I am in need of advise help anything at this point to shead some light on my situation. My home is going into foreclosure after 15yrs of paying my mortgage. I have an Autistic son turning 6yrs old Sept 11th and life has been so difficult with that alone. I need to keep a roof over his head at the very least. I am confused and scared and need direction coz time is of the essence and I would think there would be help when there is a child with this disability. Any suggestions or help or advise would be much appreciated I just don't need to be judged on this as it is easy for others to do just want to save my home! Thank you all for all you do here at Mamasource, it is a great site to belong to. Dee
Without more details it is difficult to offer much in the way of advice. I assume you have already tried calling the mortgage company and talking to them.. sometimes if you initiate the contact and let them know you are having some problems they are more willing to work with you.
Contact NACA, the HUD-sponsored non-profit agency Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America. Here is the link:
I guess you would want to check the Home Save Program. This agency helps you restructure your loans to afford the payments.
Because you have equity in your home I think it would suit you best to stay in it if you can get the loan restructured. Now is a good time to do this.
We did have to foreclose on our condo, and that was difficult. Long story, lots of mitigating circumstances. In our case, the banks would not talk to us until we quit paying. We told them in advance we were having trouble. No response. Our condo was on the market for a year before we had to foreclose, but they were not interested in anything we had to say until they quit getting their money. We had a short sale offer for the house, but the banks refused it. This was after the market had started tanking, but way before anyone realized the extent of the problem, so now that there have been tons of foreclosures you may find the banks are willing to work with you. Don't hold your breath though, and that's why I would recommend working with NACA, as the banks are more likely to deal with them than with you.
And if you do end up foreclosing, it isn't the end of the world. Renting is not a tragedy. It will be more difficult for your autistic son, as I understand that large changes like that are nearly cataclysmic for them, but eventually you will get through it.
If you google autism dogs, there is an organization that trains dogs to be companion animals for autistic children.
Good luck.
I agree, you need to contact your mortagage company A.S.A.P. Mortgage companies would rather try working out something than to take a house from someone. Do you have family who can help? Can you take in a renter to help with the expenses? Without more details, it's difficult to know what to advise...I'd start with a phone call to your mortagage company...TODAY and tell them your circumstances.
Call your city or county's bar association. I live in Palm Beach County, and if you do too, I'd recommend that you call the Palm Beach County Bar Association. They usually have programs or referral resources for folks who are in need, or they can refer you to a neighborhood legal services agency or law clinic, which may be able to provide you with advice and/or representation for free or at a greatly reduced rate.
I do recommend that you move as fast as you can to address your situation, but also keep in mind that it does take a while (up to a few months) for your case to move through the court system from the date of service of the legal notice of foreclosure and institution of proceedings. So if you were just served with notice of the pending foreclosure action, the case won't be over next week.
Also, if it goes that far, make sure the court requires the lender to produce the actual, original, recorded mortgage. The judge and your attorney should require this, but it helps for you to have a heads-up on this point. There are cases in various courts in various states where judges have been willing to suspend or dismiss a lender's foreclosure action altogether if the lender are unable to produce proof of their interest in the property: the original, recorded mortgage (not a copy). Hard to believe, but sometimes the Recorder of Deeds office or the lender's employees do not file the mortgage properly. It is the lender's burden--not yours--to prove the lender has a perfected interest in the real estate at issue.
It cannot be stressed strongly enough that you call your local bar association, and your lender, quickly to protect your interests.
Get rid of everything you don't need. Work more. We recently started Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and it has helped us SO much! We even got rid of our cable and DVR which I thought I would never be able to live without. We switched internet providers, it's slower but you know.
hope things turn around for you.
Call Daisy Rivera of Mortgage Modification Advisors. 239-878-9359. Met her through a women's group, Empowered Netword. Helping people out of tight spots is her specialty,
Has anything changed in your income this year to prevent you from paying your mortgage? The reason I ask is you may qualify for a loan modification. I lost my job in January and was still current on our payments but it was getting VERY difficult to keep paying. At first I was denied the modification because I was still current. Just call the customer service number for who holds your mortgage and ask directly for a modification due to hardship. They will reduce your mortgage to 31% of your income by lowering the interest rate and/or term of the loan. You'll have to submit a few months worth of pay stubs, bank statements and bills. Hope this helps. Don't feel judges, we are all going through hard times right now. Good Luck.
This is one of those situations where the solution depends on the circumstances. I am a Realtor in Lake County and we are working with a local law firm to try to help people in your situation. There are a few options the first would be to negotiate with your mortgage co. but I really need to know about your situation. Please call me to see if we can help you. I'm at ERA Tom Grizzard, Inc 352-343-5500 or 251-423-4277
Hi there,
You may wish to contact your local government agencies about assistance with avoiding foreclosure and/or accessing affordable housing. They often give free seminars on these topics - perhaps you can ask at your local library information desk - handouts and directories for government assistance can usually be found at county libraries.
