My son is 13 months old and I was wondering about Parents as Teachers. Does anyone have any info about it? How does it work and what all does in involve?
I do it just once a year, and that is to evaluate the child. They do things depending on age, and seeing where they are. If they notice and delays you can take that to your ped. and you can start getting services started for your child. Like fine moter skills and such that the child might be behind on. Usually its a significant delay. For my 3 year old they do colors,hearing,eye sight,body parts and a few other things. I cant remember. For my 5 year old they do the same and cutting,pattern,ryming,etc. You can start as younge as 6 months and they will see if they turn to you when you call the child and other age appropriate things. You can do home visits, once a month (I never did) or just do the once a year. With the once a year they see where your child lines up (I think they do this with the once a month session also). Like my 5 year old scored closer to a 6 year old, and my 3 (2 at the time) year old closer to a 3/4 year old. Its nice to see what they need improvement on. If you need more info. I'm sure your child's ped. will give you some insight.