My daughter is 13 and very shy. A few years ago, she had a best friend who was very bossy and mean to her. She always had to be in charge, and her parents looked at her as a "leader" and were very proud of her take charge attitude. Meanwhile, my daughter, wanting to be considerate and wanting not to be seen as bossy, allowed this girl to simply take over. She didn't need a leader, she needed a friend. The girl pushed her around so much, she was in tears every day, and yet she remained very loyal to her. Another girl's parents got very upset with their daughter's behavior anytime she was around pushy girl and forbade her from playing with pushy girl. But pushy girl and pushy girl's parents, not knowing the truth, blamed my daughter for stealing pushy girl's friend. So pushy girl decided to completely exclude my daughter and did her best to get all their mutual friends to do the same. The mom supported her daughter's actions and shunned me as well, although to this day she has never told me why. My daughter and I were both very hurt and as a result, my daughter has serious trust issues, three years later, when it comes to friends.
My issue now is my best friend's daughter is still friends with this girl. Not good friends - they get together about once a month or so, as pushy girl now goes to a different school. My best friend doesn't like the girl or the mom. Her daughter has been bullied by her and still goes back for more and the mom lets her, even though she complains to me about it the whole time. She knows how mean the mom has been to me, how mean the daughter has been to my daughter, and yet, she never defends me to her. She just says nothing. I'm still so hurt that this girl, without understanding or explanation, was so mean to my daughter and that we still feel the repercussions of this behavior even today. I don't really know how to articulate my question - I guess I'm just wondering how I process these feelings of sadness and disappointment over my daughter being so isolated, how I understand why my friend and her daughter are maintaining this friendship, even though they know how much this girl hurt my child. I would never tell my friend these things and I have no rational reason to be angry about it, and yet, I can't help feel mad, disappointed, betrayed by my friend.
So, I guess I'm asking - how do I process these feelings? How do I not be angry at my friend for doing what she feels is right with her daughter (and which I know is her right to do?) Would your feelings be hurt by this?