I like Pull-ups because they are the only ones with recloseable sides that I have found. The others are fine but once you rip the sides you can't put them back on.
I stayed away from any of the Pull-ups with my girls because I didn't want to pay all that money for a diaper that you can just pull up and down. When I started potty training all 3 of my girls I went straight to big girl panties. They hated having an accident and it running down their leg, so they trained fairly fast. I would also just put a diaper on at night or nap until it stayed dry for say a week or so and then took that away. If you can find the satiny type panties (I could only find them at dollar stores) they really don't like these because when there is an accident they stick right to them and it speeds things along.
Good Luck!
Hi Camille, I wish you luck on the potty training adventure you're about to begin! My daughter just turned 3 and she also started showing interest prior to her 2nd bday, however it wasn't quite as easy/fast process for us as some folks have described it to be, but as I'm sure you know that every child is different. What we did that worked well for us, was began wearing pull-ups during the day and continued to wear diapers at night, for the first few months. Kids that young don't typically learn overnight bladder control until they are quite a bit older. I've read it's not unheard of for it to take some children until they are 3-4 yrs old before they can stay dry all night. I learned the hard way that pull-ups don't have enough absorption for overnight (unless you get the overnight pull-ups). I saw some suggestions for just putting her in panties during the day and that may work for some but it did not for us. So, again just remember every kid is different and try various techniques until you find what works best for her. Not to mention, it may take quite a bit longer to get her to do #2 in the potty, so if you have her in panties, that's not a fun thing to clean up...take it from someone with experience. LOL
Hi Camille,
I have a four yr. boy that I thought would never be potty trained. Then I bought the book potty trained in three days and followed everything it said to do and in four days my little one was trained. It took a little while longer for #2 but it worked. The book said to skip pull ups and once in underwear do not put back on a diaper.I spent three days at home with him taking him every 30 minutes and after a lot a accidents and rewarding him for trying we did it!
All three of my children showed interest between right around 20 months. I did not push it and would let them sit on the potty, but I kept them in diapers until I felt they were really ready, at that point I went straight to underwear. I find very little difference in diapers vs pullups, plus they are expensive. After the switch(at about 26 months) it took a week for my oldest two and almost three weeks for my youngest(he's very stubborn)
Pull ups are just expensive diapers. They prolong potty training. I recommend going straight to underwear. But good luck finding them small enough for a 16 month old. Pullups are good for night time while potty training.
Pull ups work great for right now with her, but when she starts getting serious you will need to just put her in big girl panties. Pull ups are too close to diapers and sometimes children can't tell the difference. The Pull ups will pull the wetness away from the child and it won't feel any different from the diaper. If they are wearing big girl panties then they will definitely feel the wetness and won't like it. This will make them want to use the potty. If she thinks she wants to try big girl panties now let her. Just make sure you are at home and she has your full attention. Hope this helps.
I have two girls of my own and they were potty trained before two years old also my suggestion is get big girl cotton panties. This wored very well with my two girls. Also take her to the bathroom about every 10 to 15 mins if you can so she can get the idea of going the bathroom in the big people potty. I also followed the signs of the moon from the almanac. real good source for all that kind of stuff.
Wait until summer and then just let her go around the house in a tee shirt. They do so much better when they can feel their accident. I agree Pull-ups are just a glorified diaper. They're great insurance for when you need to run errands though if you're not quite there. I liked the ones that have the pictures that disappear b/c it was also a visual to me if it was clean enough to reuse. We used them over and over until they fell apart. Blessings as you embark on this adventure. Try not to get too emotionally involved and if it gets too frustrating, try again later. I started with my first one at 18 mos and it was pretty rough, with the second one we waited until 3 yrs and it was a walk in the park.
My youngest daughter showed that she was ready to potty train by undoing the tapes on her diapers. Then I switched to pull-ups, which worked great,until she figured out how to undo the sides. At that point, I had had enough- I put her in regular training pants ( the thick ones). It worked and she never once wet the cloth. This may be unusual, but its true. Nancy G. mother of 4 in Kansas
since they are potty training you don't want something that super absorbs so any of them work. I for one didn't use pull-ups that much--usually at church for the nursery. I noticed that it just prolongs the potty training process as pull-ups are like a diaper and the kids will potty in them as they feel like a diaper. They are just more convenient to pull up and down but the best thing that worked was using training pant underwear with plastic cover. They also have them that the plastic cover is built into the underwear. Those are really nice especially when they are ready to wear underwear all the time and you are worried about accidents in bed. I would have the washer empty and everytime they had an accident would put their panties and wet clothes in the washer and at the end of the day I would run the washer. I just used the diapers when starting out. Would take the diaper off when they went potty and put it back on if it was still dry. After they kept the diaper dry often then I moved them into training underwear. Pull-ups are more expensive and the kids really don't distinquish them different than diapers. With real underwear they usually don't like that feeling of being wet so usually helps them try harder to stay dry. I did not use pull-ups or diapers at night either once they started potty training well during the day. I would wake them up and take them to the potty right before I went to bed and first thing in the morning. If I heard them stirring around during the night I would take them to the potty then too. All 3 of my kids were not bed-wetters. I think keeping them in diapers/pull-ups at night just encourages them to potty in their diapers so they then become used to peeing at night and prolongs the process.
