
I have an almost 7 month old who spits up A LOT. He has been taking formula since he was 4 months old (a whole other story) and has always been spitty, but should he have outgrown it by now? My step mom thinks I should take him to a specialist, but his doc didn't seem to think that much of it.
Are there mommies out there whose babies had reflux? If so, how long did it last?

My son spit up a ton from the time he was born. Medicine didn't seem to help, but solid foods did. I found that when he transitioned to mashed up table food (not runny baby food) it improved greatly. Around 9 or 10 months he was eating what we eat mashed up and the spitting up had become a non-issue. Also, for him yogurt seemed to make him spit up every time, but it's not a problem now that he is one year. Hang in there! I remember feeling exasperated with the spitting up around 7 months. I'd hoped it would have been better by then!

My daughter always spit up when she was little, but my doctor thought nothing of it. After she turned 1 and was throwing up I had taken her to tons of doctors who had various reasons from car sick to a string of weird viruses. She is 3 now and I finally found a doctor at Partners in Pediatrics that suggested we run some tests to check for problems and put me at ease. They discovered she has reflux. She had been throwing up 3-4 times a week. She has been on Prevacid for a few weeks and as not thrown up once!! My advice would be to ask your dr to atleast do a test to see, I hated my daughter being so uncomfortable and its so nice to have it resolved!!! My daughter is older so my advice may not be the solution for you, my friend (whose baby just turned 1) suggests you ask your dr for ideas on a different formula!!!

both of my kids had it really badly. My eldest used a special thickener in his milk which really helped. You would have to ask your doc as we were living abroad then so i couldn't tell you an equivalent here.

my youngest was on medication from birth which did help but we stopped it at 6 months and his reflux got worse. it turned out to be a cows milk intolerance (he was born at 30 weeks so we had to supplement b/feeding with a bottle of formula per day to gain weight) so we changed to soy based and he was fine

hope this helps - good luck!

Hi Andrea. Spitting up is very common and doesn't by itself indicate reflux. It's also not uncommon for it to last well past six months. As long as your son is gaining weight, sleeping well and isn't projectile vomiting doctors consider spitting up just a "laundry problem". It's not a concern. To answer your question, my son did have reflux (projectile vomiting and various other symptoms) and he is still being treated for it now at 24 months so it can last a long time. I'm told it's more common for them to outgrow it around 12 months though. If your son seems uncomfortable while spitting up (in pain) or he's projectile vomiting he may need to be treated for reflux. You might also try switching him to a soy formula for a month to see if that helps. He may have a slight allergy to milk which is also common in infants.

My son was still spitting up a lot at 7 months. I didn't think he was ever going to grow out of it! but now he's 11 months, and he hasn't spit up for about a month now. If your son doesn't seem to be in pain, I wouldn't worry about reflux yet.

Get a new pediatrician. Get a second opinion. Is he fussy a lot, and does he seem uncomfortable?

My little one started with reflux symptoms at birth. He wasn't a spitter upper though. By 6 weeks my pediatrician recommended two medications, when those didn't work he had us go for a gastrointestinal xray. We had some more serious issues to deal with than reflux, but your doctor needs to listen to you and act. We see Dr. Lutz at Southdale Pediatrics. By six months, when they are sitting up more, the symptoms should have definatley decreased.

My little boy (who is 3 1/2 now) spit up all of the time when he was little. Large amounts too. I questioned my MD, who also was not concerned. He was not fussy, it would just happen after he ate. I was BF'ing so not sure how much he was eating...we think he was maybe just eating too much?? Hope that helps a little.

My daugher was very spitty. I talked to her Dr. about it at every visit. By her 7th month I couldn't take it anymore. I was always beeing spit on! We took her back to the Dr. and he did prescribe Zantac for it. It's worked like a charm ever since and it's been 4 months. Maybe you just need to be more assertive with his Dr?

I have an almost 6 month old who spits up more now than he did when he was younger. I think it is because he spends more time rolling onto his tummy (not just the Mommy designated tummy time) and he gets a bit of reflux and it comes up more on his tummy.

I am hoping that when he can sit independently in another month (or so) it will get better.

SAHM to nearly 6 month old Joey and 2 year old Charlie.

Our 1-year old still spits up some-food or milk. It's usually a very tiny amount, and after he's been active after a meal. You know-I meant to ask his Dr. whether this is a big deal or not at his checkup and forgot-but I don't think it is, really. I assume he'll outgrow it since it's gotten less and less frequent. I've heard that reflux goes along with asthma (which he has) and allergies, which he doesn't. We're in Nokomis, too.

My 10-month-old was diagnosed with reflux while he was in the NICU (he was a super preemie) and has been on prevacid since he was about six weeks old. It doesn't cure the spitting, but it soothes the acid so it's not so uncomfortable for him. He has been getting better to the point that his doc is letting him outgrow his dose. Eating more solid food has helped. We were told he could have it until he is 12-18 months old. So it's not surprising that your baby hasn't outgrown it yet, but I'd ask your doc again or get a second opinion. If your baby is uncomfortable because of the burning feeling, he may have eating issues later because he'll associate food with being uncomfortable. At least that's what the NICU nurses told us.

My daughter has reflux (she's now 18 years old) and has not outgrown it, worst part now is heart burn, but Dr. gae her Prevacid for it. My 11 month old grandson also has reflux and his Dr. gives him Prevacid and he seems to be doing well with it. Maybe you should ask your son's Dr. for a second opinion if you are still concerned. It's better to find out soon because it can be uncomfortable for babies.

My daughter spit up a lot when she was little and was put on medication for reflux. It unfortunatly did little for her and was later determined that she had a condition called Pyloric Stenosis. This is where the muscle that drains the stomache into the large intestine is enlarged so food cannot pass through as easy. Might be worth asking your doctor to check.

I have coped my refluxed baby through a natural tea formula babies magic tea.