Preschools in Marlborough/Northborough area?

I am starting to look for a nursery school/preschool for my daughter who will be 3 in the fall...any suggestions/recommendations?


We go to a Goddard School and love it and highly recommend them. I just looked and see there is one in Northborough - Its not the one we go to as we live closer to a different one but I'd definitely check them out.

I would very much recommend staying AWAY from Next Generation Children Centers (I see there is one in Marlboro) as we went to one and had so many problems, including problems with their corporate office.

Finally, check out the Dept of Early Education for Mass: You can go to that website and there is a place on it where you can search and find the names of all the preschools in your area and information about them. Before you signup for one, I suggest you call their office and ask if they've had any issues they've investigated with the one you are interested in.
Good luck!


My daugheter attend St. Bernadette's in Northborough. They have an early childhood center for PreK3-Kindergarten. She loves it there and the teachers are excellent. We've been very impressed with the curriculum.

Best of luck.

There are 2 Next Generation Centers in Marlborough. The one by the skating rink is absolutley wonderful!