The best way is to let her run arund in a shirt and underwear at home.And go out in pull ups.Anyway Huggies,by far!Not only do I like the way they catch everything when the child has an accident but they also have the velcro sides so if you are out you can change an accident without having to undress them completely.
My boy isn't old enough to try yet, but my mom told me I was potty trained in THREE DAYS by going to my Grandma's house (she had tile floors, so when/if there was an accident, it wouldn't ruin carpets) and using nothing but 'real' underwear, even to bed.
The problem with pullups is they are too much like diapers, and children know they absorb moisture. If the child feels the wet through underwear, especially if it runs down the leg, they remember it and want to avoid it next time. My sister and I were both potty trained the same way, and accidents were very rare, and only when we held it WAY too long. Make sure to use bathroom before shopping!
I have a daycare and when we do potty training I always tell the parents it is a lot faster if you just use training underwear. They are just a little thicker than regular undies, and still cloth. They have them at wallmart, target, kmart, in the kids underwear sec. Because pull-up feel just little another diaper to them. and they can be very costly. I have had some parents try and use them but know one ever had any success. I did have one set of parents that used them and used them for almost 11 months and the child still wasn't potty trained and they finaly used the the training underwear and the child was done in about 4 days, even at night.
And when they make a mess tell them oops you should have sat on the toilet.. The reson I say this is because if you don't tell them what they are soposed to do then how are they to know.
When they potty on the carpet I will use woolite hight traffic its in a red can.
something I have found that kinda confuses the kids is when you say lets go pee on the potty. And then if you say did you go potty they can get confused about that sometimes. So I always try and say lets go potty on the toilet.
Kids are sensitive and somtimes understand and remember more they we think.
I hope this helps and I'm sorry I kinda jump around when I try and explain things.
Good luck
Honestly, I didn't like the pull up type training pants. They were too similar to diapers, and my girls couldn't tell the difference. I used the old fashioned cloth training pants. Yes, they were messier, but I think I got faster results, plus, they were WAY cheaper.
I have found that white cloud hold just as well as huggies. You might want to try putting a pair of regular underwear on her underneath them though because they tend to wick the moisture away just like diapers which makes the child less aware that they have wet themselves. I am currently about to do this with my son. Good luck!
I understand where you're coming from. I found that my oldest showed strong potty training signs between 14 and 15 months, and my younger one is showing them now, at almost 16 months. With both of them, I've found this is just too early, but with both of them I started early putting them on the potty at regular times (when we get up, before and after nap, before bed) and they got used to pooping in the potty and preferred it (my oldest didn't poop in a diaper after 9 months). I use cloth diapers, so at this time when we were around the house I didn't put a cover on, but when we went out I did. With my oldest the timing wasn't great, so I decided to wait until the craziness of Christmas was over and at 1 week before 19 months I just put her in underwear. I planned it for a time when we had no plans to go out for a few days. The first day I cleaned up 3 or 4 accidents, the next day a couple and on the third day none. I didn't make a big deal of accidents and I didn't reward her going on the potty (but she did have special toys she could play with only on the potty). Also, for awhile I still put her on a stay-dry mat for nap and for a long while put her in a diaper at night (just starting to wear underwear at night). We had all wood floors then and I put a fleece blanket on the couch. I plan on doing basically the same with my younger one this summer, so I guess I too vote for the underwear approach (it is kind of hard to find in such small sizes, especially if your girl is small... my older one was potty trained before she was big enough to turn her carseat around).
Anyway, this was a really long way of saying congrats and remember that a month or two can make a really big difference at this age, so if it doesn't go good, you can always try again pretty soon. Their bodies change so fast!
Good luck.
Since your question is really about which training pants to use as far as pull-up brand vs. a different brand. I used pull-ups every time...there is a huge difference in my opinion in the absorbtion and some of the others are thick and quite frankly look like they would be very uncomfortable!!
I Camille, I used pull-ups on my son.I liked allways save brand. b/c they are just like the huggs.But with my daugther she did not do good with pull-ups.So i go her training underwear.And she was potty trained in one week.
I hope this helps you
Good luck
God bless you.
Thanks to everyone for their quick responses. We are on day 2 using the 3daypottytraining.com method. Luckily my daughter already wears 2T in a lot of things so we were able to go directly to big girl panties. The 1st day was really rough and I wondered if we were going to make it. The only reason I didn’t stop was because she told me 3 times that she needed to potty by going to her potty seat. She didn’t do anything until I took her off but she still told me she had to go. Today was better. I kept wondering why she kept just tinkling when I knew she normally would have had a extremely wet diaper so I finally put her potty seat in the tub facing the faucet. Today she ran to to the potty when she had to go. This time I just ran the faucet so she could put her fingers in it while on the pot and she went…even a partial #2. She did have accidents today but we had 3 full potties and 1/2 #2 so we are much improved. She hates her panties wet so I anticipate day 3 being much better. This method recommends waiting until the child is 22 months but I’ve heard of successes at 16, 17 & 20 months using this. However, it can take a little longer than 3 days when they are younger. So far I’m impressed. Thanks again for everyone’s recommendations! They were a big help and a confidence booster yesterday.