
Has any one had any success with the the ovulite. I got one and just started using it. I have limited amout of time to get pregnant before my husband is depolyed over seas (May). My cycle is crazy so I never know when I am ovulating.

wow, that system looks really complicated. We used the ClearBlue Fertility monitor and got pregnant the first month we used it after trying for a year. It's expensive but worth it! I ordered mine on Amazon but I've seen it at Walgreens also. Good luck!


Hi Monique!
First of all, I want to thank you and your husband for the sacrafices you're making to serve our country! Secondly, I've never used Ovulite, but I, like you, have very crazy cycles which makes getting pregnant difficult. What I did begin doing after the birth of our first child is cervical mucous observation. I've gotten pregnant twice (one miscarriage and a now 2-month old son) since beginning that. Both instances, it only took about 2-3 months to become pregnant. One site I've found helpful is:

Also, feel free to send me a message with any questions... I'd be glad to pass on more info. if you need it! Like I said, this method has worked great for me (I even use it when I'm not trying to get pregnant because it helps me to know when to expect my next period), and it's free!! Good luck! :-)

Nope, I haven't tried it. but since you are on a time crunch, have you seen your dr. to find out if you indeed are ovulating? I always had irregular periods, but still figured out the average day for when I would ovulate. went to the doc after trying for a year and took a projesterone test and found I'm on not ovulating (but still get my periods). She gave me some medicine and after month 2 of taking it i'm 6 weeks preggo. Good luck to you. I know I didn't answer your question but I know how it feels to want to get preggo but then have a hard time b/c you can't figure out the big O date. Good luck to you all!

My cycle was always crazy and I also didn't know if I was ovulating. When I was trying two years ago I came across an article in like a Time magazine or something like that about a "fertility diet" reporting on a new study that found that women who ate certain foods (or avoided certain foods) were more likely to ovulate and get pregnant. One of the big things was to drink whole milk - they said it went against everything we thought we knew, but skim milk and 2% have ingredients added to make them seem creamer and it seemed to perhaps not be as good for your cycle as just drinking the whole milk. Another big one was to limit fats from animal eats - eat veggies instead. Try googling the study... it was really interesting and after starting it I got pregnant within a month or two.

Good luck!
Jasmine Sassack
Founder and Contributor

I agree with the poster that said to use the clearblue easy monitor. I used it both times I got pregnant (I have a 5.5 year old and am 29 weeks pregnant) within 5 months each time. It leaves no room for guessing and is very effective. Also, I would track alongside with www.fertilityfriend.com.

Good luck!

You can ask you doctor for pills to keep your period regular. If you want to know when you are ovulating, my advise would be to start taking temperature (rectal) every morning BEFORE you get up. Start keeping graphs, this way you will know when you are ovulating. It does take time, but I got pregnant like it. I've started keeping graphs in March, and on June 9th, 2008 I got pregnant. Just don't stress out, relax, and do not pressure your husband and yourself. Good luck to you :-)

Go to the library or bookstore and pick up a copy of Taking Charge of your Fertility and start tracking those cycles. It will be informative and empowering to you to know what is going on with your body. And I have never heard of taking your temp rectally. I have only ever done it orally and it works fine.