PTA meetings?

OK, my son started Kindergarten this year and tonight is the first PTA meeting. My youngest is not feeling well and didn't get his nap today. The 5 year old doesn't want to go either and my husband is working. So, even though I taught Kindergarten I rarely went to the PTA meetings or maybe I did and just forgot but what goes on at the meetings and am I going to miss out on a lot if I miss tonight?

Every school is different. I am on my school's Board and we have a meeting tomorrow night. We will vote on a few items like amending the PTA Budget and setting up a fundraiser for the Arts program. We are also going to have a guest speaker to talk about Curriculum and Instruction. So if it were my school's PTA, I would say you wouldn't be missing a whole lot. But it depends on every school. Just be sure to read all newsletters and papers sent home to keep up with events. Does your PTA have a website? If so, they usually post minutes so you can catch up on what was talked about.


It does depend on the school and being form PTA President I would encourage you to go to the next meeting and as many as you can get to.

Some PTA's do programs with great info. Even those that don't do programs deserve your attendance. The PTA's pay for programs and supplies that your child benefits from and the least the parents can do is join the PTA and go to a few meetings.

The people on the Board are volunteers, who spend alot of hours for absolutely no thanks (or very little). When they see people at their meeting it is a blessing.

Your boys are your priority. I am afraid if you go you will regret it. It would be nice if more people went more often , but not at the expense of your kids.

It sounds like your little guy needs his rest. The board members will be able to pass on the information that was covered during the meeting. Hopefully, the timing will be a little better when the next meeting comes around. The boys sound like they need mommy at home. If you take them, I don't think you would enjoy yourself with one who is feeling sick and the other who doesn't want to be there. It sounds like it would be better all around for you to stay home and rest up.

You might email or send a note to one of the board members about openings/volunteer spots that need to be covered if you plan on signing up for anything. At our school, we put that stuff out there in the beginning of the year so that's probably a big part of this first meeting. They will probably also be introducing current board members. If you're not sure who to contact, the office should have that info. Also, the teacher should be able to pass the note on to the office staff who will get it to the correct person.

Most likely if it was the first general meeting youwill not miss a whole a bunch. Whenyou have time find out what your PTA offers, how they contact general membership which a vote may be needed. They usually give heads on issues that they would like your input. I am now on the PTA board at our school. I had no interested in it when my son started, but found I like being aware of what it going on, and having a say. I have done the year book for a couple a years, and found the very enjoying as I got to the students and staff of the school very well.

And while we still be considereing a bunch of gaggling geese, we really do alot, and you can really have your part if you want too.

Give the boys some tlc tonight, and don't sweat it, we are all moms and dads doing out best.

i have attended ONE PTA meeting since my oldest boy started school. he's now in 5th grade. i don't feel like i miss out on a single thing, as i read all the notes and am involved in every way that fits with my schedule. don't sweat it!

I am on the board of an elementary school in Mansfield. No, you will not miss out on anything EXTREMELY important. You get alot of information at these meetings and can even put in your 2 cents about something, but do not stress about missing a PTA meeting. Your mental well-being is much more important. If you feel guilty, just catch the next one. :)
Hope this helps!


I HATE going to PTA meetings....and I'm the PTA president. But seriously, is your kids aren't feeling well just stay home. Catch the next one if need be. You can always contact your PTA president and request the minutes from the meeting so that you have all the info.

Don't get me wrong, the PTA is a great organization that helps out the school tremendouly. But it's hard to want to participate in it. I wish more would at our school. It seems the past three years it's been me and one other Lady that were the ONLY ones who did anything for the kids. Last year I held THREE positions in the PTA myself because we couldn't get anyone in there....and the reason I'm President.

So I encourage you to try to be apart of PTA, or atleast go to the meetings to be informed or see if there is anything you can help out with. But missing one meeting, not going to hurt you!

Hope it all worked out!