Alright ladies, I need your wisdom and insight. I recently found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago. I went in for an ultrasound because I had some spotting a slight cramping. The ultrasound showed that everything was normal, we even saw the heartbeat:) I went in for a follow up ultrasound last week and follow up blood work. The ultrasound showed the heart rate being at 92 and I was 6 weeks 5 days at the time. My progesterone was a little low, so I've been taking supplements for the past two weeks. I called yesterday to get the results of my most recent blood work and the nurse told me everything looked good, my "quants" were good, progesterone was good, everything was good. I was at the grocery store last night and got a phone call from the nurse practioner I saw last week stating that she had some concerns that my "quants" weren't where they should be. She mentioned that she knew I had called and talked with the nurse earlier in the day. Maybe I'm just venting here, but I was so angry when the nurse practioner called. I had been having a great day and then she called and ruined it. She said she wanted to know how I was feeling and was I spotting or cramping. I felt like she was saying, "well you should be having a miscarriage right about now so I was just checking".
Has anyone else had the low heart rate early on and everything turned out ok or "quants" (hcg) that weren't where they should be and then everything turned out ok?
I'm just looking for some encouragement, thanks everyone.
you wouldnt be the first person upset by a nurse practitioner. My friend had her 20 week ultrasound and the NP gave sent her in hysterics when she told her there were cysts on her brain and she may be looking at a child with severe disabilities (but failed to mention they go away in 90% of the case in a few weeks and are usually nothing!) my friend was in hysterics for 2 days before the regular doc came back and told her this. The baby is fine now. Please stay calm as that is the most important thing for both you and the baby and anything that happens is beyond your control! best of luck and call the main doc tomorrow
Being pregnant is one of the most nerve racking things you will ever do. (that is until you become a mother) You worry about everything. Am I getting enough exercise? Am I exercising too much? Should I eat seafood? Should I not eat seafood? Am I getting enough sleep? Why do I have to pee every time I stand up? The list goes on. And it doesn't make it any easier when someone in the medical profession acts calously. I'm sorry it was worrysome. You have to take it with a grain of salt. If there is something really wrong, you can't do anything about it anyway. The best you can do is act like everything is fine until it isn't. Blow it off and calm down. I'm so sorry it stressed you, but that doesn't do anything to help you or the baby. In fact, stress can't be good for either of you. Take a deep breath and good luck.
when i got preg with my daughter my hcg levels were very low, and the midwife who did the ultrasound waid "there is nothing in there that looks like a good pregnancy" - her words.
i bled for 14 weeks, had a horrible pregnancy all the way through, passed several huge clots, my hcg rose very slowly,apparently should have been doubling, but barely rose some weeks.
my daughter was born full term, 7 lbs 10 oz, just goes to show, midwives dont always know what they are talking about, blood tests can fool you,and miracles happengood luck
1st of all CONGRATS to you!!! Second of all they are working for you and when they are not doing their jobs correctly go right ahead and let them and the doctor know!!! Im so sorry she was rude and out of control next time tell her you need to speak to someone eles!! You are doing awesome keep it up!!! xoxoxo
I guess I am in the minority here. After having 2 miscarriages before I had my first son, if it was me I would want to know if something wasn't "normal" just to brace myself incase worse case scenario occured again.
I think my anger would have been with the nurse who told me everything looked "fine" and not the nurse practitioner who called to say the levels were not where they would typically like to see them and to check on how I was feeling. Who knows for sure which one was correct, the nurse or the nurse practitioner but I would be appreciative of the follow through. I pray that everything is normal for you but what if things were wrong and the nurse practitioner hadn't called after thinking they were low? I would think you would be more upset for her not letting you know and be wrong (crosses fingers for you) then NOT let you know and be correct and there be a problem.
yes blood work can be interpreted different ways by different people, however with something as important as the health of my baby I'd rather know and end up having the information be incorrect then be told everything was fine and have it end up not being correct.
Not knowing how the entire conversation played out, if the nurse practitioner was in any way rude or callous I say you have every right to be upset at how the conversation went but to be upset at a follow up because of a difference in the results? I wouldn't be upset about that. I think it shows that they care at least. Tact may be a differnt thing but the follow up and follow through should be appreciated in my opinion.
I am a midwife and I have seen this happen before. This is a study on low heart rate in a 6 week pregnancy:
As far as hcg goes, there is a very wide range of normal. What the amounts actually are would make a difference in whether or not I would be clinically concerned.
With my son, his heartbeat was "low" at 7 weeks, so they did have us come back in a week later and put me on progesterone pills. Within a week his heartbeat was at a normal rate and I didn't have to take the pills anymore. They never told me what my hcg rates were at the time, but I know that it's not so much the number you should concern yourself with but the fact that the number is steadily increasing. It's supposed to double every 48 hours. Still from what I've read, the levels can vary between individuals. Hang in there, I know what a scary time it is. Try not to let the nurse practitioner freak you out too much, sometimes they are just way overly cautious. Keep a positive attitude and just imagine that little baby growing strong in your belly :) Good luck!
I had trouble carrying babies. Cut way back on anything that stresses you- rest. Peace, calm are the best things for your baby. Think very very positive. Change Drs. Susan
I’m going to the doctor for a follow up ultrasound Friday. So I’ll update you then to let you know how it goes. I did want to let you know that the nurse practitioner was not mean when she called. I was just frustrated that I was getting mixed messages from people in the same office looking at the same information. I, personally would rather not know if something was wrong. I’m placing my trust in God because ultimately it’s all in His hands. If something bad is going to happen, it’s going to happen and there’s nothing I can do to “fix” it. I’m done worrying about it. I just want to be excited for my soon to be baby and enjoy this time with my family and friends:) Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I so appreciate it.