Rolling around in crib

Hi Moms! My 8 month old doesn't crawl yet, but can roll around the room to get anything he wants. He does this in his sleep & sometimes wakes up in a panic pinned in the corners of his crib. When I put him down to sleep & when he wakes up, he uses his legs to kick the walls of the crib so much that I'm afraid it will collapse on him or something. It gets really loud! Does anyone have this problem? Do you put up your bumper pads? I'm just worried when he pins himself in the corners, he could suffocate himself. Also, I'm sure there's no harm in him kicking away at the walls, but I thought last night I'd post it on here & see what you mom's had to say.
Thanks again for your wonderful advice!

I don't think it would help with the getting stuck in the corner but we use the mesh bumpers because my son kept getting his legs stuck in the bars - and kicking the walls! LOL. they are only $20 and can be found at BRU

My daughter did the same thing! If it's a good crib, I wouldn't worry about it. My mother has a portable crib that I won't let my daughter sleep in because my daughter likes to bang, kick with her legs, etc.

I didn't get any bumpers, I just waited it out.

I'm sure there is nothing to worry about.

Maybe try moving the crib away from the wall a bit so that the noise doesn't affect his sleep. I agree with you about bumper pads. We don't use them either, which is a bummer b/c they are so cute! Good luck. :)

I would suggest moving his crib away from the wall. Don't put bumper pads in they aren't safe and he will eventually learn how to step on them and climb out. For all 3 of my kids I used the breathable bumper system (they aren't bumper pads it basically just is a breathable mesh that covers the sides of the crib to keep legs and arms in).

I think my son might be sleeping at your house! He turned 8 months yesterday and kicks that crib like he's playing soccer. I still swaddle him too and he somehow gets those legs out and pounds away. He also curls up in the corner eventually and falls asleep. I do not use bumper pads but just purchased (but haven't received yet) a Breathablebaby crib liner/shield. It is supposed to keep his legs from getting stuck between the bars of the crib but still allowing him air if he is sleeping against the sides or corner. My son eventually falls asleep and the banging stops. I check on him right after things quiet down to make sure his legs are not between the bars of the crib or that he has any blanket near his face. Sounds like we might have a different crib, but I think as long as you check on him and he isn't shoved up against the crib with a blanket in between him and the crib, he will be fine. You might check on him more often just to make yourself feel more at ease.

My daughter still does this and she's almost 2! I did use a bumper pad. I was more concerned that she would give herself a concussion when she ran her head into the walls. I was always way more concerned about her soft head and her hurting that. By 8 months they are strong enough to lift their heads and turn them if they get their nose into the pad and we have a reflex that causes us to turn our heads to find air (Newborns don't have the strength to lift their head and that's why they are not supposed to be on soft bedding, we have it too so we don't suffocate into our pillows). I used the bumper pads for both my girls, and they are both fine and both spent a lot of time jammed up against the side of the crib. I've now taken off the bumper pad so she does not use it for a step (I am waiting for the day she figures out how to climb out of the crib, then I'll take the side down for the toddler bed, until then, containment is key!) The bumper pad may not stop the noise if he is kicking above it. Good luck, both of mine were always all over the bed like pin balls. The older one can be a windmill and take up a whole king sized bed if she comes down in the night and she's only 4 1/2.

Hi! They now have crib bumpers made of a mesh fabric so that children won't suffocate. I have seen it at BuyBuyBaby in Lombard. It may also be available at Right Start. Another alternative is to weave the bumper between the rails. I don't know if it would help but a sleep sack might work. I hope that will help.

My 9 month old son moves around his crib all night. We put up the "breathable" bumper pad, so we don't have to worry about him not being able to breath when he is up against it. Now he doesn't get legs or arms stuck outside of the crib. I bought mine at babies r us.
Best of luck!!

My little brother kicked the slates out of his crib before he could even walk. My mom had to put him in a little bed with rails because he destroyed his crib. He was a mess for sure.

Hi, my son is 26 months, and he still pounds the wall, and actually pushes against it! It is really loud, but I think he enjoys it, so no worries!!! I do not have any bumper pads in his bed. I am sure he has probably whacked it a couple times, but that is why God gave us hard protect us!

I really wouldn't worry about it, truly! But you could always move the bed if that is bothering you him doing that!

All the best...they grow up so fast, don't they!

I think it is a guy thing. Don't be surprised if your son ends up in sports. I think it feels go to them to kick or push against walls, etc. My son di not walk till is over 16 months old but he is 18 now and has legs like tree trunks. He played both football and wrestled in high school. two sport that are very demanding on your legs. He also lifts weights and runs when he get a chance. Boys who are physically active need strong legs and he might be started already.


Sorry so late but my husband and I had the same problem with our daughter. We purchased the breatheable baby bumper (found at Babies R Us) and it worked great. Her little arms and legs did not hang between the bars and we didn't have to worry about her suffocating.

Good luck!