times it is ma-ma ba-ba, etc...I HATE the shrieking...growling is better...talking is nice...she has a 3 yr old brother...he taught her to growl. {{{{hugs}}}}

oh yeah, mine still loves to squeal and scream at 9 months! He especially loves to do it doing church or if we are watching a great program on TV ;) I think it is totally normal and actually my son just cracks us up sometimes with the crazy noises he can now make. I agree that you will learn what a happy squeal verses an upset squeal sound like because you will hear it so much! Take care :)

Mine started squeeling and thinks it HILARIOUS!!! I am that woman who's kid you can hear throughout the entire Wal-Mart store!!! We're not sneakin' up on anybody, thats for sure!!!

My son squeals so loudly!! Out in public you can hear him from across the store, mall, where ever we are at. He thinks its funny. I do too, as do most people in public. I figure he'll grow out of it.

I'll make all of you feel better...mine is 7 and still occassionally does the growling/screaming thing. At least now, it is usually only when he's mad. LOL

Hi Kelly,
Your baby is learning to use her voice. She IS communicating with you. Since she has no words yet, when she shrieks, tell her something like "you are so excited about the balloons". If she is growling ask her if she doesn't like whatever is happening or tell her she sounds like a tiger. The whining may be that she is tired of the toy she has and wants a change. When you affirm what a child is saying through whatever sound, they are learning that you will listen to whatever they have to say and respond accordingly. At times she will just be enjoying hearing herself talk, shriek, squeal, growl. Tell her how happy you are that she is learning to make so many sounds. You are doing a good job--trust your instincts--you know more than you realize.
I have 4 grown children and have cared for 56 children.


Isn't it nice to know that your daughter is completely normal? She is beginning to learn about her body in all ways now. Before long you will be able to tell the difference between her "I just want to scream" sounds, to "I am hungry" sound, to "I need you to sooth me" sound. Mommy's always know somehow.

Be blessed!

Well, the day after I posted this, Haley got her voice back. She started cooing and making her sweet noises again. She still likes to squeal and scream, but there are other noises again too. What a relief! Thanks for all of your reassurance!