Seeking affordable speech therapist for stuttering

My son is seven and has been stuttering for about three years now but more severly in the last 8 months. His school speech therapist suggested we get therapy for him over the summer. The places I have contacted are averaging about $120 per hour. Could this be due to the fact that they are associated with organizations offering services versus an individually self-employed therapist? So far I have contacted Institute for Communicateive Disorders, The Pediatric Place, The Sound Center.

Can anyone recommend a therapist that offers services in the range of $50-70 per hour?

I sent an email to a speech therapist I know to find out what the going rate for private sessions is or if she does them. Did you tell the centers you would be paying out of pocket? I would guess that you might be able to find a private therapist for around 90-100/hour. The clinics generally bill 120 because then when they bill insurance they are only going to get a portion of that. I know the clinic I used to work at billed 130/hour but if you were paying out of pocket it was 100/hr. I'll post again when I hear back from the other therapist.

Hi Annie,

Chicago Parent did a series of articles on stuttering in the Jan. 08 issue. I suggest going to their website, and typing stuttering in the search box. The articles had a quite a few resources and maybe something from there can point you in the right direction.

My dad is a stutterer, so I know how important this issue is.

Best of luck!!!!!


One possible idea depending on your location is checking with some local universities who have a speech clinic on campus. The students studying speech pathology are the ones doing the actual therapy, but they are closely supervised and directed by licensed therapists. Typically is much cheaper and a great option for the summer. It could be too late in the summer to get on the list as many have a waiting list. Elmhurst College, St. Xavier, Northern, and many of the city universities have clinics. Another option is going to the website of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association as a consumer and they have lists of therapists/clinics that may help in your search. Good luck in your search.

Maybe you would qualify for the early intervention program through the state of Illinois? They are excellent and had them come out to my home to evaluate my son and it was free. If therapy is suggested, the price is based on a sliding scale. Perhaps look into it and see. Good luck!


Hi Annie
Have you considered consulting with a certified hypnotherapist? Most hypnotist's rates would be about $70 per hour.
Stuttering is a habit that is learned & hypnosis is very effective for habit control. Many issues are resolved within 3-6 sessions. Your son will probably be required to listen to a self-hypnosis recording daily to reinforce the sessions. Perhaps you have noticed the stuttering is worse when he is under stress. Self-hypnosis is a skill he will learn that will also allow him to control his stress levels.
You can get an online referral through the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Wishing you & your son wellness.

Contrary to Lily's suggestion that stuttering is a learned habit, we do not know, for sure, the causes of stuttering. Genetics and environment both seem to have a role. Hypnotherapy may work for a short while, but the stuttering would probably return at a later time. Julie S's suggestions were good a local university or ASHA. The Stuttering Foundation of America ( may also be a helpful website for you.

Wow, those prices are outragious. Sure wish I could make that much per hour! I once watched a boy who stuttered and one day I told him he was just too smart, his brain worked faster than his mouth could talk. he seemed to be very proud of himself when I said this, gradually he stopped. These things are such vicious cycles, as they get more aware of their speech there is more stress and that makes it worse. Why don't you pray about this one, maybe a relaxing summer at home with little stress and attention on his speech will do as much good as that pricey therapist.

The #1 pedicatric outpatient therapy center in the nation is Easter Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region in Villa Park. I cannot tell you enough wonderful things about this place. Their number is 630.620.4433. You can call to see if they accept your insurance and what you'll pay out of pocket will be quite low if they do. Please let me know if you have any specific questions about this place.

Their website is

A friend of mine's son used to stutter. She was told to talk with him while throwing a ball...playing catch with him. This really helped him. I guess it keeps his brain busy so it does not over think the speech? Good Luck.

There was a facinating story on 20/20 a while back which I looked up on YouTube:

John Stossel did a report on a new technology that seems really promising...

Do a search for Camp Shout Out. I have heard and read wonderful things about it, and I think it is in IL. The Stuttering Foundation is a great source for referrals to summer clinics, free ebooks, and online videos, too.

Thank you all for your helpful responses. I love this website and the opportunity we have to instantly connect with others who have great info. and experience!

I set up an evaluation appointment for my son at West Suburban Speech Clinic. After calling around and checking with my insurance I have learned that an evaluation is covered by my insurance but anything that falls under stuttering therapy is not covered. ( Evaluation is $250 and therapy is $120) My son also has articulation difficulties so future therapy sessions for stuttering/articulation may be covered if they can code it as articulation vs. stuttering. We will know once he has been evaluated.

The suggestion to receive therapy through Elmhurst College would have been a good one had I called earlier because they are all filled for the summer. Rates were considerably less at $40/hr if a student is performing therapy. There are availabilities for the fall session if the above clinic does not work out. I also thought that Easter Seals would be a good option but was told that they do not treat children at age 7 for stuttering–I think they concentrate on the younger children. The Early Intervention Program is an excellent program and all three of my children have taken advantage of speech therapy but after the age of three, they are transitioned into their school district for treatment. My son was receiving treatment from the school therapist but nothing is offered during the summer. Plus I think it is a good idea to receive additional therapy since during the school year he was meeting with the therapist twice a week for 20 min. but one of the sessions was shared with another student–so not much one-on-one time.

I have learned that stuttering is normal for ages 2-5 and the child will usually grow out of it. After age 5 it can become more of a permanent problem. I was assuming my son would grow out of it but I am reassured now that I am doing the right thing by seeking treatment. I have boy/girl twins that are 4 and my daughter is stuttering so I will keep a close watch on her.
