Potty Traning

Our 19 month old did GREAT potty training this weekend... she was showing lots of signs, so we thought, why not. We had a few accidents on Sat and none on Sunday. I know we have long road head of us, but so far the pee pee training is going well. She is having fun and is the one who keeps running to go to the potty and dance with joy when she fills up the bowl.
My question is when & how do you start poo poo training and when do you start night time training?? I realize this might be months and months away, but I just have no clue how this all works. I assume night time will be the very last to attempt. She isn't even in a big girl bed yet.... so I guess I am more interested in poo poo training.
What did you gals do? How long did it take? What can I expect??