Hello everyone, I am currently 18 weeks prego with my 3rd child and I was wandering if heartbeat had anything to do with boy or girl. I think with both of my boys it was around 145ish and with this one its about 155 each time. Some people think its a myth, others might believe in it and if they do what do they believe. My doctor said he believes this is a myth.Was just curious, so I thought I would ask to see your alls opinions!!~Thanks
I have a boy and girl. They both started out in the 160s and ended up in the 150s by delivery. I dont believe the heartbeat has anything to do with the sex of the baby.
It's all a myth. The idea is, that smaller creatures have faster metabolism and heartbeats; and since female fetuses are supposedly smaller on average than males, then they should supposedly have faster heartbeats. But that's a bunch of bunk. Besides, my son's heartbeat was usually in the 160s (definitely in the "girl" range, if that were accurate) when he was a fetus, but he's definitely all boy!
Oh, and the other sex predictors may likewise be inaccurate -- we did the "ring test" on him, and it predicted a girl; but the Chinese lunar calendar was right both times for me, and for a lot of the other babies I did. But... it was also wrong several times, including almost all of my Grandma's 6 children.
These things are fun to do, but the only 100% accurate way of knowing is when they're born! Although ultrasound is fairly accurate at or after 20 weeks, I've heard of them being wrong on occasion.
When I was pregnant with my girls, their heatbeats were fast. The doctor said that girls hearbeats are normally faster than boys. I hope this helps. Good luck. Jennifer A.
I have 3 girls and 2 boys, the boys heartbeats were around 140 and the girls were around 160 most of the time. Don't know how accurate that is for all, but was what mine ran.
I thought for sure my boy was going to be a girl b/c he always had a high heartbeat, but sure enough at the 20 week ultra sound there was no mistaking it was a boy. His heartbeat stayed high in the 160's which is "girl range." So I'm sure it proves true for some but not at all for me.
While there are times when any method can be correct, there is not doubt times when it can also be wrong. Even ultra sounds have been wrong a time or two (positioning of the baby and various other factors). Essentially, the only way to know for sure sure, is when the baby is born.
mine was higher with the first (160s?) and was a girl - but now it is around 150 and is a girl again - you'll know soon enough! I know it is frustrating when you are kinda hoping for a girl (or boy as was my case) and just want to know if you can start planning for pink or blue! I think there is some truth to these myths - but of course there is always that 50/50 chance it is one or the other! lol
I agree, this is a myth.
I have two boys, and I know I will be looking at everything under the sun to see if I would carry a girl next time.
But, with both my boys, their heartbeat was about the same, 166 and 160, so I go aganist the myth.
Best wish for a healthy baby who will be just what your family needs.
With my pregnancy (I had a boy). His heartbeat had to do with his activity level just like all humans. On my first ultrasound he was sleeping and not moving and the heartbeat was very low. The second time he was flipping and going crazy and his heartbeat was high. I think it has more to do with how much they are moving versus gender.
The doctor I had with my first child swore by the heart beat theory, the doctor I had with my second said it was a myth. Both times the heartbeat was pretty high - 170 - 180, which was supposed to indicate a girl. Guess what? I have two boys!!! So no, I don't think the heartbeat theory is reliable!!!
I had three boys and the heartbeats were all different, the ultrasound also said one was a girl, NOT! LOL, Of course this was between 16-23 years ago but I still never believe it until I see.
Hi Ginny,
I had two completely different pregnancies. Every. Single. Thing about them was different...except that they were both boys. The only way to know for sure is genetic testing....everything else is just a guess. My sister's doctor told her that he was sure she was having a big, strong, healthy boy all the way until the 2nd 1/2 of her daughter was born.
Good luck and congratulations!!
I dont know about the heart beat, but one "wives tale" I have found to be pretty darned accurate is the one about how you carry the baby.
Boys tend to be all up front. Like if someone looked at you from behind & you were 8 months pregnant, they would not be able to tell.
With girls, you get thicker in the waist and your ass gets pregnant too. I was shocked & horrified at the size of my butt with my girl! ha ha ha!
Also, I had no nausea with the boy & a lot with the girl, Some people are opposite. So if you were with one sex you might not be with the other.
Let us know if any of these prove true!
Have a great pregnancy & happy, healthy delivery!
Portia : )
My last child is 18 months old and I remember wondering if it was a boy or girl. I had been taught that girls have higher heart rates than boys so when I went in for my 12 week ultrasound and found out the heart rate was 180's I was eccstatic because that indicated a girl and I already had a boy. I was very disappointed to find out at my 20 week US that I was having another boy. There was no mistaking it, I was having a boy. His heart rate was still in the 180's at 20 weeks so I think this is purely a myth. My sister has 3 boys - all of their heart rates were above 150's so it was inaccurate for her too. I know you are eager to have that little girl and maybe this one is it. Good luck and hope you have a happy, healthy baby.
I think it's a myth. I just had my third child (a girl after 2 boys) and in the beginning I could have sworn it was another boy. I found the journal I had kept with my first son and everything was the same with those 2 pregnancies...the heart rate and all other little issues I had going on. I was completely shocked when I found out it was a girl, but then not long after, I started carrying her completely different. Both of my boys were very high...up in my lungs so it was difficult to breathe especially at the end. My daughter sat much lower and I gained a ton more weight with her. I was incredibly swollen with her too, but I didn't have any of the back pain I had with the boys. So anyway, I do think there are differences for some women when carrying opposite sexes, but it all depends on the individual. The only thing I heard from my doctor was that it is more common in women that already have 2 babies the same sex for their third to be the same.