New to Issaquah area and looking for Lutheran church

We are farely new to the area and looking for a Lutheran church to attend. We have been putting off joining a church because we have a 23 month old toddler and was hard to take to church but now we really need to find one as we have a little girl and need to get her baptised!!! Would love any advice in finding a kid friendly place. Thanks!

Hey Laura, we've recently started going to Aldersgate United Methodist near Factoria. It's not Lutheran (obviously), but they are very similar. But there's grape juice instad of wine. :)

We really love the pastor and he is FANTASTIC! with the little kids. L usually does well in church, but even when she doesn't, we don't get dirty looks like we did at our last church. We go to the 9:02 service normally which is also called the "blue jean" service. There is a baby room and the nusery is close by if you want to have your son there. We keep both kids with us.

Hi Laura,

We live in Issaquah as well and attend St. Andrews Lutheran Church in Bellevue, it's just off 148th Ave. Ne in Eastgate. I grew up Catholic and let's say...not a big fan. My husband (who also teaches sunday school) introduced me to it when we met and I was immediately drawn to a wonderful community of people and a pastor who is second to none! We just had our daughter baptized in Feb. If you are interested in going to a service let me know and we would be happy to meet you there!