my son is 3 three years old he hasn't peed the bed for at least a year. for the past two weeks he has all but one night. he doesn't get anything to drink one hour before bedtime and he goes to the potty before going to bed. the only thing that has changed is he actually goes to sleep when i put him to bed before he would lay there or play in the dark upto all hours of the night. has anyone had anything similar to this happen and how do i stop it? thanks in advance
my G-daughters pediatrican told us "do not take the water away at night." It actually helps the kidneys to function right. There might be another problem. He could have a slight bladder infection.
My 3 year old son has done the same thing...even with no water in the evening. However, we had been moving around a lot while we waited to buy a foreclosure. I'm certain it is just the stress/dealing with the change. As we have gotten settled in the house, it has become infrequent. Think about things that may have changed that may not be quite so dramatic. One thing I realized with him was that he wasn't peeing until morning but he didn't get up and go to the bathroom soon enough. Have you tried to reintroduce some type of reward or incentive for being dry in the morning? We did this with a mini m&m and he almost immediately went back to dry most nights. In terms of infection, is he going more in the day than normal or avoiding because it hurts? Does his urine smell (although it doesn't always with infection)? I hope this is just something that will quickly pass for him...I know it is frustrating and baffling sometimes:)
Hi Christina,it could be that your son is seeing your 1 yr. old being diapered, and he could be alittle jealous, I know that it sounds kind of silly, but it does happen. There's really nothing you can do about it, he'll grow out of it. It happened to my daughter and her son, she started putting pull ups on him for a couple of months, and he finally stopped, now he just wears his regular underwear to bed, with out accidents. Hope this might work for you. Good Luck.
Hi Christina, I knw another lady that had the same problem with her 16 year old daughter. When she took her to the first doctor he told her that it is pure laziness and gave the daughter pills to wake her in the night, mother was furious when the daughter woke and felt like bugs crawling all over her. The second doctor told her to make the daughter wash out her sheet and to hang it out side so everyone could see it. A friend told them she looked it up on the computer and it said that everyones bodies do NOT mature at the same time and finally on Christmas Eve when the daughter had turned 18 the summer earlier was the last time she had wet the bed. Mother said she prayed that someday this would happened and it did so you can see even tho your son quit for a year there still may be something that hasn't caught on yet. Good Luck ka thy P
Looks like you're doing everything right.. It takes some a bit longer than others to have their bladder develop fully.. It'll pass,, don't worry. You're doing fine. I used to get the shower curtains from the dollar tree and put that on the mattress, then a draw sheet, then their regular sheet. A draw sheet is just a sheet folded into thirds, laying across the " wet zone" , tucked into the mattress. Worked like a charm and the mattresses stayed nice and clean through all bed wetting stages of all 4 kids.
Good luck,
Has he been stressed about anything? My son never wet the bed until he was 5. He was in kindergarten and got stressed over having to complete so many papers. I took him to the doctor and he said emotional stress can cause this to start.
There was nothing I could do to get him to stop wetting the bed. I know this is not very encouraging. I hope and pray your son will stop soon, but my son didn't until he was 9. We tried everything, medicines, alarm clock, etc.
Best thing to do is don't make a big deal, put plenty of absorbant protection down or a diaper or pullup on him. Believe me it is not something he wants to do. Also, have him checked out by a doctor to make sure nothing is wrong.
Our son did the same exact thing! We went ahead and put him back in diapers at night for a few months (pull-ups break out his little bottom). He is back to staying dry at night again. It seems like it was just a growth spurt and his bladder couldn't keep up with the change. Stay'll get better soon.
Hi Christina!
I haven't had a similar situation with my son, who still soaks his diaper at night, but I have been reading about the situation recently. I thought it may be helpful for you to know, that according to Your Child's Health, this is a very common issue, occurring in 60% of 3 year olds! The most interesting advice I found was to encourage your son to drink more during the day, making him produce more urine, and therefore a larger bladder.
Also, maybe a sticker chart for dry nights would be a good idea?
I myself used to be a bed-wetter, because I would sleep so deeply and dream that I would literally walk into the bathroom and feel like I was sitting on the toilet. Maybe he is experiencing something related, as his sleep schedule has changed, and is now sleeping more deeply?
My son just turned three and he will lay in bed for quite awhile, too. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get him to actually go to sleep when you put him to bed?
I would take him to the doctor and be sure that he does not have a UTI first. I have always heard that you should check out any sudden change medically, especially when they loose a skill (or funciton) that they really seem to have mastered.
Mine all had this issue, and Goodnights were our answer. Once they matured, they got it. We are lucky to have products to keep this from being such a mess, my mother wet the bed until she was 12, and still has hang ups about how uncomfortable it was.
I hope you find your answer soon, but don't stress, he will be fine one way or the other.
Has he had a fever at all in the past month?? I am thinking kidney infection or anything similar. I had similar problem. My doctor and my parents came to the same conclusion...I was a really heavy sleeper. Solution was to wake me up and take me to the bathroom at a consistent time every night, ie midnight. It helped to get my unconscious mind in a routine as well as my body. It takes a while sometimes and we had to do this same thing with our oldest. Sometimes bladders are undergrown and need some time to catch up.
Hope this helps!
:-) Kara
i read all the responses and most of the content is just that content!!! words words now listen slowing your roll all of you and listen, every child in these writings during the time of two hours ( most all children ) before the child went to bed and the next six hours, for the 10 years, a lot of hours that child had to listen to your world Damn you, slow your roll whole brain function (365 days times 8 hour a day, lives sleeps in your house in the room you gave them, (hey parents, L Hay states fear is the reason, i call out to all who read and dare share, what % do you think was whole brain information, open creative humanitarian future thriving, views of yesterday and today amazing as tomorrow information that went into your head, the 8 hour period at home even after sleep! fear is for most undeveloped dry beders) sleepers, 8 years😊 a window of your life, a print! every sound every bit of information that they, your child processed form you, what kind of information did they experience while in the other room, from you, what information did, that child have to hear listen to feel see from you from tv while they were dreaming, did you ever argue at night or anytime, crazy shows things fear of punishment, and when they are asleep the brain is on down load deep brain waves making them have super hearing, living with you and your other people you live with, to the roof of your mouth