By the way, what area are you in? I'm a Reiki Master in Miami FL. Do you use Reiki a lot with your child? I'm a big advocate of energetic and information/intention-based healing practices and a big critic of much of conventional medicine - I am totally convinced that vaccines are a major contributor to ASD and many other health problems and that energetic clearings and nutritional-based detox therapies can help reverse vaccine damage.
You don't say if you are getting disability checks for him. You should be if you are not. Also, have you looked for a cheaper place to live. Your not the only person losing their homes at this time. People are having to make choices and not all of them are happy or what we really want. We would love to live in a house and that was my plan since 1993. Live in the mobile home till it was paid and then get a house. Well things did not work out. Things happened, we had to refinance and now hubby's hours have been cut. I can't find a job anywhere. You just do with less and deal with what you have. Just because your son is Autistic doesn't make it any different than the rest of us struggling to get by. Look for cheaper living and sell the house before it goes into forclosure. My neices son is Autistic and is 13 now. She is living in my Mom's basement because they could no longer afford their place. Suck it up and deal with what you have. I feel for you but a lot of us are in the same boat you are in. You can sink or swim. Dreams don't always come true. Nightmares are real. Sorry to sound so tough but someone has to be straight forward now and then. Good Luck and God Bless!
Hi, Dee. I've never had a mortgage, but I've had credit problems. The only thing I can advise is to ask if your son has disability benefits, because these funds are there to help you do things like provide a home and get him his basic necessities. It doesn't matter that you work; the social security benefits help you stay solvent. There's no shame in that. If you have a disabled child, you can also qualify for food stamps, medicaid, etc. All these things add up to helping you stay solvent.
It sounds like you're into New Age things, but local churches also are helping folks in these tough times. See what resources are available in the community.
I hope you get to keep your house. A lot of ppl are finding that with the economic stimulus things going around, their banks are able to delay foreclosure for a long time.
Hi Dee,
You are not alone. My husband is a foreclosure attorney and he has seen many cases like this. If you would like an opinion as to whether you could fight legally (oftentimes you can!), feel free to call him (Michael) at 321-663-6732.
Good luck!
Have you contacted the mortgage company. They will usually work with you rather than foreclose. I would tell them your situation with your son. I would also try and contact some of the autism organizations for advice on assistance for children with disabilities. You might have already done all this. This is all I can think of. And prayer, of course!
I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't really have any advice but just wanted to let you know that no one is judging you - everyone is going through hard times and it seems you've had more than your share of challenges. But GOD won't give you more than you can handle. I pray everything will work out for your and your family. Hold your head high and just take it one day at a time. May God Bless you and your family.
Hi Dee,
I have a 7-year-old autistic daughter, so I can totally relate. I'm not sure your entire situation with how many morgate payments you missed, etc., but have you tried talking to your mortgage company? There are so many houses on the market right now that the banks have seized, that they really don't want your house and would rather just have someone keep paying on it. Would you be able to make the mortgage payments now? How far behind are you? Those are just some of the things that could be discussed with them. If you're no longer able to pay the mortgage and you're for sure it'll be foreclosed upon, try contacting a real estate agent to make the house a "short sale." That's basically when they're trying to sell it and negotiate with the bank about a price. The up-side to that is, they can negotiate with the banks about holding off on foreclosing while they're trying to sell it, which might easily keep you in the house for another year. That will at least give you time to look for somewhere else.
And forgive me, but when I read one of the "suggestions" below from "Rosemary W." it just infuriated me. She doesn't know your circumstances or even the size house or neighborhood you live in, and having an autistic child DOES make you different than the rest. She clearly doesn't understand that hardships that surround autism. You will encounter much ignorance about autism as your child is growing up, as have I, and your best bet is to roll your eyes and ignore it. Shame on her!
I'm very sorry you're going through this, and I wish you the best of luck. Happy Birthday to your son.
I have recently started listening to Dave Ramsey and there is a lot you can do to stop foreclosure but there are also a lot of details you left out. Have you paid anything recently, usually if you pay a little or call and discuss it with the bank they will work out a payment plan. Are you working, is there any income, how past due are you, is it already listed for auction. Soooo many details. You can also call your church or any local churches and ask for help or help talking to a financial advisor to get the situation figured out. If you check out the Dave ramsey web site: www.daveramsey.com you can get a lot of questions answered and you can also call his radio show and ask a question there. He is very nice and will help explain the situation in something you can understand. Good luck!
Hi Dee I'm also a Reiki Master. Would love to exchange sessions with you and your son. (Happy Birthday, BTW)
I am working with a very nice couple as I go through my foreclosure. Mark and Michelle Levy are easy to talk with, work with and very knowledgeable 954-975-0611
Pls. continue to work w/ your lender to see if your loan can be modified! Work w/ the federal govt. for anything you can get. I, too have an autistic son & sold a home in Chgo at a 32K loss to give him a more secure future that my hubby & I could afford. You're in my prayers Dee.