I'm looking for a church to baptize my son but i don't go to church regularly myself. I want him baptized but i am having a hard time finding a church that will perform the baptism because the godparents and myself do not have the three sacraments completed. I want him baptized before his first birthday in September. If anyone knows of a church that could baptize my son before than please respond back. Thanks
Hi Rocky,
Try the United Church of Christ on Camden Ave. My son was baptized there and there were no requirements. The pastor has since changed but I'm pretty sure they will still do this.
Good luck!
Kris N
We just baptized our daughter in February at St. Maria Goretti in San Jose and I have not completed all my sacraments. You have to attend a baptism class but that is the only requirement.
Hi Rocky.
Are you looking specifically for a Catholic church? Most Christian churches today don't baptize infants but dedicate them to the Lord. We believe baptism is up to the person to make that decision, but while they are not old enough to make that decision, we can dedicate them to God. If you are interested in talking more, please email me back and we can talk.
I would try looking in the phone book and calling different churches. Catholic churches have the strictest requirements. Episcopalian or Lutheran churches are the Protestant denominations closest Catholic church in tradition; yet, they tend to be more liberal. Methodist churches also perform infant baptism. Baptist or most non-denominational Protestant churches do not do infant baptism.
The important thing is that you and your loved ones celebrate your baby. Have you thought of having someone you respect "spiritually" perform the ceremony? This is done for weddings all the time. Our church does not do infant baptism so we traveled to Los Angeles to get our kids baptized at their grandparents' church. If other family members are expecting a baptism you might consider traveling to another town.
Many blessings!
Hello Rocky! go to www.fccchurch.com and check out the next time they baptize the babies. well its called dedication. you dont need any sacraments or anything like that you just need to believe in God and believe that god sent his only son to die for us. its a non-denomination church. check it out for your self, you will LOVE it!!!
god bless you always...
If you do not go to church then why do you want your son baptized? Also, most churches no longer do infant baptisms. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We do not baptize until a child is eight years old. However with infants they do receive a special blessing.
I am going to assume you grew up a Catholic since you mentioned the three sacraments. I had my son baptized in the Episcopal church because it has a really similar feel and is very traditional but it much more relaxed about sacraments and is not at all exclusionary, regardless of your background. I love the rector at our church and my husband who is not religious at all decided to get baptized along with our son. It was a really great day and it meant a lot to us all as a family. In the year since we have started going more regularly. It is Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos. Hope this helps.